Town of Canterbury
Municipal Agent to the Elderly
Senior Luncheon Report
November 9, 2017
I would first like to take this time to Thank Roy Piper for his years of dedication to the town of Canterbury as First Selectman. It has been a pleasure working with him and he will be missed dearly. Enjoy your retirement Roy.
As many of you are aware, the continuing budget crisis issues are at a all time high and many changes within our state government programs and aid to elderly and disablied have been effected greatly. It is still unclear as to what effects wether long or short term this budget will have for our vulerable citizens. I ask that you be patient as the municipalies are awaiting direction from the state agencies on what these impacts will be.
With the colder weather approaching I would like to remind everyone to check on your family friends and neighbors’. This is prime season for slips and falls which can cause devastating injuries. Please clear your pathways and be cautious in in climate weather.
Medicare Open Enrollment 2018 Period is beginning October 15 -December 7, 2017. If you have any questions please feel free to contact my office
Medicare Saving Programsenrollments are always open, if you need assistance paying your Medicare Part B Premiums please contact my office to apply.
- 2017 Renters Rebate: Due the late adoption of the state budget, the normal process for distributing these payments has been delayed.
- In the adopted state budget, there were changes made to the program – a shift to municipalities for administration and a reduction in funding.
- Municipalities were not given advanced notice of this change.
- While there is state money available in the budget for the program, there appears to be no mechanism to distribute that money to municipalities and its residents.
- We are being told that the General Assembly will address this and fix the issue in the very near future.
- We are also being told that program administration will likely be returned to OPM, but we do not know if there will any changes to funding levels.
Farmers Market Coupons:Program has ended for the current year
Canterbury’s Farmers Market: Program has ended for the current year
Access Energy:Now that a state budget was passed on October 31, 2017 the proposed program is in full swing. For those who applied prior to this date and did not receive an award benefit letter you should be expecting is shortly. Deliverable fuels starts November 15, 2017. I am still processing applications and anyone needing an appointment please contact my office.
Day Kimball Hospital Hospice Tree lighting ceremony, December 3, 2017 5-7. Town Hall Green, Refreshments following ceremony
I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday.
My office hours for the week of Thanksgiving
Tuesday 11/21 9am-2pm
Wednesday 11/22 9am - noon
Respectfully Submitted,
Ella M. Hebert
Municipal Agent to the Elderly
Town of Canterbury