The following information has been provided in order to prepare you to meet OneWorld Community Health Centers expectations regarding Confidentiality.

OneWorld Community Health Centers policy regarding confidentiality states:

“All information regarding clients, their families, and center business, is confidential and is handled in a manner which maintains that confidentiality. Confidential information will be provided only to authorized individuals and/or agencies.”

Confidential information includes but is not limited to:

Information learned about a client or client’s family

Information learned about the center operations

Information learned about co-workers

Information learned about other health care workers not employed at the center


Information gathered and recorded about a client and his/her family is limited to the data needed to provide the health care needed.

Information is not shared with co-workers unless that information is needed by that worker to provide further service.

Information is not shared with friends/family of client unless proper release forms have been signed and/or directed by supervisory staff. Clinical staff is responsible for obtaining necessary signatures on release forms.

Information about a client is not shared with other clients.

Information about clients is not shared with an employee’s family or friends.

Information shared in the center is done in such a manner that inappropriate disclosure of information about the client being served or another client is avoided. Extreme care must be exercised in common office areas and hallways.

All staff collecting, handling, and disseminating information about clients served by the agency will be aware of their responsibilities and liabilities relating to confidentiality of information.

All information discussed in client care conferences is confidential.

All activities relating to client information, such as documentation, record review, and clinical encounters are done in a manner, which ensures privacy and protection of information.

If the client or family wishes to correct data entered in the clinical record, the corrected data is entered as an addendum. It must be noted in the record that information was added at the request of the client/family.

Employees do not share personal problems, religious or political matters with clients or client's family.

Employees do not make loans to, or accept loans from, clients.

Employees do not sell items to clients.


All information about center operations including finance, operations, employee disciplinary actions, and clinical/administrative forms, policies and procedures is considered confidential material.

Employees do not discuss center operational information with clients, public, news media or their own families and friend/s, unless authorized by the center director.

Information about co-workers is not shared with clients, public, news media, or worker’s own families or friends.


A breach of confidentiality is considered to have occurred any time information about the client, the agency or another co-worker is inappropriately disclosed.

Failure to follow proper standards for confidentiality and client rights will result in disciplinary action, including immediate termination.

Because State/Federal laws mandate protection of client information and center policy clearly outlines confidentiality of client, center, and employee information, a breach of confidentiality may also be subject to legal action against the employee(s) involved if libelous or slanderous activities occur.

4920 S. 30th St.

Omaha, NE68107

(402) 734-4110


I, ______understand that any OneWorld Community Health Centers information provided to me, either directly or indirectly, during my employment with the center is confidential information and remains so after I leave the employ of the agency. I understand that I may not directly or indirectly disclose any confidential information to anyone not employed with the OneWorld Community Health Centers or to any individual asking specific questions regarding confidential client and/or company information. This confidential information includes, but is not limited to, the identity of any OneWorld Community Health Centers patient, OneWorld Community Health Centers business and/or personnel information, except that information which is already known to the general public. I agree that such access is privileged and will be held in strict confidence.

I understand that I am responsible for reading and understanding the policy on confidentiality attached to this acknowledgment. I understand that divulging any confidential information is cause for immediate termination.

Please review this information carefully. You will be expected to follow the OneWorld Community Health Centers policy regarding confidentiality. These guidelines outline the behavior expected of all employees.

My signature indicates I have read and understand the above guideline information.

______Employee’s Signature


September 7, 2005

Y:\Human Resources\1-New Hire Packet\New Hire-Forms\Confidentiality Guidelines.doc