General guidance

This form is set out in two sections. Section 1 is to be completed by you, the applicant and section 2 is completed by your headteacher (referee).

Please note that there is a 300 word limit for each answer.

Once you have completed section 1, the form should be emailed to your headteacher to complete the reference section and submit on your behalf.

Headteacher reference

The application must be endorsed by the headteacher before it is submitted.

The reference must support your eligibility and commitment to the programme and application for ‘next level’ promotion.

Once your headteacher has completed the reference section, he or she must return the whole document to;

Samantha Maher

Launde Primary School

New Street




Section 1

Application form(to be completed by the applicant)

Applicant details

First name
Teacher reference number
School URN
School phase

Oadby Learning Partnership will use this information to contact you.

Do you currently hold a leadership position? / Yes / No
If yes, how long have you been in leadership for?
What position in leadership do you aspire to?

Eligibility criteria confirmation

Do you wish to apply for a leadership post at the end of this academic year? / Yes / No
Do you wish to apply for a leadership post at the end of the next academic year?
This programme is funded by the National College of Teaching and Learning (NCTL) to increase the representation of women and those of a black or minority ethnic background (BME) within leadership roles.
You do not have to give a ‘yes’ answer to the following questions to be accepted onto the programme, but if you don’t you will not be eligible to the NCTL funding.
Are you a female? / Yes / No
Are you of a black or minority ethnic background? / Yes / No
If yes, please specific your ethnicity.

Question 1

What is it that motivates you in wanting to be a leader in education? (Word limit: 300 words)

Question 2

Please provide an example of a time when you demonstrated leadership skills. What was successful? What would you do differently if you has to do it again? (Word limit: 300 words)

Question 3

Places on this programme are limited. What makes you the ideal candidate for this training? (Word limit: 300 words)

Additional information

Please provide any other information in support of your application. (Word limit: 300 words)

Additional requirements

If you are successful, you will be invited to a face-to-face interview by Oadby Learning Partnership. If you have any special requirements we should be aware of, please state these below.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this application form.

Section 2

Reference (to be completed by the head teacher referee)

School name
Email address
How long have you known the applicant?

Head teacher details

To be eligible for the Future Leaders programme, applicants must be a teacher or leader;

  • who aspires to take ‘next level’ promotion in the next academic year

Please confirm that the applicant meets the eligibility criteria.

Please provide a statement in support of the applicant in the box below.

In your statement please consider;

  • The applicants leadership skills/experience
  • The applicants commitment/readiness to apply for a ‘next level’ promotion

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form.

Please return this form to:

Samantha Maher

Deadline for application 6th November 2015

In accordance with the Data Protection Act, the applicant you are providing a reference for has the right to view the reference, should he or she ask to do so. Please do not include any information that you would not be happy to discuss with the applicant as part of a professional conversation.

If you have any queries regarding this application, please contact Samantha Maher 0116 271 2261.