Kacie Escobar, Curley & Pynn
(407) 423-8006
North Florida Community LeadersEmbrace the“RISE” of Florida’s
Educational Attainment Rate to 55 percent by 2025
MADISON, Fla. (Oct. 20, 2017) –Today,more than 45leaders in business, government and economic development from across North Florida embraced RISE to 55 (Resourcing Industry for a Stronger Economy), a campaign led by the Florida Higher Education Coordinating Council (HECC) to increase the number of Floridians with postsecondary degrees or certificates to 55 percent by 2025.
State Representative Elizabeth Porter, Florida College System Chancellor Madeline Pumariega and North Florida Community College President John Grosskopf led the convening at North Florida Community College, designed to mobilizelocal leaders by highlighting workforce needsand opportunities for collaboration in support of the new educational attainment goal.
“Our local and regional goals reflect the anticipated needs of private industry in Florida, and we are excited to participate in the statewide effort to reach 55 percent attainment,” said Representative Porter, chair of the Florida House of Representatives’ Higher Education and Workforce Subcommittee, member of the HECC and a Columbia County native. “A good quality of life starts with a good job, and participation in this initiative will help secure that for our communities.”
Since 2011, the U.S. economy has added 11.5 million net new jobs for workers with postsecondary education, but added only 80,000 jobs requiring a high school diploma or less, according to the Center on Education and the Workforce. In Florida, more than 60 percent of jobs will require a postsecondary degree or certificate by 2025, yet just 47 percent of working-age residents are currently equipped. Powered by the HECC, Lumina Foundation, Helios Education Foundation, the Florida College System and CareerSource Florida, RISE to 55 encompasses efforts to bridge this gap.
“The continued growth of Florida’s economy depends on a skilled workforce,” said Chancellor Pumariega, who spearheadsFlorida’s attainment goal on behalf of the HECC.
“North Florida Community College is in the business of making dreams a reality through higher education,” added President Grosskopf. “As we work closely with the business community to address workforce needs, we grow in our ability to equip the workforce of tomorrow and fulfill dreams of a better future. Only by supporting the rise of educational attainment in surrounding counties can we help reach the statewide goal.”
About the Florida Higher Education Coordinating Council (HECC)
The HECC was established in 2010 to advise members of Florida Legislature, State Board of Education, Board of Governors and State University System of Florida on matters of public policy in higher education. Comprised of leaders in education, government and private industry, the HECC is uniquely positioned to identify needs and facilitate solutions that transform the postsecondary educational system to meet Florida’s economic development goals. For more information, visit