Application for Graduate Study in Ministry Scholarship

Granted by Presbyterian Women of

First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor, Michigan

This scholarship has a rich history as it honors dedicated women and men who were/are active members of First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor, vital participants in the work of PW, and have given financial gifts to support this scholarship for students studying for the ministry.

The original scholarship endowment was established in 1984 in honor of Doris S. Barnett. In 1990, the Kooyers family added memorial monies to this endowment to honor Joanne Kooyers, and designated those funds to aid women scholars. One more outstanding contributor to the ministry of our church and PW, Mable Rugen, was honored in 1999 when additional funds were added in her name.

PW continues to place a great deal of importance on scholarships and has been selling scholarship “shares” at church mission bazaars to maintain the ability to award scholarships.

Scholarship information should be publicized February – April with selection and announcement of the scholarship recipient(s) by no later than the May Presbyterian Women’s meeting.

Due to this outstanding heritage of honor and generosity, PW Scholarship Committee is pleased to offer this Presbyterian Women’s Scholarship to friends and members of First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor.

Application for Graduate Study in Ministry Scholarship

Granted by Presbyterian Women of

First Presbyterian Church, Ann Arbor, Michigan


Home Address:Telephone:


First Presbyterian Church

Are you a member of First Presbyterian Church, Ann Arbor?

Describe the association have you had with First Presbyterian Church?

Undergraduate Studies

What college(s) have you attended?

What was your major course of study?

Describe the campus activities you engaged in that influenced your desire for further study in ministry?

What positions have you held or what type of work have you completed in your years as an undergraduate?


Have you been accepted bya seminary?

Name and address of seminary:

What is your intended course of study next year?

Summer Work

Will you be working this summer? If so, what will your position consist of?

Societies and Honorary

List your membership in honorary, academic, and professional societies.


What other scholarships/fellowships have you received?


Please attach an essay of not more than 500 words describing your ministerial goals and ambitions after seminary.

Application Deadline:

May 1

Please return completed application to:

Presbyterian Women

First Presbyterian Church

1432 Washtenaw Avenue

Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104