Kiwanis Club of Keene, NH, Board Policy #11


Community Service Grant Guidelines

The Kiwanis Club of Keene supports our local communities by focusing on children’s needs in our communities. Over 90% of the money raised locally is used for local activities such as educational scholarships, camperships to local camps, bike helmets, Christmas gifts for families in need in our community etc. To qualify for a grant donation from the Keene Kiwanis Club, we have the following guidelines:

·  Grants will be made to local non-profit organizations with a non-profit tax status, preferably 501c3.

·  Grants are not made to individuals. For example, we donate money to local organizations such as a camp which uses the funds to award camperships based on specific criteria. Additionally we do not donate to an organization and earmark the funds for a specific individual.

·  Grants for children’s needs and children’s activities are given priority.

·  Grants are limited to one donation per year.

·  Grants are not made for religious or political purposes.

·  Grants are limited for one year at a time. We will not commit funds for a multiyear donation.

·  We will designate up to 10% of our donation budget annually to international children’s needs.

In order to consider your grant request as soon as possible, the request must be made in writing and mailed to the club’s address.

Please include the following information:

·  The official name and address of your organization.

·  The name and telephone and email addresses of the contact individual in your organization.

·  A statement confirming that your organization is a local non-profit organization.

·  The amount of your request.

·  The purpose for the grant funds. Please detail how the money will be used.

·  Please include any time requirements for your donation. If you need the donation for a specific date, please indicate the date needed in your request.

The donation process involves a number of steps for our organization. The following is our general time period for grant requests. All donation requests are brought monthly to our Community Services Grant Subcommittee which meets monthly. The subcommittee’s recommendation will be forwarded to the Board of Directors for their monthly meeting. . Approved grant checks are mailed the second week of the month. For a timely response, please allow up to 45 days for the grant decision process.

You may contact us at:

Keene Kiwanis Club

Attn.: Community Service Grant Committee

63 Emerald Street, PMB 451

Keene, NH 03431

Board Approved: January 11, 2011.

Board Reviewed and left unchanged: January 3, 2012