Child’s Full Name:Date of Birth:
Tell us three things about your child:
What are your expectations for your child at Prep?
Mother’s Name: / Father’s Name:
Mother’s Phone: / Father’s Phone:
Mother’s Address: / Father’s Address:
Where is your child placed in the family?youngest eldest middle
Is your child an only child? no yes
Who are the people your child lives with? Please include all names and ages, including siblings.
Have there been any recent changes in your family e.g. new house/baby/death in the family? noyes
If yes give details:
Do you have custody arrangements that we need to be aware of? no yes - please give details.
How will your child arrive at and leave Prep? car bus walk bike
Who will collect your child from Prep? Mum Dad Relative Child care assistant Older Sibling
Was your child born at full term? yes no If premature, how early?
At what age did your child crawl? / At what age did your child walk?
Has your child had any serious illnesses, operations or accidents? no yes - please give details
Does your child still have a daytime rest/sleep? yes no
Can your child independently toilet themselves? yes no
Do you have any concerns about your child’s development? Please give details.
Has your child had their Community Health - 4 year old check-up? yes no.
Please give details if your child has problems with:
Eyesight yes no / Hearing yes no
Speech yes no / Physical Coordination yes no
Does your child have any allergies? no yes – please give details.
Are any medications required?
Does your child have anaphylaxis? no yesEpipen required with them no yes
*You will need to present a current action plan to the school office at or prior to commencement of school
Does your child have asthma? no yes
Do you have a current Asthma medical plan? no yes
*You will need to present a current plan to the school office at or prior to commencement of school
If you do not speak English, what is the main language spoken at home?
At what age did your child start to talk?
How well does your child listen to and follow instructions?
How would you describe your child?
Is your child independent?  YES  NO
 Follows directions  Needs extra direction  Talks back
 Needs reminders about being safe  Likes to get own way  Has tantrums
How does your child react when you leave them in someone else’s care?
How do you think your child will react to starting Prep?
How do you think your child will cope with five days full time attendance (8:50am – 3:00pm) at Prep?
What opportunities has your child had to socialize with other children their own age?
Day Care Family Day Care Kindergarten Playgroup Other
Which one? Name: ______
Does your child like to play alone or with others?
How does your child react to change, new challenges, frustration and failure?
Do you have any concerns about your child’s social/emotional development? Give details:
Who are some of your child’s friends attending Prep at Kin Kora State School in 2016? List Names
At the moment, what does your child like to do and play/play with - favourite toys, games, books, DVD’s, TV programs?
How regularly does your child…?
Watch TV ______
Read books ______
Participate in physical activity outside ______
Do puzzles and card/board games______/ Use a computer/Ipad/Device______
Draw/Colour in ______
Play with other children ______
Do writing ______
Assembly/Parade ______Food ______
Celebrations ______Clothing ______
Sporting Activities ______
Give details:
SPECIALIST SERVICES: Has your child been seen by any of the following?
Speech & Language Pathologist? yes no Report yes no Current Program yes no
Occupational Therapist? yes no Report yes no Current Program yes no
Physiotherapist? yes no Report yes no Current Program yes no
Paediatrician? yes noLetter/Report yes no
Psychologist? yes noLetter/Report yes no Current Program yes no
Optometrist? yes no
Audiologist? yes no Report yes no Hearing issues?
Other Specialist? no yes Details:
Does your child have a diagnosis? yes no Give details:
Support Required:
Please give details and copies of any reports to school office.
I/We would like to make an appointment to discuss my child’s needs starting Prep yes no

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire, it will assist us in knowing your child better

and used to assist staff in making your child’s transition to school as smooth as possible.

Please return to the school office with your enrolment form as soon as possible.

All information will be kept strictly confidential.

J:\P-3\Prep\Prep Open Nights and Days\2015\Prep Questionnaire.doc