August 18-21
Kempenfelt Conference Centre
This professional learning will provide participants with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of adolescent literacy and to build their capacity as subject-specific adolescent literacy leaders. This year’s summer camp will feature learning with Dr. Jean Clinton and Dr. Stuart Shanker as we explore literacy and adolescent development, metacognition and self-regulation.
Over the course of the four days, participants will have the opportunity to share experiences, ideas and insights from whole group and breakout sessions, with colleagues. Opportunities to reflect upon new learning will be provided through collaborative networking and dedicated time for focused conversation.
Who?Educators interested in enhancing their capacity to support literacy in intermediate and senior classrooms (all subjects grades 7 & 8, Canadian & World Studies grades 9-12, English grades 9-12).
Participants are encouraged to register as a team of learners. Team members may be from the same school or from across a board. Priority will be given to team applications before individual applications. Participants should register as a team of two to five members.
Where?Kempenfelt Conference Centre, 3722 Fairway Road, Innisfil, Ontario L9S 1A5
When?Monday, August 18th 2014, 12:00 to Thursday August 21st 2014, 12:00
To ensure a full learning experience, camp participants are required to attend all days and all sessions (mornings, afternoons and evenings).
To continue the learning attendees will be invited to participate in a professional learning network during the 2014-2015 school year.
Cost?The cost of shared accommodation (2 per room), meals, and travel (according to ministry guidelines) will be paid by the Ministry of Education Adolescent Literacy initiative. Camp organizers will make all arrangements for meals and accommodation. Participants are responsible for making their own travel arrangements.
How?Complete and mail the registration form and a personal cheque for $100.
A $100 personal cheque (one per applicant) should be made payable to Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE) and is required to secure a space. When registering a team, a personal cheque for each team member is required and all applications should be mailed together. The cheque will only be cashed if the participant cancels after July 15, 2014, does not attend camp or fails to participate in all sessions. Deposit cheques will be returned to participants on the final day of camp, prior to returning home.
Applicants will be accepted based on the date of the receipt of complete application and deposit cheque.
Consideration will be given to balance breakout groups. Applicants will receive a response in mid-June.
Adolescent Literacy Summer Camp
Exploring Literacy, Metacognition and Self-Regulation
Summer Camp 2014
Name: ______□Male □Female
Email: ______(to June 28th)
______(after June 28th)
Board: ______
Indicate Breakout Group: (please select one)
□ Grades 9-12 Canadian & World Studies □ Grades 9-12 English □ Grades 7-8
Board/School Address:Street/Mailbox: ______
Town/City: ______Postal Code: ______
Phone Number: ______ / Summer Address:
Street/Mailbox: ______
Town/City: ______Postal Code: ______
Phone Number: ______Alternate: ______
I am registering as a member of a team. □ Yes□ No
Other team members’ names: ______
Please send team members applications and deposit cheques together in the same envelope
I am registering as an individual: □ Yes□ No
Current Position: please check
□ Grade 9 – 12 Subject /Role ______□ Grade 7-8
□ Board Literacy or Program Lead □ Principal □ Vice-Principal□ Other:______
Accommodation and Meal Information:
The facility has been reserved for Camp 2014 – unfortunately family and friends cannot be accommodated.
A limited number of single rooms are available at a cost of $300 (payable to Kempenfelt at check-in). If you wish to request this option, please sign below. Please note that single room requests will be filled on a first come-first served basis and confirmation of single room bookings will be made in early July.
Preferred Roommate: ______(shared accommodation cost covered by MOE)
Single Accommodation requested ______(personal cost $300.00)
All meals are provided for all participants. Please list below any dietary concerns/allergies.
If you require any accessibility-related accommodation(s), please describe them below:
Return completed form and personal deposit cheque for $100.00 (made payable to CODE) to:
Kaye Appleby, 78 Meridene Crescent, London, ON N5X 1G2