KEMPTON NEW CHURCH NOTE HOME – September 11, 2014page 1
Friday, September 126:30P.M.Feast of Charity with Rev. David Millar (see below)
Sunday, September 1410:00 A.M. Sunday School Service. Usher: Curtis McQueen
Tuesday, September 169:30 A.M. Kindergarten begins
7:30 P.M. Arcana class at Marcia Boyesen’s. Reading: AC 6933 – 6978
Thursday, September 187:30 P.M. Special Society Meetingto hear about three possible KNC facilities master plans, presented by Spillman Farmer architects
Congratulations to Joel Schorran and Britni Kuhns on their engagement.Warm best wishes!
Feast of Charity tomorrow:Rev. David Millar will be giving the Feast of Charity talk, beginning at about 7:45p.m. (Supper is at 6:30 p.m.) The topic is Genesis 12: Exploring theLord's Infancy in the Light of the Activity of the Word in Us. Rev.Millar’sdescription is: “We will explore the application of what is said in the Arcana concerningthe Lord’s early mental development to the activity of the Word working to regeneratethe human mind. Working from first principles and through the removal of ideas of timeand space, person and place we will see how what is said of the Lord as an infantillustrates the ongoing parallel processes involved in the growth and development ofthe Word in its infancy in us.”
Rev. Millar and his wife Mandy are visiting from Adelaide, South Australia. He is theDirector of Spiritual Training in the AustralianNewChurchCollege. Prior to thatposition, he was the pastor of the Adelaide society of the NewChurch.
As to the naturalfood for the evening, the menu is mixed grill (chicken, fresh sausage, and shrimp), warm potato salad, green bean and tomato salad, and peaches and ice cream.
On Sunday, the pastor will lead the opening of the service and give the children’s talk, and then Rev. Millar will give the adult sermon. His topic will be “Binding the Strong Man” (Mark 3:27), that is, the proprium, by truths from the Lord’s Word.
Poetry! On Monday, September 15, Grades 7 and 8 will be reciting Paul Revere’s Ride by Longfellow after morning chapel. Coming to chapel first, which begins at 8:03 a.m., will ensure that you don’t miss the performance. Parents and friends are most welcome. (It’s a six minute performance)
Attention, Parents of School Children: Photo release forms were sent home with your child last week.The KemptonNewChurchSchool has a closed facebook page for the staff and the relatives of the children. This means that the only way someone can see the photos is by getting permission to be part of the facebook group. The page gives glimpses into what we are doing in the school! Occasionally, reminders and notifications will be given on that page too. We can include photos of your child only if you sign the form.Thank you, and please join our facebook group!
Autumn Weekends, our society food stand fundraiser, is ramping up. Here is what you want to know:
- Sign up at
tab News,tab Signup Sheet
- We are starting September 27th and are running for 5 weekends.
- Clean up preparation is September 20th at 9:00 A.M. All hands on deck! Breakfast will be provided! Captains’ kitchen walk-through will be at 10:00 A.M.
- Call Roger Schrock with any questions. 484-390-1922.
Volunteer Newsletter Editor - Here's an opportunity to do something significant for the general Kempton community. The KemptonCommunity Center has begun a process of re-inventing itself as a true community asset. One of its critical needs is the ability to communicate publicly in an effective manner. A thoughtfully crafted newsletter is the most efficient and effective way to accomplish this. The organization seeks someone to take on this task as a volunteer. It's not hugely time-consuming since the newsletter would be published (in print and electronically) only twice yearly. If you have any interest at all in this, please contact Tom Kerr at756-4376 or to discuss. Thanks.
Opportunity to help: My mother-in-law, Kaye Long, is headed to Hershey for a stem cell transplant to fight lymphoma. If I could get a list of people willing to make meals for her and her husband Jonnie, I would be able to contact everyone once she returns home in about three weeks. If you would be willing to help, or have any questions, please contact me at or 484-764-6916. I will probably sign them up on, but it would also be good to know who I could contact for meals (a freezer meal would also work). Thank you very much! – Katrina Long
P.S. If you would like to send her a word of encouragement, her address is Kaye Long, 9329 Red Rd., Kempton, PA 19529. You can follow her journey at
General Church Education has a new 7-lesson series for ages 3-14: Hands of Love: Inherit the Kingdom. Check out our playlist of videos that support learning for all ages: Watch a pastoral talk featuring NewChurch teens, songs, how-tos, and more. Order lessons online in print or digital format at
New to Our Farm – Trail lessons: $50/person or $75/couple. We need to address some cash flow issues due to the veterinary expenses belonging to my animal rescue. This fall would be a great time to come support our farm and its critters and then drive over to support KNCS and enjoy lunch at our Autumn Weekends!!!! Please call Tiffany Synnestvedt at (484) 239-1770 with questions or reservations. I will donate 10% of all trail rides during Autumn Weekends to KNCS.
Scentsy Products Available: My sister-in-law Blythe is a Scentsy Consultant. I amdoing a Book Party for her. There are some personal care products and wax meltsthat go into warmers. There are over 80 scents to choose from.The wax melts at a low temperature that is not hot enough to burn, and is made from non-toxic food grade paraffin. These items make great house presents, and Christmas is coming! I'm leaving some catalogs on the school counter for anyone who is interested inlooking them over. The Party is open until Wednesday, September 17. Thank you! – Suzanne Evans(610-756-4080)
Zumba Classmeets in the society room on Thursdays from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.(although next week it will be held on Wednesday the 17th due to the society meeting on Thursday the 18th). The class is open to women and girls, 7thgrade and up. Regular drop in rate is $7/class, student rate is $5/class, special deal is 12 classes for $60, special student deal is 10 classes for $40. Call me if you have any questions or would like to be added to the email list. – Genta Jungé (267-981-8833)
The 4th Annual Mid-Atlantic Women’s Herbal Conference will be held at Red Earth Farm, Kempton location, October 4 and 5. Featured will be internationally acclaimed herbalist Rosemary Gladstar. Who should come? Any teen girl or woman interested in sustainable living and learning more about natural healing for their families. For more information and to register, visit