Kamloops TSA Committee – FSP Subcommittee

Draft FSP Wording – Cultural Heritage Resources

Updated: Sept 12, 2016

Contact:, Cell: 250-804-6305

Cultural Heritage Resources

Objective[1]: Theobjectivesetbygovernmentforculturalheritageresources is toconserve,or,ifnecessary,protectculturalheritage resourcesthatare thefocusofatraditionalusebyanaboriginalpeople that is ofcontinuingimportancetothatpeople,and notregulatedundertheHeritageConservationAct

ApplicableArea: AllFDUs


Potentially Affected First Nations: those First Nations with interest within an area as defined by the Consultative Areas Database[2] or equivalent government system.

Affected Cultural Heritage Resource: a cultural heritage resource (CHR), geographically associated with the planned forest harvesting, road building or site prep activities, to which the objective set by government in Section 10 of the FPPR pertains;

CHR Evaluation: an office and/or field based process conducted by an authorized member of the Potentially Affected First Nation or Qualified Professional to assess the existence and significance of an Affected CHR;

Strategy: The FSP Holder will

  1. Follow any development specific or general protocols that are developed and agreed to with First Nations
  2. In the absence of general or specific protocols, and prior to carrying out or authorizing primary forest activities,

a)Refer the areas identified for proposed forest harvesting, road construction or site preparation to Potentially Affected First Nations, requesting specific information regarding CHR values;

b)Complete a CHR Evaluation where specific information is brought forward or made available by the Potentially Affected First Nation.

c)If made aware of the presence of an Affected CHR in or adjacent to a proposed cutblock or road, work with affected First Nations to develop strategies to mitigate the direct impact of the proposed forest harvesting or road construction on the affected CHR, based on:

  1. The relative value or importance of the affected CHR to a traditional use by a First Nation;
  2. The relative abundance or scarcity of the affected CHR;
  3. The historical extent of the traditional use of the affected CHR and
  4. Options for mitigating the impact of primary forest activities on the CHR;
  5. The impact that conserving or protecting the CHR has on the FSP Holder’s ability to implement primary forest activities.

d)In the event that agreement cannot be reached regarding the Affected CHR, communicate back to the affected First Nation what management strategies that will be undertaken in response to the Affected CHR.

e)Implement the management strategies in response to the Affected CHR.

f)If a specific previously unidentified Affected CHR is identified during forest harvesting, road construction or site preparation activities, modify or stop work to the extent necessary to protect the Affected CHR, then complete 2, c to e.

[1] FPPR Section 10
