Amendment No. 2



Program/Activity Number: 649-007, 649-008

Country/Region: Somalia / East Africa/Limited Presence Countries

Program areas:

Functional Objective: Peace and Security

Program Area 1.6: Conflict Mitigation and Reconciliation

Program Element 1.6.2: Peace and Reconciliation Process

Funding: FY 2008-FY2010 DA and others ($30,000,000)

Functional Objective: Governing Justly & Democratically

Program Area 2.2: Good Governance

Program Element: 2.2.1: Legislative Function & Processes

Program Element: 2.2.2: Public Sector Execution Function

Program Element: 2.2.3: Local Government & Decentralization

Funding Total: FY 2008-FY2010 DA and others ($30, 000,000)

Functional Objective: Investing in People

Program Area 3.1: Health

Program Area 3.2: Education

Program Element 3.1.6: Maternal Health

Program Element 3.1.8: Water Supply and Sanitation

Funding Total: FY 2008-FY2010 DA and others (30,000,000)

Funding Begin: FY 2008 End: FY 2010 LOP Amount: $90,000,000

Sub-Activity Amount: N/A

IEE Prepared By: Shaiye Ismail Fahmy Mohamed, USAID/EA Program Management Specialist, in

collaboration with Christopher Dege, USAID/EA Reg. Environmental Advisor.

Current Date: 30/01/2008

IEE Amendment (Y/N): Y If "yes", Filename & date of original IEE: 36Somalia1_SO7_SO8_IEE.doc, Aug. 06, 2006 & 2007Somalia_FO1_FO2_FO3_IEE.doc


Categorical Exclusion: X Negative Determination: X .

Positive Determination: Deferral ____

ADDITIONAL ELEMENTS: (Place X where applicable)

Conditions X PVO/NGO: X .


The Functional Objectives in Somalia are designed to contribute to the transformational goal and ensure long term stability. The U.S. Policy Objectives in Somalia are to: promote stability on the ground (including combating terrorism); support national reconciliation and the establishment of a functioning government; and respond to the humanitarian needs of the Somali people.

The purpose of this Amendment No. 2 is to provide threshold determinations for the new Development Assistance (DA) programming activities in Somalia under the new Functional Objectives in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 22 CFR 216 (Reg. 216), ADS 204.5.4 and ADS 303. The Functional Objectives covered by this amendment include: FO 1, Peace and Security; FO 2, Governing Justly and Democratically; and FO 3, Investing in People. Funding for Somalia program has also significantly increased from the estimated $7 million over three years to an estimated $ 90 million for the next three years. These resources are likely to increase within the LOP of this program. The scopes of the Somali programs are also likely to change depending on the stability situation in Somalia.

Environmental Determinations

Although few of the activities covered by the original IEE: 36Somalia1_SO7_SO8_IEE.doc are currently being implemented, the determinations of that IEE and conditions are cross referenced in this IEE. The activities covered by the determinations of the 2007Somalia_FO1_FO2_FO3_IEE.doc which have since been expanded continue to be valid and are therefore cross referenced in this IEE.

The following environmental determinations are recommended which invokes the use of environmental review, use of Africa Bureau Environmental Guidelines for Small Scale activities and promotes proactive monitoring of environmental conditions throughout the life of the program:

1. A Categorical Exclusion from environmental examination is recommended for activities under Functional Objectives: Peace and Security (program area 1.6), Governing Justly and Democratically (Program area 2.2) and Investing in People (Program areas 3.1 and 3.2) and activities under a) Somalia Legislative strengthening, b) transitional governance support to Somalia, c) dialogue for Peace phase II and d) Integrated social service delivery in support of stabilization and recovery in Somalia, except to the extent that the activities directly affect the environment (such as construction of facilities), pursuant to:

a) 22 CFR 216.2(c)(2)(i), for activities involving education, training, technical assistance or training programs;

b) 22 CFR 216.2(c)(2)(iii), for activities involving analyses, studies, academic or research workshops and meetings;

c) 22 CFR 216.2(c)(2)(v), for activities involving document and information transfers; and

d) 22 CFR 216.2(c)(2)(viii), for programs involving nutrition, health care, or family planning services except to the extent designed to include activities directly affecting the environment (such as construction of facilities, water supply systems, waste water treatment, etc.);

2. A Negative Determination with Conditions per 22 CFR 216.3 (a) (2) (iii) is recommended for these activities:

i)  Small scale Re- construction or rehabilitation of schools, other education facilities, water sources, public buildings, health facilities and access points proposed under :

1. Functional Objective: Investing in People: Program Area 3.2: Education: Program Element 3.2.1: Basic Education (rehabilitated to enable more Somali school children to attend school in their communities).

(a)UNICEF education, health and water program which includes setting up durable tents, construction of four classrooms and a store room, multiple use facilities, rehabilitation of 40 schools, and expansion and upgrading of the 10 Quranic schools and 6 non formal schools

(b)Improved Education and Health Service for Somalia (TBD) it is expected this program will: Rehabilitate primary schools and provision of essential school materials, Provide essential Water and Sanitation facilities for schools and health post, rehabilitate health posts and provide essential medicines and supplies to treat the most common illness.

2. Functional Objective: Peace and Security & Governing Justly and Democratically: Program Area: 1.6: Program Element 13.7 & Program Area: 2.3: Program Element 2:3:1

(a) The USAID sponsored activity program will focus in four activities : 1) police training 2) establishing of police advisory committee 3) provision of equipments 4) rehabilitation of law enforcement facilities The purpose of this activity is to complement associated ROLS programming which advances matched progress and synergy between each of its components, ensuring equal emphasis on the re-establishment of a competent police, judiciary and custodial corps with requisite security measures to ensure sustainable recovery.

(b) The proposed program activity which seeks to contribute to the consolidation of the peace process at the district and regional levels by building skills and capacity of local district councils to deliver services and create large scale employment opportunities. The purpose of this activity is to complement longer-term peace keeping and development funding for Somalia. It will support quick-impact activities that will lay the foundation for longer- term stability and security.

Construction activities in general, share a set of common features and potential adverse environmental impacts, including ; damage to ecosystems, sedimentation of streams and surface water, contamination of water supplies, social impacts , spread of diseases, creation of stagnant (standing) water, damage to aesthetics of area (see EGSSAA Chapter 3: Small-Scale Construction for details)

The conditions attached to the UNICEF activities and those under Functional Objective: Investing in People, Peace and Security, Governing Justly and Democratically: Program Area 3.2: Education: Program Element 3.2.1: Basic Education and 1.6: Program Element 13.7 & Program Area: 2.3: Program Element 2:3:1 respectively shall include the following:

·  All construction activities shall be conducted following principles for environmentally sound construction, as provided in Chapter 3: Small Scale Construction of the USAID Environmental Guidelines for Small-scale Activities in Africa, which can be found at

·  For the rehabilitation of existing facilities, and for construction of facilities in which the total surface area disturbed is less than 10,000 square feet, the condition is that these activities shall be conducted following principles for environmentally sound construction, as provided in the Small Scale Construction chapter of the USAID Environmental Guidelines for Small-scale Activities in Africa, which can be found at:

ii)  Water and Sanitation and solid waste disposal as proposed under

a.  Functional Objective: Investing in People (Program Area 3.1: Health- Program Element 3.1.6: Water and Sanitation) (Provision of clean water and sanitation facilities) 1. UNICEF Sustainable urban water supply program to support the recovery and stability of south central Somalia (Baidoa) including the establishment of the wash facilities including: one water point for the school and one water kiosk for the community, as well as four latrines (1 teacher, 1 male, 2 female latrines) and Construction / rehabilitation of water sources and access points as well as suitable space for basic health service delivery

2. Improved Education and Health Service for Somalia (TBD) it is expected this program will: Rehabilitate primary schools and provision of essential school materials, Provide essential Water and Sanitation facilities for schools and health post, rehabilitate health posts and provide essential medicines and supplies to treat the most common illness.

UNICEF, Somalia Support Office commissioned an Environmental Impact Assessment Report in September 2007, for the Baidoa Water Supply Project. The EIA report highlights the main negative Impacts related to the Baidoa project and ways of mitigating them. UNICEF’s is urged to adhere to the recommendations in the EIA which includes conducting a comprehensive hydro geological study (In this regard, FAO Somalia Water and Land Information Management – SWALIM will be a useful resource) for the region to determine the available ground water resources, measures to control potential pollution in the Isha stream and the detailed Environmental Management Plan. In addition to the recommendations in the EIA report, the following conditions for all water and sanitation activities in the program are recommended.

Both water supply and sanitation activities should be conducted in a manner consistent with the good design and implementation practices described in EGSSAA Chapter 16: Water Supply and Sanitation. The USAID/Somalia Team and implementing partners should closely examine this chapter, as it provides a thorough discussion of program design and implementation issues that can help avoid numerous preventable problems. Another useful reference to consult for good water and sanitation design and implementation principles is the document, “Guidelines for the Development of Small Scale Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Projects in Ethiopia,” by Catholic Relief Services and USAID, July 31, 2003. For a compendium of humanitarian assistance expertise in 1) Hygiene Promotion, 2) Water Supply, 3) Excreta Disposal, 4) Vector Control, 5) Solid Waste Management and 6) Drainage, consult the Sphere Handbook (2004): Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response, Chapter 2: Minimum Standards in Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion.

Water quality testing is essential for determining that the water from a constructed water source is safe to drink and to determine a baseline so that any future degradation can be detected. Microbiological contamination of improved wells can often be prevented by aquifer protection measures and proper well design and maintenance. For example, wells for human consumption are readily contaminated when additionally used for livestock watering. Water management committee must ensure that separate wells are used for human and animal consumption. Simple and cost-effective sample kits for E. coli and fecal coliforms are available through a variety of manufacturers (e.g., Idexx Colilert or Coliscan Easygel).

Among the water quality tests which must be performed are tests for the presence of arsenic. Any USAID-supported activity engaged in the provision of potable water must adhere to Guidance Cable State 98 108651, which requires arsenic testing. That 1998 cable also anticipates “practical guidelines on sampling and testing for arsenic” that were then under development. The EGAT Bureau completed these guidelines, and the Africa Bureau has packaged them in a document titled, “Guidelines for Determining the Arsenic Content of Ground Water in USAID-Sponsored Well Programs in Sub-Saharan Africa.” The SO team must assure that the standards and testing procedures described in this guideline document are followed for potable water.

Initial water quality testing is the responsibility of the program to assure, but the program should also set in place capacities and responsibilities to provide reasonable assurance that ongoing water quality monitoring occur. The standards for initial and ongoing testing -- types of contaminants for which testing should be conducted, testing methods, testing frequency, and issues such as public access to results should follow any applicable USAID guidance, as well as local laws, regulations and policies."

iii)  Road Construction

a.. Functional Objective: Peace and Security & Governing Justly and Democratically: Program Area: 1.6: Program Element 13.7 & Program Area: 2.3: Program Element 2:3:1

1. The proposed program activity which seeks to contribute to the consolidation of the peace process at the district and regional levels by building skills and capacity of local district councils to deliver services and create large scale employment opportunities. The purpose of this activity is to complement longer-term peace keeping and development funding for Somalia. It will support quick-impact activities that will lay the foundation for longer- term stability and security.

Road Construction conditions shall be:

Roads will be repaired using established best practices as reflected in Chapter14 Rural Roads of the USAID Environmental Guidelines for Small Scale Activities in Africa. This document can be located at: Also useful guidance for road construction, maintenance and rehabilitation are guidelines given in Low-Volume Roads Engineering: Best Management Practices Field Guide, by Gordon Keller and James Sherar, by the US Forest Service for USAID and in collaboration with USDA. (July 2003) (see same ENCAP website, or, or

iv)  Provision and procurement of Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLITNs) under

Functional Objective: Investing In People: Program Area 3.1: Health which includes provision of LLITNs and essential drug kits to targeted communities and Procurement of drugs and supplies including LLITNs and essential drug kits.

USAID/Somalia team and partner organizations will be required to use reliable brands of long-lasting treated nets and adhere to other stipulations made in the USAID Africa Bureau Programmatic Environmental Assessment for Insecticide-Treated Materials in USAID Activities in Sub-Saharan Africa (ITM PEA).

If a need for net treatment or pretreatments arises, USAID/Somalia will draft and gain approval for a “Pesticide Evaluation Report and Safer Use Action Plan” (PERSUAP) for the ITN program. If any vector control measures involving pesticides are recommended, these pesticides must be approved by the USEPA, and a PERSUAP covering safe use of these pesticides prepared.

v) Environmental Screening and Review for sub-grant activities (all activities involving sub grant activities) for all program areas that are likely to have subgrants to local Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs)