Dear Student,

Welcome to class! I am glad you are interested in taking this course.

{Add course name}is a fully online, Internet-based course. You must have access to an Internet connection and Canvas, NMSU's online course management system. You can find more information on Canvas and find computer requirements for using Canvas as a student by accessing this site:
Please note that this is not an online, self-study course with a due date of the last day of scheduled class. This course includes weekly deadlines scheduled throughout the semester. There is a weekly schedule that includes activities, discussions, assignments, quizzes, etc. Please review the schedule, and notice the deadlines for submitting assignments. The schedule is linked within the Canvas course on the Home page and within the modules. Extra credit is not available in this course.

While this is a web-based course, I am easily accessible. You are welcome to contact me by email, chat or phone.

Instructor Contact Information

{Insert Name}

{Insert phone number}

{Insert Office Location}

Skype: {Insert Skype name ifyou have one.}Please send me a contact request so I can add you to my Skype Contacts.

Office Hours:When you see me in Skype and by appointment.

Please use the conversation system within Canvas for communicating with me and with other students in the course. I normally check the online course and messages several times per day, and I will respond to your message as quickly as possible. I will, at a minimum, make every effort to respond to messages within 24 hours.
The Canvas course management system is a critical component in conducting the course. All students are expected to regularly use and monitor the Canvas site in order to participate in class activities. Unless otherwise noted, all materials submitted to your Instructor will also be done via Canvas.

Beginning on {Insert Date}, you should have access to the course's Canvas site. Check the Announcements area at least two to three times before our class officially begins for important information concerning our course.

Some other information concerning required textbooks, course schedule, course content, and grading are included in the attached syllabus. Please read the syllabus now and bring your questions or concerns to our first synchronous meeting on {Insert meeting date.} This orientation webinar is provided to assist you in knowing more about this course.
Our webinar will be held in Adobe Connect. You will find the link for this meeting within your Canvas course by clicking on "Conferences" on the course menu. Please know that attendance at this event and all other synchronous events for this course is encouraged but not mandatory.

A recording link will be provided after the event for those that could not attend "live".

What Should you do first?

·  Review the course Syllabus. The Syllabus is attached to this email and available on the Canvas Home Page.

·  Perform a System Check, as described on the Canvas webpage for students at There is also contact information including a link to the Canvas Help Desk and a phone number to call if you need assistance accessing your online course.

·  If necessary, take a look at the online demonstrations available from the above website. The demonstrations will show you examples of how to navigate through Canvas.

·  Review the online course { at course link here}

·  If possible, attend the Orientation Webinar. If you cannot attend, watch the archive recording as soon as it becomes available.

·  Let me know if you have any questions right away!

·  Begin your course on {add date}.

Finally, you may wish to take the Online Course Readiness Assessment, to help you decide whether an online course will suit your skills and personal learning style. To access an Online Course Readiness Assessment, go to the . This is a self-test to see if online learning is right for you. You are the only person that will see your results.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

See you soon online!