[Click here and type name]

Template for iPod-inspired Writing Lesson

Lesson title:[Click here and type title]

Mentor Text or Texts (song, podcast, video, picture book, etc) to be used in this lesson: [Click here and type names of mentor texts]

Three-sentence overview of your lesson. (Tip: You may want to type this last!)
[Click here and type your three-sentence overview]
6-Trait overview. (What is your FOCUS skill and your SUPPORTING SKILL?)
[Click here and explain your FOCUS and SUPPORTING Skills]
A brief explanation of why you think this is a great song to use:
[Click here and type explanation]
Optional: Do you have any background information about your mentor texts that would be helpful to share with teachers? Any related resources that teachers might benefit from knowing about or using as they attempt to teach your excellent lesson?
[Click here and share any relevant information]
For Teacher Instructions Page: Before sharing from the iPod, what do you do with students to prep them for the lesson/content?
[Click here and type instructions for other teachers]
For Teacher Instructions Page: What should the teacher do immediately before sharing from the iPod and/or while the iPod is playing?
[Click here and type instructions for other teachers]
For Teacher Instructions Page: After playing from the iPod, what will you have students do to brainstorm or pre-write for the task at hand? What GRAPHIC ORGANIZER will you design to assist your students succeed with the FOCUS and SUPPORT trait you have chosen?
[Click here and type instructions for other teachers]
For Teacher Instructions Page: Do you have any suggestions for teachers as they move their students from pre-writing to writing a draft of their project?
[Click here and type instructions for other teachers]
For Teacher Instructions Page: To help writingfix visitors find and use your lesson, please include some “tag” words that describe your lesson in each of the following categories.
Final Product (i.e. poem or song, narrative, story, expository piece, brochure, poster, etc.) Please include the primary product and one or two alternative products students might produce as a result of your lesson.
[Click here and type primary and other optional products]
Age Level and content area your lesson is designed for. Please include any other subjects that could adapt your lesson. (i.e. a language arts lesson that could also work well in a social studies class.)
[Click here and type intended grade level]
Focus Skills…Please include any Bloom’s verbs addressed in your lesson. Also let teachers know specific skills students will be working on. (i.e. compare/contrast, literary terms, poetic devices, persuasion)
[Click here and type Blooms verbs and skills addressed in your lesson]
Other Mentor Texts…if a teacher might not be able to use one of your mentor texts, what are some other mentor texts that might serve the same purpose in your lesson?
[Click here and type optional mentor texts that might work in your lesson]
For Student Instructions Page:
[Please type some brief student-friendly directions for your writing assignment]
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