Key Dates for Term 3

3 / Term 2 ends


/ Term 3 begins


/ Y7/8 Hockey Day


/ Hearing & Vision Testing


/ Hearing & Vision Testing


/ Y7/8 Netball


/ Class, Individual & Netball Photos

From the Principal’s Desk

I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday.

School closes tomorrow at 3.00 p.m. and reopens Monday 20th July.

We would ask that if you are travelling overseas please monitor your family’s health on returning, and if there are even the slightest flu symptoms, do not send your children to school until checked by a doctor or alternatively check through the MOH Healthline 0800611116

Kia kaha,

Bruce McLachlan

Citizenship Awards

Week 9






1 / Jason / Being a creative thinker
2 / Fleur / Excellence
3 / Morgan / Respect and consideration for others
4 / Nicole / Effort
5 / Chantelle / Speaking pleasantly
6 / Emma / Working independently
7 / Sarah / Working independently
8 / Mikayla / Working independently
9 / Devesh / Working independently
10 / Leegan / Doing your best
11 / Leeanne / Working independently
12 / Caitlin / Respect
13 / Saige / Following class rules
14 / Jevan / Accepting consequences
15 / Annie / Accepting consequences for misbehaviour
16 / Olivia / Taking turns and sharing
17 / Zane / Accepting consequences

Week 10






1 / Amelia / Being a creative thinker
2 / Emma / Perseverance
3 / Joshua / Independent worker
4 / Croydon / Effort
5 / Aaminah / Working independently
6 / Lydia / Speaking pleasantly
7 / Blake / Speaking pleasantly
8 / Owen / Speaking pleasantly
9 / Hanvit / Speaking pleasantly
10 / Amberlee / Doing your best
11 / Symone / Putting effort into work
12 / Lacey / Respect
13 / Kiana / Following class rules
14 / Grace / Following class rules
15 / Angus / Following class rules
16 / Connor / Following class rules
17 / Hannah / Following class rules

Chocolate Fundraiser

Thank you to everyone who supported our chocolate fundraiser. Prizes were given out last Friday at assembly to the top sellers. Here are the names of the children who won prizes: Mesha a Sony Playstation, Kaia a Playstation Portable, Nathaniel a bike, Sylvia and Memphis an Ipod each and Chloe a mobile phone. Congratulations on all your hard work.

School Uniforms

As from 2nd June all uniforms will need to be ordered directly from the manufacturers. For more information please contact the school office.

Culottes can be returned if they have faded.

All Caps are being recalled by the manufacturer due to fading. Please return the school caps as soon as possible.

Fleece Jacketshave also all been recalled. Zips will be replaced during the holidays. Please ensure they are returned to the school office tomorrow if you have not already done so.


Just a few wee things:-

  • Please keep an eye on the Tuckshop window for current prices/menus and specials. (Note many are counter only specials). New up to date menus are given to the office at the beginning of each term. Please ask at the office for a copy.
  • All cheques to be made out to “Generation Foods Ltd” with your phone number on the back please.
  • All money is to be in NZ currency. We cannot accept other currencies or play money.
  • Please ensure names and room numbers are clearly marked on your child’s order.

Thanks and enjoy the holidays - Michelle

Congratulations to Richard Wilcox, one of our ex-pupils who was recently Player of the Day for his Waitakere College school Soccer team.

Administration of Medicine

If your child needs to take medicine (including inhalers) during the school day we must have a signed Administration of Medication form completed by a parent. All medicine, including inhalers are to be sent to, and kept in the school office. Children should not have medicine in their school bags and they should not be giving themselves any medicine.

Hearing and Vision Testing

We will be having the Hearing and Vision technicians in the school on 23rd, 24th and 27th July. All New Entrants who have signed consent and have not been tested previously will be tested.

Auckland Dental Service

If you need dental care for your children during the holidays the following dental clinics will be open for treatment:


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For a full list of clinics open see the notice on the school office window.

Tomorrow, Friday 3rd July we will be having a Mufti Day – Gold Coin Donation

The school office will be open Monday 6th July, Wednesday 8th July and Thursday 16th July and Friday 17th July during normal school hours.

Individual and Classroom Photos

On Monday 3rd August we will be having individual, classroom and netball photographs taken. All photographs must be prepaid. Envelopes will come home the first day back of Term 3 for individual and class photos. If you would like photos taken with siblings from outside our school or siblings within the school you will need to pick up a special family envelope from the office.

ITM Building Centre - Swanson

Sign up for a PINEPAC Swanson loyalty card.

Every time you use your card at PINEPAC, Swanson a percentage of the sale will be given to our school.

You can also receive great in-store product discounts, exclusive priority care competitions, exclusive priority card pricing and promotional updates from your local store via email.

Apply online at Make sure you select PINEPAC, Swanson or fill out an application form in-store or an application form from Swanson Primary School office.

Catch a Reading Bug at your library these holidays

Wriggle into your local library to enjoy a creepy crawly Storytime these school holidays. Spiders and dragonflies, butterflies and ladybirds will come alive in our interactive stories and games. So come join us ...... and if you like, come dressed as your favourite mini beast. When: 10.30 a.m. Tuesday 7th and 14th July at the Ranui Library

Waitakere College

You are invited to an Open Evening, for all Year 9 enrolments for 2010, on Thursday 23rd July at 7.00 p.m. For further information please phone the school office (09) 8367890.

Henderson High School

Henderson High School is having an Open Evening Wednesday 29th July between 5.00 – 8.00 p.m. For further information please contact the school office

(09) 8389085.