Key /Community Lifestyles
SVQ2 Social Services and Healthcare @ SCQF Level 6Common Knowledge
Candidate Evidence Log
CK September
2017 Version
This Evidence Log has been designed to help you develop and evidence knowledge that you apply in your day to day work.
In the majority of SVQ2 Social Services and Healthcare Units there are some common knowledge points, these are called CommonKnowledge and this Evidence Log will help you to record knowledge and link it to your work practice to evidence some of these Common Knowledge Points.
As well as completing this Evidence Log, as part of your SVQ2 you will write about your work practice in what are called Reflective Accounts. Your Assessor will also observe you carrying out support with service users and these are called Direct Observations. Reflective Accounts and Direct Observations will be planned with your Assessor beforehand. It’s important that what you do and what you know are linked up so you should incorporate knowledge in your Reflective Accounts wherever possible. Completing this Evidence Log will also help you to do that.
You should complete this Evidence Log as you progress through your SVQ2 answering each knowledge point as and when it is appropriate to do so in relation to the work practice you are writing about.
The Evidence Log is divided into 8 Sections that relate directly to Common Knowledge in your SVQ2 Qualification ~
Within these Sections you will be asked to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of Legislation, KEY / Community Lifestyles Policies and Procedures and how what you know relates to your work practice.
Take your time and make sure that your answers are as detailed as possible to ensure that you evidence each knowledge point fully.
You should make use of additional reading and research to help you explain things clearly in the answers you provide.
This Evidence Log will help you produce Common Knowledge evidence in a couple of different ways ~
Questions ~ please answer these questions as fully as you can, you can make knowledge claims in the column provided down the right hand side of the page. Make your claim next to part of answer you think best meets evidence requirements.
An Evidence Box ~
Evidence NumberRA1
In various sections you will be asked to link your knowledge to accounts of your practice in your Portfolio, your Assessor may also be able to link some of your knowledge to Observations of your Practice they have carried out.
You should write number of evidence in box provided (See example above). Please remember to fully detail any references you make in your Reflective Accounts i.e. ~
Legislation ~ Requires Title, Date and a quote from actual Legislation that relates to work practice you are writing about.
Policy and Procedure ~ Requires Policy Name and Number and a quote from Policy that relates to work practice you are writing about.
Codes of Practice / National Care Standards ~ Requires number followed by Code / Care Standard.
It’s also important not to over-evidence references to above, if you follow the requirements of this Log it should help you.
When using Evidence Boxes in this Log it’s important that you make your knowledge claim for this in the evidence you have identified, RA1 in above example. Make claim in knowledge column next to paragraph where you think you have met evidence.
Extended Evidence Box ~
In The Health and Safety Section you will be asked to reference some additional pieces of Health and Safety Legislation, in the box provided you should write a brief description of Legislation including Title / Date, and then in Portfolio Evidence write Title, Date and a quote from actual Legislation that relates to work practice you are writing about.
What do you understand by the following terms ~
Human Rights Act 1998
What do you think is the main purpose of this piece of Legislation?
Please link one article from Human Rights Act 1998 to a piece of your work practice in your Portfolio.
Evidence NumberEquality Act 2010
In terms of people’s rights, why is this piece of Legislation important?
What are the protected characteristics in this Act?
Please link an example of your work practice from your Portfolio to this Legislation.
Evidence NumberPolicies and Procedures
Looking at KEY Community Supports / Community Lifestyles Values and Principles, give 2 examples of the rights of people we support.
What does KEY Community Supports / Community Lifestyles Policies say in terms of your role in dealing with Discrimination?
Looking at KEY Community Supports / Community Lifestyles Complaints Policy, what does it say about your role in supporting people to make a complaint about the service they receive?
Active Participation is defined in each SVQ2 Unit as “a way of working with Individuals as active partners in their own care or support rather than passive recipients. Active participation recognises each Individual’s right to participate in the activities and relationships of everyday life as independently as possible”
Please relate an example of how you have demonstrated this to each of the Units you are undertaking in your SVQ2. Do this by linking these to a piece of your work practice in your Portfolio.
Unit / Evidence Number21
What are the main aims of The Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001?
What 2 Bodies were established from this Act and how do they relate to your work role?
Please relate an example of either a Code of Practice or National Care Standard to each of the Units you are undertaking in your SVQ2. Do this by linking them topieces of your work practice in your Portfolio. Please only use an individual Code or Care Standard once in this exercise and ensure you use at least 2 Codes / Care Standards.
Unit / Code of Practice / National Care Standard21
Person Centred Working
What do you understand by the term person centred working and how do you incorporate this in your support role?
What factors may affect the health, wellbeing and development of Individuals you support?
How do these factors affect their day to day lives?
Looking at Erik Erikson’s model of Human Development, how many stages does he identify?
Please relate this model to an Individual you support, it may be useful to think about a particular stage and think about how the Individual is now in relation to resolved / unresolved issues.
Thinking about how you communicate with the people you support
What are the main ways people communicate?
What barriers can get in the way of good communication?
It may be useful to think about environmental (noise), physical (hearing problems) or emotional (anxiety) factors
How can you overcome or minimise these barriers?
Why it is important to reflect on how you do your work?
Please link an example from your Portfolio about how you have used reflection to improve the way you work.
Evidence NumberWhat do KEY Community Supports / Community Lifestyle Policies say about your rights in relation to your Training and Development?
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
As the basis of UK Health and Safety Legislation, this Act sets out a number of responsibilities for Employers, Managers and Employees.
Please give an example of a responsibility that KEY Community Supports / Community Lifestyles have under this Legislation
Now thinking about your own role please link an example of your work practice from your Portfolio that highlights your responsibility as an employee under this Legislation.
Evidence NumberControl of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
These regulations cover substances that may cause ill health.
Please give an example of a responsibility that KEY Community Supports / Community Lifestyles have under this Legislation
Please link an example of your work practice from your Portfolio that highlights your responsibility as an employee under this Legislation.
Evidence NumberPlease use this part of Evidence Log to evidence any other Health and Safety Legislation you have referenced in your Portfolio. You should give a brief description of purpose of the Legislation and then link to an example of you work practice in your portfolio.
Legislation (inc. Full Title and Date) with brief description of it’s purpose / Evidence NumberPolicies and Procedures
Using KEY Community Supports / Community Lifestyle Health and Safety Policies and Procedures, please link 2 examples of your work practice that helped to prevent and control infection whilst carrying out your role.
Policy Name and Number Referenced / Evidence NumberSAFEGUARDING
Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007
What is the purpose of this Legislation?
What are your duties under this Legislation?
What signs and symptoms may indicate a person is being harmed or abused?
What does KEY Community Supports / Community Lifestyles Policy and Procedures say about your responsibilities to report any concerns you have about abuse, poor or discriminatory practice, resources or operational difficulties? Please fully reference Policy used.
What KEY Community Supports / Community Lifestyles Policy details your responsibilities around assessing risk?
Please give 2 examples of your responsibilities as detailed in this Policy
Give 1 example from your work practice in your Portfolio of how you have followed this Policy
Evidence NumberWhat is the purpose of KEY Community Supports / Community Lifestyles Whistleblowing Policy?
What rights and responsibilities do you have under this Policy?
What does “confidentiality” mean?
Data Protection Act 1998
What is the purpose of this Legislation?
How many principles does this Act have?
Please link 2 of these Principles that relate to your work practice, remember, you must write out principle in full in your evidence and clearly show how this related to your work practice.
Evidence NumberPolicy and Procedure
What KEY Community Supports / Community Lifestyles Policy relates to recording information?
From this Policy, you should give 2 examples of how you have followed this policy in your work role. 1 example should include the use of electronic communication, for example using computer.
Evidence NumberPlease note, from the 4 work examples you are asked to provide in this Section, at least 1 must relate to Confidentiality (CK36) and at least 1 must relate to Recording Information (CK37)
This might be used to record additional questions or the candidate may use it to write an additional paragraph.COMMENTS / FEEDBACK TO CANDIDATE
If witness testimony used, please state who supplied the testimony and relationship to candidate.Expert Witness Signature(if applicable):
Candidate Signature:
Assessor Signature: