Kentucky CMRS Board Meeting Minutes

July 28th, 2011 at 1PM

125 Holmes Street

Frankfort, KY 40601

Board Members Present: David Lucas (Chair), Captain John Bradley, Joe Barrows, Brad Johnson, Shelby Horn, Forest Skaggs, Dale Edmondson, Dan Kemp, and Chuck Willis

Board Members Absent: Marsha Penney

CMRS Staff Present: Tom Middleton

CMRS Staff Absent: Tandy Hubbard and Krista Harrod

Guests/Others Present: Steve Tracy (Woodford County 911), David Gleason (MicroData), William Marcum (Calloway County), Colleen Kennedy and Sarah Harp (LRC)

Welcome, Introductions and Announcements: CMRS Board Chairman David Lucas called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm and welcomed everyone in attendance to the meeting.

Approval of Minutes: Joe Barrows suggested that approval of the CMRS Board meeting minutes from the June 30, 2011 meeting be postponed until the next meeting. Board members were not provided a draft of the minutes prior to the meeting, so they were not given an opportunity to review them, as is customary.

CMRS Board Chairman’s Report: CMRS Board Chairman David Lucas had no report.

Administrator’s Report: CMRS Board Administrator Joe Barrows reported that CMRS staff has been working on fulfilling the requirements of Senate Bill 119. A Fiscal Year 2011 Annual Report has been drafted and will be sent to the LRC to comply with a deadline of August 1st to submit information. Additionally, a 911 Stakeholders Meeting is planned for August 17, 2011 in Louisville before the Governor’s Local Issues Conference. Various representatives of local governments and PSAPs, wireless carriers, wireline providers, and other interested parties are invited to discuss the mandates and expectations of Senate Bill 119.

Financial Report: CMRS Board Policy Administrator Joe Barrows had not report, since there were no updates from the last meeting.

Standards Committee Report: CMRS Board Standards Committee Chairman David Lucas reported that work was ongoing on the previously approved Proof of Concept projects.

David Lucas reported the Standards Committee had met and heard a presentation from Cincinnati Bell for a grant that would connect 6 northern Kentucky counties and one city to the Cincinnati Bell IP-enabled network. The committee recommended approval of the grant, David Lucas motioned for the Board to approve, and Forest Skaggs seconded the motion. The motion was approved with Joe Barrows, Shelby Horn, Brad Johnson, Dan Kemp, and Chuck Willis in favor, and Captain John Bradley and Dale Edmonson abstaining.

David Lucas reported that the Network RFP and Apps RFP should both be ready next week.

PSAP Committee Report: CMRS Board PSAP Committee Chairman Shelby Horn reported that the Committee had met earlier in the day, and they recommend approval of Geo Re-Audit extension requests for Wolfe County and Lee County/Beattyville. David Lucas motioned to approve the Wolfe County extension until August 31, 2012, Dale Edmondson seconded, and all were in favor. David Lucas motioned to approve the Lee County/Beattyville extension until January 1, 2012, Dale Edmondson seconded, and all were in favor. The Board agreed that if Lee County is not ready for re-audit by then, the PSAP may not be eligible for CMRS Board funds until they are. Shelby Horn reported that the Committee had accepted Bullitt County’s PSAP Certification Application. Shelby Horn recommended that the application be approved, pending the receipt of

(1) passing DGI Centerline GIS results,

(2) an interlocal agreement, and

(3) site visit by CMRS Board member or staff.

David Lucas motioned to approve, Captain John Bradley seconded, Forest Skaggs abstained, and all others were in favor.

Grant Committee Report: CMRS Board Grant Committee Chairman Captain John Bradley had no report. Joe Barrows gave a staff report on a Marion County E911 Grant Application, recommending that the project be approved with a few further requirements pending receipt by the Board. A discussion of Marion County’s grant ensued, and the Board decided that additional information is needed before the project can be approved.

Cost Recovery Committee Report: CMRS Administrator Joe Barrows reported that the Cost Recovery Program is out of kilter. He proposed that no new invoices be approved after Fiscal Year 2011 until the program’s issues are addressed. David Lucas motioned that the $366,000 in invoices be un-tabled from the last Board meeting, Forest Skaggs seconded, and all were in favor. Dale Edmondson moved to approve the invoices presented in the June 30th meeting, Captain Bradley seconded, Dan Kemp abstained, and all others were in favor. Dale Edmondson moved to suspend any new approvals and request new plans from carriers, Dan Kemp seconded, Brad Johnson abstained, Forest Skaggs opposed, and all others were in favor. Dan Kemp motioned to pay pro rata for invoices submitted through June 30, 2011 when quarterly payments are due, Dale Edmondson seconded, Chuck Willis abstained, and all others were in favor.

Audit Committee Report: CMRS Board Audit Committee Chairman Chuck Willis stated that the Audit RFP is pending approval, and there is nothing else to report.

Closed Session: Captain Bradley motioned for the CMRS Board to enter into Closed Session at 2:40pm in accordance with KRS 61.810(1)(c) regarding proposed or pending litigation and KRS 61.810(f) regarding personnel. David Lucas seconded the motion and all were in favor.

Forest Skaggs motioned to reenter Open Session at 2:50pm, Shelby Horn seconded the motion and all were in favor.

Administrative Committee Report: The Board considered the changes that the Administrative Committee proposed to the Board bylaws (see attached document). In addition, in Article V, Section II, “entitled to vote” was discussed to strike from the bylaws. All revisions were motioned for adoption by Dan Kemp, Captain Bradley seconded, and all were in favor.

Old Business: There was no Old Business to report.

New Business: CMRS Board elections took place. Shelby Horn moved for Dale Edmondson to be Chairman, Forest Skaggs seconded, and all were in favor. Joe Barrows motioned for Chuck Willis to be Vice Chairman, Dale Edmondson seconded, and all were in favor.

Cancer Registry’s request for the CMRS Board’s Centerline GIS data was motioned for approval by Chuck Willis, Joe Barrows seconded, Captain Bradley opposed, Shelby Horn abstained, and all others were in favor.

The next CMRS Board meeting was scheduled for September 7th, 2011 at 2pm at the Kentucky Emergency Services Conference in Louisville.

Adjournment: Dan Kemp motioned to adjourn the meeting at 3:45pm, Shelby Horn seconded the motion, and all were in favor.