Web CouncilMinutes
November 5, 2004
Members Present: M. Sloan, A. Aivars, M. McCall, G. Fredericks, L. Beresford, E. Inglis, K. Platte, K. Visser
Guests Present: P. Niewoonder, N. Taylor
- Introductions
Lauren Beresford
Alex Aivars
- Approvals
Minutes September 10, 2004
CNM Technical Review and Recommendations – as reflected in the email vote
A. accept language of #2 recommendation approved 9-0
B. accept added language requested by Van defeated 2-7
See addendum attached for memo reference.
- M-TEC Update
K. Platte announced the development of M-TEC Registration Tracking System and the new M-TEC web site, moving forward; perhaps completed by December.
- Web Site Award
Best Informational Site awarded by TroyChamber of Commerce division Internet Troy
- Intranet Reorganization
A. Do we need an intranet and VIP or just VIP? Discussion:
N. Taylor – from a user’s experience – VIP has a time out and therefore is less convenient. VIP needs to be improved as to its usability.
P. Niewoonder – the Cabinet responds to the lack of navigability of the Intranet; confusing, hard to find things. Board chooses to have policy on the Intranet. CMOPS do not need to be accessible by students.
M. McCall asked arguments against moving information from Intranet into VIP.
G. Fredericks says faculty finds Intranet inconvenient.
Side issue: Should the directory be secured? G. Fredericks suggested faculty numbers be out there and office numbers. K. Platte explained some systems have this HR info in Banner. M. Sloan suggested different directories depending on its purpose. Directory could remain outside of VIP.
K. Platte discussed security issues. VIP would be secure.
M. McCall emphasized that we need to drive users to VIP.
G. Fredericks called for a review of the information simultaneous to moving info from Intranet to VIP.
N. Taylor emphasized the importance of easy access.
M. Sloan reminded us that we must consider the “time out.”
Motion passed: Recommendation: Start looking at reorganization/moving things into VIP, including a user review with faculty, and that we look at quick links/access. (M. McCall, second G. Fredericks)
- The Cabinet has asked that the Web Committee review how the Institution’s CMOPs and Procedures are organized and accessed via the web.
Discussion: Where should policies go on the web? K. Platte said there is a place where we could create a place for policy and procedures. Question: Who is going to update? Keith’s recommendation is that each division/unit update their own procedures. Then each division could restrict who would have rights to change things.
M. Sloan raised another question: Who should view the policies and procedures? K. Platte responded that we need to make things available; there are advantages. Should all procedures be given to all staff? Is there anything that shouldn’t be seen, for example, security plan?
M. McCall suggested making the CMOPs page be designed by name of policy as well as code; also key words would be helpful.
E. Inglis emphasized the importance of user friendliness. Talking about our internal information, similar to how we went about reorganizing external information.
K. Platte mentioned we own content management for Intranet which we have not used yet. We could also hire a consultant.
Adjournment: Next meeting to TBD sometime in November
KVCCInstructional Computing
To:Van Muse, Web Council
From:Keith Platte
CC:Terry Hutchins
Date:September 17, 2004
Re:Technical Review and Recommendations for future CNM website.
We have reviewed the technical feasibility of creating an adjusted template for the CNM web site and have determined that the creation of this adjusted template would not be feasible to maintain, nor would it allow us to stay true to the college’s desire to standardize our look and feel for the institution. From a technical perspective we see the following options and recommend the 2nd.
- CNM site is required to use the same template as the rest of the college’s departments and programs.
- CNM site is required to use the same template as the rest of the college for the core components of their site. Schedule Listing, Course Listing, Instructor Listing, Instructor Pages, and academic programs, which link to the banner generated PDF program plans. Inside the template CNM will be able to use the available white space with or without blue left navigation. CNM will also be able to provide unique images for the photos at the top of the page.
CNM will be able to create a separate “marketing” site that sits entirely outside of the KVCC template. This site can contain student and faculty art galleries, sample works, promotional material for the CNM and anything else not listed above.
- CNM is allowed to create an entirely separate site that contains all of their information. The CNM will be entirely responsible for creating, maintaining and ensuring that the site and its data remains consistently up to date and is accurate according to Banner, Instructor listings, Instructor pages, and links to the Banner Generated PDFs.
Observations: Option 1 does not require web council approval. Option 2 and 3 require the web council to approve and demand a justification why CNM is being treated differently than other programs of the college. CNM has had option 3 for several years and has not consistently kept the information and data up to date. Option 2 is our recommendation because it maintains standardization for the college and allows for creative freedom for unit specific marketing efforts.