December 7, 2017 Meeting Notes for the Public Safety Communications Council
In Attendance:
Jeff Pierce, JD Geigle, Dan Hawkins, Brad Maupin, Scott Rechtenbaugh, David Goodwin, Dave Ackerman. Harold Timmerman, Matt Tooley, Larry Jandreau, Todd Dravland, Casey Collins, Bruce Nachtigall, Dennis Gorton, Chris Meier, Frank Jarman, Brian Soehl, Stacey Ackerman, Mike Waldner.
Chair Tooley called meeting to order at 10:00
Roll Call, 10 members in attendance so quorum was met.
Request for additional Items to add to Agenda:
Tooley requested discussion on encryption, and Pierce asked to add the Safecom National Survey.
Approval of September 2017 Meeting Minutes:
Motion by Geigle, second by Timmerman. Approved on voice vote.
New Business:
- FYT2017/2018 Budget:
Pierce provided overview of the State Radio budget. At this time all aspects of the budget are at expected levels. Certain first-of-the-year payments skew the contractual services and capital asset budgets, but will normalize as year continues.
- FY19 Budget Request
Pierce outlined the current budget proposal which will be the same as the previous year. Budget revenue shortfalls are a big factor and will be this upcoming legislative session.
- State FirstNet Plan Update:
Extensive discussion of the FirstNet plan. Recommendation from the September 2017 meeting was for the state to follow an opt-in course, with a decision due from the state by December 28th, 2017. Also discussed during this time was the offering that Verizon will have comparable to the FirstNet service, coverage, Wireless Priority Service (WPS), and timing of next steps. Involved in the conversation were Pierce, Waldner, Timmerman, Gorton, Rechtenbaugh, Geigle. Hawkins, Maupin, Goodwin.
- Discussion on Sustainable Funding:
Discussed during this time in the meeting was the idea of a sustainable funding source to support and improve the statewide radio system in South Dakota. The group covered the document outlining the current funding methodology, potential sources of sustainable funding, and the portions of the current budget that would be funded by this source. The council was very supportive of the concept as a means to address the ongoing issues of upgrading and expanding the current system. Involved in the discussion was Pierce, Gorton, Tooley, Geigle, Hawkins, Soehl, Dave Ackerman, Timmerman.
- Coverage Issues in Mobridge Area and Testing Process:
Dravland led the discussion on coverage issues we have been experiencing in the Mobridge area. This issue was actually addressed while the meeting was in progress as hardware issues were found by a tower crew. Dravland also went over the process we use to isolate and address issues on the radio system. Also discussed were the telco issues currently being experienced at the Isabel and Ridgeview sites. Additional discussion included Pierce, Gorton, Collins.
- Requests for Radio Access, Circuit Judges:
Tooley led discussion on request for access to the radio system by Circuit Judges to provide communications in areas not served by cellular carriers. After discussion, Gorton offered a motion to allow Judges access to the system, with programming at the discretion of State Radio. Second by Ackerman, passed on voice vote. Additional discussion by Gorton, Maupin, Geigle, Nachtigall.
- Other
Pierce provided overview of the statewide interoperability channel spreadsheet currently being developed.
Old Business:
- Grant Status:
Pierce and Waldner provided updates on the State and Local Implementation Grant Program (SLIGP). Working on budget & paperwork for SLIGP 2.0.
- Digital Radio System Updates:
Dravland provided system updates relating to the replacement building at Isabel, the bi-directional amplifier install in Redfield, installation of cell boosters in DOT shops. Additional subject of interference from LED lighting was brought up by Soehl. Additional discussion from Gorton.
- SCIP Update:
The updated Statewide Interoperable Communications Plan (SCIP) was reviewed. A SCIP workshop was held in September 2017 with the results delivered recently. The SCIP should be regarded as our strategic document and will be a good planning and grants supplement. Additional discussion by Gorton, Geigle, Ackerman, and Timmerman.
- OEC Updates:
Dan Hawkins of DHS OEC provided an update of DHS activities and outreach. Recounted his experiences of being activated to Puerto Rico for hurricane response and some of the challenges with communications there. He discussed technical assistance offerings, and that South Dakota is looking at a Communications Unit program session. Additional discussion by Tooley, Timmerman, and Gorton.
- Train the Trainer Program;
Pierce provided an update of the current training program. Currently working with state training officer to combine programs developed by GFP and BIT/State Radio. Lots of good materials put together, just need to organize into a form that can be self-study, classroom study, and advanced for trainers.
- Keystone Pipeline:
Discussion on Keystone Oil Pipeline project and how it applies to communications. With the permits issued in Nebraska, the pipeline is potentially closer to implementation. Most of the conversation centered around encryption and what/when to use. This became an involved discussion that will need much further attention. Contributing to the discussion were Tooley, Pierce, Rechtenbaugh, Timmerman, Dravland, Nachtigall.
- Air-Ground Communications:
Air to ground communications for EMS units was discussed. There has been some programming happening, and possibly some testing in the southeast part of the state. Dravland, Tooley, and Geigle provided input.
- Use of RC INT by Court Services:
This discussion was a continuation of the one started during the September meeting. It was brought up the Court Services officers and Parole Officers were using RC INT for dispatch purposes and was overloading a talkgroup intended for interagency purposes. Dravland stated that 3 talkgroups have been assigned for this purpose West, Central, and East. Chiming in on the topic was Tooley, Timmerman, and Gorton
- WAVE Project:
Pierce provided an overview of the WAVE app situation. WAVE is an app used by radio system operators to allow access to those systems through a mobile cellular app. There was discussion on the ongoing support for our platform, with some questions yet to be answered. Working with Motorola to develop a strategy moving ahead. Input by Tooley, Waldner, & Meier.
- Election of Council Officers:
After a short discussion, it was proposed that the current slate of officers:
Matt Tooley – Chairman
JD Geigle – Vice Chairman
Member at Large – Dave Ackerman
Maintain their current positions and they all agreed. Motion by Timmerman for the officers to remain in position, Second by Gorton. Passed by voice vote.
Organizational Reports:
Timmerman – Code plugs for statewide plan.
Ackerman—Sustainable Funding.
Tooley – FirstNet
Motion to Adjourn by Maupin
Second by Collins
Meeting adjourned 1335