Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools

Pre-Kindergarten Interest Form

Application period:February 15-March 15, 2013

Applicants interested in determining eligibility for placement in allpublic

Pre-Kindergarten programslocated in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools should 1) complete the InterestForm and 2) attach the form to the front of thecompleted Smart Start of Forsyth County Pre-Kindergarten Application, 2013-14.District Pre-K classrooms are funded through federal, state and local funds.

Interest forms and applications may be turned into any elementary school listed on the back of this form by the deadline: Friday, March 15, 2013, 4:00 p.m.

Save the date: Pre-K Spring Screening

Saturday, April 27, 2013,or Saturday, May 18, 2013

By mid-April, Smart Start of Forsyth County will contact you to schedule a developmental screening appointment for your child. The screening appointment lasts about 1 hour.

Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools public pre-Kindergarten offers placement to children based on demonstrated educational need. The applicant pool is rank-ordered and the child who will benefit most from pre-Kindergarten services is offered placement first. When classrooms reach capacity, a rank-order wait list is maintained to fill any vacancy.

Your child’s placement status letter will be mailed by mid-July.

Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools public pre-Kindergarten does not offer bus transportation or before or after school care.

You may indicate your community placement preference below. Please note: Your preferred location is not guaranteed.Classroom locations may change within the school district. If the location you prefer reaches capacity, you may be offered another location or wait list status.

Make only one (1) choice.

I prefer ______Elementary School.


I prefer ______Head StartCenter.


I prefer ______NC Pre-KChildCareCenter.

Print child’s name here:______

(Please Print)

Parent/guardian sign here:______date:______

Schools with Pre-K classrooms 2012-13
Caleb's Creek(Kernersville)
Cook(Thurmond Street)
Diggs/Latham (Hutton Street)
Easton(E. Clemmonsville Road)
Forest Park(Milford Street)
Gibson(Walker Road)
Griffith (Clemmonsville Road)
Hall-Woodward(Nicholson Road)
Ibraham(Old Walkertown Road)
Kernersville(W. Mountain Street)
KimberleyPark(N. Cherry Street)
Kimmel Farm(Ebert Street)
Konnoak(Renon Road)
Middle Fork(Williston Road)
North Hills (Alspaugh)
OldTown(Reynolda Road)
Petree (Old Greensboro Road)
SedgeGarden(Sedge Garden Road)
South Fork(Country Club Road)
Speas (Polo Road)
Walkertown(Walkertown, Main St)
Ward(Fraternity Church Road)

For additional information about the program visit or contact Linda Olinger, WS/FCS Pre-K program specialist, at or by phone at 336-748-4000 extension 34242.