St. Pius X GNS

Keeping up with the K`s - Week 2 in the Big Brother tank!

Love Hate

Week 2 in the Big Brother tank and Kasper has discovered another prawn .... his reflection - Kim Kardashian! We think he has a thing for her! He spends the majority of his day admiring himself. Kourtney and Khloe are at each other’s throats. The other day Khloe (starfish) had a fight with Kourtney (flounder) who isn`t very sociable. We think Kourtney was asking for it though because the day before she had tried to sneak up under Khloe and start a fight. Kasper (prawn) was trying to provoke Kourtney by poking her, but Kourtney was having none of it. We think Kourtney is a bit self-conscious about her shape and weight and that`s why she`s hiding under the stones! Kasper is such a player. He`s always trying to get to get close to Khloe. We think that they might have emotional issues as earlier in the week at a slumber party, they all seemed to be getting on much better.

Dominican Convent Primary School

This second week has been very exciting. We have switched all the jobs for the tank. The scariest thing that happened was that we thought Tony had died. We were all very worried and were hoping that he was still alive. The next day was quite a shock when we saw Tony swimming around the tank. On one of the days, Patrick – Patricia was very active and was exploring the tank. Everyday Issa – Gregory has been trying to get on the magnet, and finally he has succeeded. One day Patrick – Patricia was posing like a ballerina. Issa – Gregory and Patrick – Patricia had become very good friends. Issa is still greedy during feeding time. Tony has also come out from hiding more this week. We did different projects and art work about our fish. We did fishy facts, causes of sea pollution, our sea life experience, a rock pool picture and a big sea life frieze. We are looking forward to more exciting events in our class aquarium. Here is our sea life frieze.

Bray School Project N.S.

All week long Zerkaa (the flounder) has been going in and out of the sand. Zerkaa appears to swim around only when we are not there. He is very shy.We managed to take a photo of him resting on the sand.Casper (the ghost prawn) chases our cleaning magnets when we are cleaning the glass. We think that it was Casper that made a hill of sand in the tank overnight. Tobi (our starfish) keeps giving us a fright by looking dead, but he usually moves in the end. We have noticed that there is weird flaky stuff forming around the base of the tank. We really enjoyed Loraine’s visit to our class on Wednesday afternoon. We are writing fact files about our sea creatures at the moment. We found out that a flounder’s skin changes colour when they are scared. It usually changes to white when scared, which is worrying because Zerkaa is pale most of the time!!!We have also drawn pictures of our sea creatures using chalk pastels and have displayed them above our aquarium.