Department of English, Reading, Foreign Languages,

and the American English Language Program

Takoma Park / Silver Spring Campus

Department Syllabus

EL 110 Spoken American English

Fall 2008

I. Instructor’s Information

Instructor:Prof. Nissing


Office Hrs:TW 1:00-2:00; F 10:00-11:00



Classroom:Health Sciences Center 122

Hours:TR 10:15 am – 12:20 pm

II.General Course Information

Course Description:

Emphasizes the development and use of language skills necessary for understanding others and expressing oneself orally in American English in academic, professional, and social contexts. The course includes vocabulary development, practice of appropriate language structures, and discussion of important aspects of crosscultural communication. Prerequisite: Successful completion of SP 102 or placement by testing required by the College of non-native speakers of English. Pre- or Co-requisites: EL102 and RD102, or placement by testing required by the College of non-native speakers of English. For computation of tuition this course is equivalent to five semester hours. Five hours each week. Additional lab required. THREE CREDITS. NOT APPLICABLE TO A DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE. MAY NOT BE USED TO SATISFY DEGREE REQUIREMENTS. 3 semester hours

A Word about Credit:

Students who pass this course will receive 3 credits. The credits will be counted in the student's grade point average. Notation of the course and the credits earned (or lack of credit if the student fails the course) will be posted on the student's Official Transcript. The credits do not apply to an A.A. Degree or Certificate at Montgomery College. Whether the credits transfer to another college or university depends on the policies of the college or university to which the student transfers.

III. Course Content/Objectives:

Students completing the course requirements should be able to demonstrate competency in the following areas:


-demonstrate fundamental competency in academic listening and note taking


-recognize rules of appropriate academic and professional interaction

-demonstrate appropriate use of targeted American English idioms and academic vocabulary

-use communication strategies in collaborative contexts

-demonstrate control of basic structures of spoken English grammar

-participate effectively in class as group members and presenters

Course Requirements:

To pass EL110, a student must satisfy ALL of the following requirements:

1.Attend all classes. No more than three absences are allowed. Each late arrival counts as ½ an absence.

2.Complete all assigned work. All work must be submitted to the instructor on time, according to the instructor's specifications. Work missed because of unexcused absences may be made up at the instructor’s discretion.

3.Complete lab requirements. This course has a lab requirement. All lab work assigned must be completed satisfactorily within established lab and Instructor deadlines.

4.Earn an average of 70% or better on all tests, including the Final Examination.

5.Pass the coursewide exit examination.

IV. Course Materials :


1.Quest 3: Listening and Speaking by Laurie Blass and Pamela Hartmann

2.An MC folder so you can place all of your written work in the folder, which will be collected at the end of the semester.

3.A college-level English dictionary

V. Grading:

At the end of the semester, the student will receive a grade of A, B, C, D, or F. The student may also receive a specific written recommendation from the instructor as to which course(s) the student may take in the following semester or summer session.

A. Requirements:


Instructors check attendance. Arrive on time. Class meets twice per week. College regulations permit no more than one week’s worth of absences.Students who accumulate more than TWO absences may be dropped from thecourse at the instructor’s discretion.

Students who decide to stop attending the class must fill out the drop/add form, haveit signed and turn it into the Admissions Office. If you decide to stop coming to class, it is your responsibility to “drop” yourself from the class by completing the form at the Admissions Office. If you disappear without dropping the course, expect to receive an “F” on your transcript.

B. Course Grade:

See course Addendum (to be distributed) for detailed grade breakdown.

Final Average

90-100 %= A

80-89 % = B

70-79 %= C

60-69 % = D

Below 60 %= F

C. Standards:

1. Complete all assigned work. Assigned work must be submitted to the instructor on time and

formatted according to his/her specifications. All written work must be revised.

2. Complete Learning Lab requirements: This course has a Learning Lab requirement. Students who do not do the Lab work will receive a “failing” grade in the course.

3. Submit a completed Montgomery College English Composition Folder of written work

D. Makeup Policy:

Tests and written assignments will be announced. Make-ups will be given at the instructor’s discretion.

E. Late Policy:

Late papers are not acceptable. If you miss class, you may email your assignment to me by 3:00 pm that day. Papers submitted late will have 5 points deducted from their final grade. The Department is not responsible for any papers that are lost, so be sure to keep a copy.

F. Audit Policy:

You may choose to audit a class at the time of your initial registration, or you may change to audit at any point prior to completion of 20% of the class. Faculty permission is not required to register for audit. However, permission is required to change to audit after classes begin.

VI. Classroom Policies

Class Participation

You are expected to actively participate in class discussions, and to do all assignments. This is a class where conversation and discussion forms a significant part of in-class time, so your participation is essential.

You are expected to arrive on time to class, prepared and ready to participate. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to notify me and ask about assignments and/or handouts. Being absent does not excuse you from work that is due the next class. Find out from me or from your classmates about any assignments you may miss.

Please follow these classroom behavior guidelines:

1. Come to class on time and prepared.

2. Turn off your cell phones and pagers before you enter the classroom. If cell phones become a problem, the instructor may deduct points when a student’s phone goes off.

3. Do not chew gum in class.

4. Please try not to get up from your seats during class unless you have an emergency.

5. Please help keep the classroom clean. Your environment is a reflection of yourself.

6. Please be courteous with everyone in the class; everyone has an opinion, but we do not have to agree with everyone. We do have to show respect if we expect others to respect us in turn.

Student Email

Student e-mail ( and MyMC are official means of communications in EL110. Every student enrolled in this class will need to check the college e-mail and MyMC site regularly and frequently. You will be held responsible for information, assignments, and announcements that will be sent by the instructor. I will check my e-mail box frequently between the hours of 8 am and 3:30 pm. I will try to respond to you within 2 hours. After hours, I check email frequently as well. It is by far the best means of communication with your professor.

For this class, student e-mail will be used for:

  • All time-sensitive communications
  • Reading material or assignments for the next class period
  • Out-of-class communication with the instructor
  • Giving feedback from the instructor to the student

All assignments must be printed and turned in at the beginning of the class period on the due date. If you miss class, you may turn in assignments via e-mail by 3:00 pm on the date the assignment is due. You must retain proof of the time and date each assignment was sent via e-mail.

B. Academic Honesty:


You are required to do your own work at all times. Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated. If caught plagiarizing or cheating, you will be given a "failing" grade for the test or assignment. If this kind of action continues on your part, action may be taken with the Dean of Student Development per the Student Code of Conduct.

Student Code of Conduct

I. Montgomery Community College is dedicated to providing a quality comprehensive educational program designed to meet the diverse and changing educational, social, economic, and cultural needs of the community. The College is committed not only to learning and the

advancement of knowledge, but also to the development of ethically sensitive and responsible persons. It seeks to achieve these goals through a sound educational program and through regulations and policies governing student life that encourage responsibility and respect for the rights and viewpoints of others.

II. The College believes in the premise that students are adults who are responsible for their own actions and who should be free to pursue their educational objectives in an environment that promotes learning, protects the integrity of the academic process, and protects the

College Community.

III. To promote this overall policy, the Montgomery College Board of Trustees authorizes the President of the College to establish a Montgomery College Student Code of Conduct. Student enrollment at Montgomery College presupposes a commitment to the principles, policies,

and procedures embodied in this Code. Board Approval: May 20, 1985.

Support Services See SOS Handout

C. Tutoring/Lab Work:

Lab Work is required. You are required to visit the Writing and Reading Center & Computer Tutorial Language Center to improve your language skills. You will be given a referral sheet that

will indicate which exercises you are to complete. It is your responsibility to improve your language skills via class discussion, graded papers which you will revise, lab work, and your work with tutors.

The ReadingWriting Center provides print materials and oneonone tutoring for Montgomery College students on a walkin basis to support reading, writing and language learning. You can sign in at the front desk for tutoring. Hours: Monday-Thursday 8 am to 8 pm and Friday 8 am to 4.30 pm and Saturday 8 am to Noon.

D. Students with Special Needs:

Any student who may need special accommodations, please contact the Counseling Department. Without documentation from the Counseling Department, I cannot provide special accommodations.

E. Cancellation of Classes:

Cancellation of Classes: Please call 240-567-1300 to learn if the College has canceled classes when there is bad weather, or visit the MC website:

Please note: Montgomery College is not part of the Montgomery County Public School System.