1.  _____ Sunspots are cooler than their surrounding area.

2.  _____ Sunspots are more magnetic than their surrounding area.

3.  _____ Sunspot activity peaks every 15 years.

4.  _____ Fusion is the separation of Hydrogen isotopes

5.  _____ Sunspots occur most near the poles

6.  _____ Sunspots last from 80 to 100 days

7.  _____The umbra is the dark part of the sunspot

8.  _____ Choronium originates in the corona

9.  _____ Sunspots are uniform in size and appearance

10.  _____ Sunspots occur in pairs


1._____ The chromosphere is faint because of its low density.

2._____ The sun’s mass is over a million times that of our earth

3._____ The sun is a fairly normal star

4._____ The energy of the sun is transported to its surface by convection

5._____ The “solar constant” refers to the observation that the sun’s

brightness does not ever change

6._____ The solar corona is much cooler than the sun’s surface

7._____ The solar corona produces a lot more x-ray than it does light

8._____ The sun’s density is about the same as Saturn’s

9._____ The tops of convection zones appear as spicules on the sun

10._____The visible part of the photospheric spectrum is dominated by

thousands of emission lines


1.  The ______is the outward flow of charged particles leaving the sun.

2.  The ______is the outermost, hottest part of the sun.

3.  Nuclear fusion takes place only in the sun’s ______.

4.  Absorption lines in the solar spectrum are formed in the ______.

5.  Solar energy is produced by the ______of lighter hydrogen into the heavier helium nuclei.

6.  ______shows that convection cells transport energy upward immediately below the photosphere.

7.  In contrast to the photosphere, the spectrum of the chromosphere is dominated by ______lines.

8.  The surface magnetic field of the sun is found by measurement of the extra width in ______.

9.  In time, the fusion reactions will cause the amount of helium to ______in the sun’s core.

10.  The solar photosphere is not uniform in brightness, but has a mottled appearance termed ______.


Granulation Increase Decrease Chromosphere Solar wind

Hydrogen Core Corona Photosphere Fusion Emission

Absorption Spicules Luminosity


1.  What advantage does SOHO have in orbit for observing the solar corona and its activity?

2.  Explain how a person can observe sunspots. Add a diagram

3.  Differentiate absorption and emission spectra, and explain where they are seen on the sun.

4.  Describe the transition of energy in the convection zone.

5.  Fill in the appropriate information to demonstrate fusion.

6.  Draw and label the parts of the sun

7.  Label the umbra and penumbra of the sunspots below.