Kendriya Vidyalaya, Tagore Garden

New Delhi-110027

Minutes of the Vidyalaya Management Committee held on 10.02.2016 in the office of the Principal, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Tagore Garden, New Delhi-110027.

The Vidyalaya Management Committee was held under the Chairmanship of Nominee Chairman, Shri Chottey Lal on 10.02.2016 at 11.00 am. The following members were present.

-  Smt. Seema Srivastava, Secretary/Principal

-  Shri B.M. Gupta, Technical Member

-  Dr. K.B. Gupta - VMC Member

-  Shri D.K. Mustaqfi - VMC Member

-  Smt. C.K. Chawla – VMC Member

-  Shri R.K. Meena – Executive Engineer, CPWD

The following members were also present.

-  Shri N.C. Sharma - proposed VMC teacher member

-  Shri A.K. Gupta - PGT, Phyisics

-  Shri S.K. Srivastava – TGT (WET)

-  Shri T. Das - H.M.

-  Shri Amarjeet Singh, - Assistant

-  Shri S.N. Yadav, UDC

Dr. R.K. Jain could not attend the meeting due to exisgency. At the outset Smt. Seema Srivastava welcomed all the members of the VMC and extended her thanks for their valuable presence in the Vidyalaya.


1.  Discussion of the minutes of the previous meeting and Action Taken Report.

2.  Reallocation of the Vidyalaya Budget of VVN 2016.

3.  Conduct of interview for Contractual teachers.

4.  Efforts to improve the result of Class XII and other classes.

5.  Tender related matter and other purchases

6.  Gym case

7.  Planning for new Academic session

8.  Achievements of Vidyalaya

9.  Repair and Renovation work by CPWD

10. Any other point with the permission of the Chair

1.  Action Taken Report of the VMC meeting conducted on 09.12.2016 was presented by Member Secretary.

(i)  It was informed to the members that that there is no further proceeding in the status of work as they had neither replied the letters nor visited the Vidyalaya. The handing over and taking over process of the works

Laying of Kota stones and strengthening of boundary walls with concerion wire Phase-I is still to be done.

(ii)  It was informed to the VMC members, that Vidyalaya is facing problems with regard to financial Budget/Ceilings as many payments are to be made but sufficient fund is not available with the Vidyalaya. Recently Vidyalaya has demanded amount of Rs.4.5 lakh from RO to release the salary of Contractual Teachers.

(iii)  It was informed to the VMC member that Award dated 02.11.2015 was made and published by Shri Prem Kumar Arbitrator in the case of 09 of 2010 by which an amount of Rs.45,48,825/- is to be given to claimaint for which letters have been written to KVS, RO and HQ. to give necessary guidance and direction as the matter is legal in nature.

(iv)  All possible efforts are being taken to get 100% result as desired by KVS and to improve the quality of result by having P.I more than 60 for class XII. Similar efforts are being taken for Internal exams of the Vidyalaya from classes I to XI.

(v)  Vidyalaya has conducted various scholastic and co-scholastic activities as per calendar of the session and Vidyalaya has got many achievements to its credit at National, SGFI level and Rashtrapati Puruskar etc. 18 student got scholarship of Rs. 5000/- for excellent performance in Academics Smt Anjali Kaul, PRT got Regional Incentive Award for the year 2014-15.

(vi)  Estimate for development of Sports Infrastructure have been invited from CPWD but so far no response has been given by CPWD inspite of various correspondence.

(vii)  Shala Darpan Project is in progress and Vidyalaya is uploading the information on 5 Applications – Admission, Examination, HRM, Payroll and Attendance under the guidance of Smt. N. Chawla, PGT (Comp. Science) and Mr. Ravi Dass, DEO from MGRM. In this context Principal, Vice Principal and coordinators have also attended the meetings at RO and KVS (HQ). This year 2016-17 the Admission will be on line for class-I.

(viii)  Fee is being collected through UBI Bank and problems faced are being solved with the support of Officers at RO and KVS (HQ). The work is monitored by Smt. Harleen, PGT (Computer Science).

(ix)  Other points and problems were also shared with the VMC members including scarcity of funds, Condemnation of unserviceable items, Garbage bin, Liquor, poor internet facility shop etc.


Re-allocation of the Vidyalaya Budget of VVN – 2016

It was informed to the VMC that expenditure was done as per the ceiling and norms under various subheads and it is expected that expenditure will be made as it was expected in the beginning of the year and provision for more expenditure was already taken in the beginning of the session in April-2015 as mentioned below the approval for going upto that limit was granted by VMC. It was informed that a huge amount of expenditure is being made on the payment of salary to contractual teachers and so far Rs.2622,601 had been spent for this and it is expected that Rs. 4.00 lakh will be spent on two months salary, it is expected that more amount will be spent approximately 8.5 lakh on House Keeping for which permission was granted. It was also informed that due to scarcity of funds maney payments including payment of around 4.00 lakh of Sports items is also due. Similarly payments of various other heads – Furniture, Printing, Stationary, transportation etc. are to be also made. Because of the lack of funds various other activities were also not conducted such as adventure & excursion activities, purchase of furniture, printing of magazines, petty constructions etc. The expenditure is only made on the activities of urgent nature and on regular and routine activities. It was also informed that an amount of Rs.5.50 lakh to 6.00 lakh will also be required to make the payments under RTE. It is expected that expenditure on following heads will go beyond the expected due also.

-  House keeping - 8.50 Lakh

-  Horticulture & Beautification- 3.50 lakh

-  Security - 5.70 lakh

-  Sports - 9.70 lakh

-  Other Misc. expenditure - 2.00 lakh

-  School building - 10.00 lakh

Heads / Exp. As per VVN Guidelines / Actual expenditure upto 09.02.2016 / Expenditure expected upto 2015-2016 and raise in ceiling
Part Time Teachers / Actual / 26,22,601 / Actual
Petty construction work / 4,80,000 / 0 / 5,00,000
Repair & maintenance
School Building / 9,60,000 / 8,90,318 / 9,60,000
Class furniture & fixture / 1,08,000 / 37,013 / 1,08,000
Lab equipments / 42,000 / 10,010 / 42,000
PA System & Musical instrument / 24,000 / 4,280 / 24,000
House Keeping / 7,50,000 / 6,48,856 / 7,50,000
Purchase of furniture & fixture (con/non consumable) / 5,00,000 / - / 5,00,000
Purchase of Lab equipment (con/Non con) upkeep of lab / 5,00,000 / 2,42,480 / 5,50,000
Purchase of audio visual and musical instruments / 1,25,000 / 0 / 1,25,000
Purchase of sports goods (con/Non-con) / 7,50,000 / 4,07,217 / 9,60,000
P. Society (A. Function/ other function) / 5,00,000 / 4,72,137 / 8,00,000
School excursions / 2,50,000 / 29,000 / 2,75,000
Conduct of examinations / 7,50,000 / 5,41,207 / 7,50,000
Incidental expenses / 36,000 / 0 / 36,000
Beautification & Horticulture / 2,40,000 / 2,28,918 / 3,50,000
Development of library (con/Non con) / 3,75,000 / 24,093 / 4,00,000
Purchase M&R of computer (Con/ Non con) / Actual / 7,44,079 / Actual
Medical facilities for emergent nature / 24,000 / 0 / 24,000
Medical facilities / 40 per child / 17,315 / 1,04,000
Security of school / 4,20,000 / 4,37,813 / 5,50,000
Taxes / Actual / 5,00,027 / Actual
Electricity/water/ tele charges) / Actual / 14,89,995 / Actual
Other misc. Expenditure / 1,25,000 / 1,24,256 / 1,50,000
Misc. Printing (S. Material/ syllabus) / Actual / 0 / 1,00,000
Other Assts/ Office equipments / 2,50,000 / 0 / 3,00,000
SC/Guide Vid. Expenditure / 1,25,000 / 52,060 / 1,75,000
Contribution RO/KVS(S/Guide) / Actual / - / Actual
Contribution 2% / Actual / 2,41,235.6 / Actual
Contribution 3% / Actual / 3,61,853 / Actual
VVN Deposit A/c 5%+20% / Actual / 30,15,445 / Actual
RTE 2009 / Actual / 39,600 / Actual
NCC / Actual / - / 1,00,000

The Vidyalaya has also purchased CCTV with 32 cameras and installed PA system in all classrooms, labs and Resource rooms in March-15 (Payment made during 2015-16 session) . The expenditure and conduct of Regional Rope skipping for Boys and girls was made by RO and Presentation of cultural item on National Sports Meet was done by KVS (HQ). For certain heads the payment will be made only after getting the fees in April-2016 as payment to contractual teachers and workers is to be done on priority basis as per instructions received from KVS, RO, Delhi. The approval for reappropriation and expenditure was granted by VMC.


Conduct of Interview for Contractual teachers.

It was informed to the VMC that Interview for Contractual teachers for different posts of PRT’s TGT’s PGT’s Sports coaches, Music & Dance Teacher, Art teacher, German Teacher, Counsellor, Doctor and Nurse will be conducted on 25.02.2016. It was also informed that following members will be panel experts.

1.  Shri Chottey Lal, Nominee Chairman – Pilitical Science and overall panel.

2.  Shri B.M. Gupta – Science and Mathematics

3.  Shri Kartar Singh- Social Science, Geography & History.

4.  Smt. Madhu Gautam – languages (Hindi English and Sanskrit)

5.  Dr. K.B. Gupta - Doctor and Nurse

6.  Ms. Sunaina – Sports and Games KV No.3 Delhi Cantt.

7.  Smt. Seema Nag – Music and Dance

8.  Shri Anup Singh - Art teacher

9.  Smt. Bindu - Councellor

10. Smt. Namrata Saigal – German teacher

11. Smt. Meena Gupta - Computer teacher & Computer instructor.

KV, Vigyan Vihar

12. Shri D.K. Mastaffi - Eco and Commerce

13. Shri T. Das & - team for primary teachers

Following teachers are required for the session 2016-17 as per requirement and time-table as per instructions from KVS, RO, (HQ)

-  PRT’s – 02

-  PGT (Eng.) - 01

-  Activity teachers - 02

-  Games Teacher/Coaches - 02

-  Nurse - 01

-  Doctor - 01

-  Councellor - 01

-  Computor Instructor - 03

-  German language - 01

-  PGT Pol Science - 01

Besides this following expenditure is required for the conduct of Interview

-  Honorarium - Rs. 10,000

-  Stationary - Rs. 3,000

-  Refreshment - Rs. 7,000

Total: 20,000

The kind approval for the expenditure from VVN was granted.

Besides this it was decided that all the norms of qualifications will be considered as per KVS recruitments and selection mentioned at KVS (HQ) website.

It was also informed that requirement of German, French Spanish and Mandarin as additional language been also taken up Vidyalaya but so far only norms for German teachers are available on website hence interview for German teacher will be conducted initially and classes will be started for the same. For other languages norms & conditions will be followed as per the instructions of KVS.

4 Efforts to improve the result of class XII and other classes.

As this year has been declared as “Zero failure” year by Hon’ble Commissioner and target of 100% result with P.I-65 is given, hence all possible efforts are being made to get the same. Alongwith regular classes study campus for the students were also conducted in October for 6 days and for 20 days in December/January-16 and efforts were made that students should pass the subject atleast once before appearing in Exams to be conducted in March-16. Besides these regular contact with parents was made by the conduction of PTM’s and through SMS services and telephonic conversions.

For class X also the target is 100% with 10% students getting (GPA-10).

For rest of the classes also efforts are being made to get 100% result upto VIII & in IX and XI, 95% with healthy P-I. Academic support is given to the students in Remedial classes and “Pracharya ki Pathshala” by conducting the classes and solving the problems of students and information is also given to Parents for Class IX efforts are being made that students should not repeat the class and to be promoted to next class through hard work.

1.  Agenda No.5

Tender related matter and other purchases.

The Registeration for various services and goods have been opened w.e.f. 30.01.2016.

-  Furniture Printing and Stationary, Sports items M&R (Civil), Hiring of Dresses,tent and furniture, Transportation, AMC of computers etc. as the previous Tenders are upto March-16. Registeration for House Keeping, Security, Gardening, Canteen and Purchase of Science item will be opened in April-16 as the tenders are upto June-16. After the firms get registered the same will be brought in the notice of VMC and quotations will be invited. For making the healthy competition open quotations will be invited. If because of any reasons the quotations are not finalized the quotations of previous year i.e. 2015-16 will be extended after taking due permissionfrom VMC till the new quotations are opened.


As discussed in the previous meeting earlier also that Award dated 2.11.2015 was made and published by Shri Prem Kumar, Arbitrator in the case No.09 of 2010 which was received on 30.11.2015 where final relief of Rs.45,48,825/- is to be given to claimaint. Besides this he has also applied for making Additional Award of Rs. 3,74,964 which is omitted in the Arbitral Award dated 02.11.2015 and recently a rejoinder has been also received in response to the reply made by KVS, Counsel in response to Additional Arbitral Award.