ECC Weekly Information Bulletin
May 2, 2014
Quote: Mistakes are the usual bridge between inexperience and wisdom. Phyllis Theroux
ECC offers a number of services at reduced cost for member governments. If you need the following, please check first with ECC:
· Maps (all sizes);
· Special studies (e.g., pay classification);
· Staffing for planning and zoning boards;
· GPS services;
· GIS mapping services;
· Map scanning (will make that ratty looking map look almost new and give you a digital copy);
· Surveys (citizen, special issue, employee, P&R);
· Various types of plans (P&R, revitalization, redevelopment, business development, etc.);
· Interim help (finance, planning);
· Staff training (communication, customer service, team building, managing employees, grant writing, grant management, etc.)
· Executive Searches (managers, executive directors, police chiefs, etc.)
Former ECC Board President Steve Keen appointed by Gov. McCrory
Steve Keen has resigned his position as Wayne County Commissioner to take up his new post as Director of Governor McCrory’s Eastern Office. "Steve Keen's business acumen as well as his many contributions to the common good of the state of North Carolina make him a natural choice to head our Eastern Office," Governor McCrory said. "His dedication to supporting economic growth in the area through job creation is paramount to our administration's long-term goals." Congratulations, Steve!
EPA to Host Webcast on Integrating Green Infrastructure into Existing Public Works Project
May 6, 2014 from 1:00-2:30 p.m. eastern. Integrating green infrastructure into "business as usual" in city, state and regional public works projects is one of the most efficient ways to achieve wide scale and cost effective implementation. This webcast will share lessons learned from both municipal and county officials experienced in the art of coordinating green infrastructure improvements with scheduled street improvements, parks improvements and projects on public sites. Integrating green infrastructure into existing public works projects and Capital Improvement Plans (CIPs) can help different government departments identify the most impactful and cost effective opportunities for green practices. For more information and to register, visit:
Struggling to innovate? Take a hike
Research suggests that taking a short walk can boost your creative output up to 60%. That's probably because it exposes you to new stimulation and forces you to consider your problems in new contexts. "[W]alking spurs more of these moments, as visual distractions and the act of walking tend to give a person a break from whatever problem it is they're trying to solve," explains Anthony Rivas.
NC DOT Transportation Corridors Briefing
You are invited to attend a special briefing about proposed strategic transportation corridors in our state. The N.C. Department of Transportation has worked for the past year to identify a network of transportation corridors that serve the state's high-level economic development and mobility needs. This effort is separate from the department's implementation of the Strategic Transportation Investments (STI) legislation and the project prioritization process.
NCDOT will conduct a series of meetings across the state in May to brief key stakeholders about the draft recommended transportation corridors and gather their comments. A schedule of meetings is shown below. Please let us know if you will be able to join us and which meeting(s) you plan to attend. This will help us ensure we have appropriate materials and resources available at each location. Wednesday May 7, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Lenoir Community College Administration Building Auditorium 231 Highway 58 South Kinston, NC 28502. Click here to register for this meeting
ESPC Workshop
The NC Chapter of the Energy Services Coalition and the NC Utility Savings Initiative are presenting free ½ day workshops across the state this May and June on Energy Saving Performance Contracting (ESPC) (May 12th at the Teleconference Center 415 East Boulevard Williamston NC, 27892 9am - 1pm Lunch Included). Energy Saving Performance Contracts are a unique procurement tool that public agencies can utilize to upgrade their facilities through projects that also save energy. The workshops will provide valuable insight about ESPC, how it works, the pros and cons, case studies, the process, and the new rules and regulations that have made the process easier for smaller organizations. The target audience is decision-makers from community colleges, local governments, and K-12 schools. However, anyone who is interested in learning about performance contracting is invited to attend. Attendance requires electronic registration at the website link below. For more information about this event and other workshop sites, contact Kathy Walters at
Free online water system management resources
See the free (EPA funded) online resources for the Smart Management for Small Water Systems (SMSWS) project, here: You will note that there is a section on Water Loss Reduction (, and a series of three free webinars (archived for viewing at any time) on Water Loss Reduction (, conducted by our colleagues at the Southwest Environmental Finance Center, who specialize in this subject. Also, while what is called “round one” of the SMSWS project is ending on April 30 (tomorrow), the UNC Environmental Finance Center and the other EFC’s in the national network have won a “round two” of this project that will begin right away, in May 2014.
NC Catalyst program public hearing
PUBLIC HEARING: A public hearing will be held on May 12, 2014 from 9:00 am to 10:00 am for the Substantial Amendment to the 2012 Annual Action Plan. The hearing will be held at the NCDA &CS Agronomic Division, located at 4300 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, NC 275607. The public hearing will cover the changes to the method of distribution in the 2012 NC Catalyst Program. Persons wanting additional information on the public hearing may contact Iris Payne by phone at (919) 571-4900 ext 249 or via email at . Persons with disabilities or who otherwise need assistance should contact Ella Limehouse at (919) 571-4900 in advance of the hearing. Accommodations will be made for all who request assistance with participating in the public hearing by Thursday, May 8 2014. A copy of the Substantial Amendment is located on the NC Commerce website listed below: COMMENT PERIOD: Comments concerning the Substantial Amendment to the 2012 Consolidated Annual Action Plan may be made any time during the 30 day comment period or at the public hearing. Written comments will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. Friday, May 23, 2014, and may be made via email (), fax (919) 571-4900, or mailed to Iris Payne, Division of Community Assistance, 4313 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-4313.
SOG Coates' Canons: 'Is a Quorum Necessary for a Public Hearing?'
In accordance with G.S. 160A-364, a city has scheduled a public hearing on a proposed amendment to its zoning ordinance. Notice of the hearing has been provided in accordance with the statute, but it now appears that there will not be a quorum present on the day of the hearing. The council does not expect to take action on the ordinance at the meeting. May the city go forward with public hearing without a quorum? The answer is “no.” To fulfill the statutory requirement, a public hearing must take place at a properly noticed meeting with a quorum present, and any specific notice requirements for the hearing must also be met. You may view the latest post at
AmericaWalks to Host Webinar on Building Partnerships to Promote Livable Communities
AmericaWalks will host a webinar on May 19 from 2 – 3:30 p.m. ET to discuss building partnerships to support livable and vibrant communities. The expert panel discussion with featured speakers from AARP and Safe Routes to School National Partnership will address innovative ways to engage the change agents in your communities to help make them more livable and vibrant places to live. This webinar is part of a series on "All Things Walking" that includes webinars, telephone discussion forums, online technical resources, community-based workshops, and customized technical assistance designed to empower local communities to implement walking strategies and interventions in their communities. Click here to register.
Workshops/Meetings/Events/Deadlines coming up soon
5/5 Future of Environmental Finance—Chapel Hill 1:30 to 4:30 Check here for details
5/5 Needs of older citizens listening sessions—Greenville—10 to 12 click here
5/5 NC DVR public meeting in Lumberton at Roberson Community College 5:30 PM
5/6 NC DVR public meeting in Washington at Beaufort Community College 5:30 PM
5/6 EPA webinar 1 to 2:30 PM Integrating Green Infrastructure into PW projects
5/6-9 SOG Chapel Hill Basic Purchasing Course
5/7 NC DOT Briefing on Strategic Corridors at LCC in Kinston 3-5 PM Click here to register
5/8 ECC Executive Committee Meeting 6:00 PM 2nd floor conference room
5/8 Rural Food System development webinar 1 PM: webinar
5/9 Future of the NC Rural Center—Roundtable, Lenoir Community College 9:30 to noon click here
5/12 Energy Saving Performance Contracting in Williamston 9-1 Click here to register.
5/12 Public hearing in Raleigh 9 to 10 AM for the Substantial Amendment to the 2012 Annual Action Plan. Click here to view
5/13 Managing Public Records workshop in Winston-Salem 1-4 PM
5/13 ECRPO meeting
5/14-16 NCAMPO conference in Wilmington
5/19 Pre-applications due for wildlife conservation grants:
5/19 Livable Communities Webinar 2 to 3:30 PM access here
5/20 DERPO TCC meeting at Onslow County Gov offices
5/20 Managing Public Records workshop in Edenton 1-4 PM
5/20-21 Planning & facilitation collaboration meetings—free workshop—Beaufort Web site
5/22 Graphic facilitation meeting—free workshop—Beaufort Web site
5/22 DERPO TAC meeting at ECC office
5/26 Memorial Day Holiday—ECC offices closed
5/27 Managing Public Records workshop in Wilmington 1-4 PM
5/29 Section 319 grant applications due to DWR
Note: The material contained in this bulletin is a compilation from a number of electronic and print sources.
Eastern Carolina Council P0 Box 1717 New Bern, NC 28563-1717
Phone 252.638.3185 Ext. 3005 Fax 252.638.3187 Web email