Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act (JJCPA)
Program Outcome Template

This template is to be used to provide the Program outcome specifications for new JJCPA Programs. The information provided will be input into the online reporting system that is used by all counties to submit their annual progress reports.

For each Program outcome, the following information is requested:

  • How the outcome will be measured (percentage, mean, etc.);
  • The “Reference Group” (i.e., who the Program Participants will be compared to for purposes of assessing the impact of the Program on the outcome);
  • The evaluation period for the Program Participants (i.e., when the evaluation period occurs, and the length of the evaluation period);
  • The evaluation period for the “Reference Group” (i.e., when the evaluation period occurs, and the length of the evaluation period); and
  • The goal for the outcome (i.e. your expectations for how the Program will impact performance on the outcome for the Program Participants, as compared to the “Reference Group”).

At a minimum, this information must be provided for each of the six legislatively-mandated outcomes for all Programs: arrest rate, completion of probation rate, incarceration rate, probation violation rate, and rates of completion of restitution and court-ordered community service.

Additionally, space is provided for you to provide the specifications for up to four optional local outcomes.

In most instances, you will be able to provide the requested information for each mandated outcome by merely selecting among the options provided. Similarly, you should be able to select among the options listed to provide most of the information requested for each local outcome.

Before filling in the required information, please save this template to your computer as a WORD document. If you are providing outcome information for more than one new Program, save a separate copy of the entire template for each additional Program.

Please email your completed template, along with your completed application,to JJCPA Program Lead, Field Representative Kimberly Bushard at . If you need help completing the template, or would like technical assistance with regard to methods you may wish to consider for purposes of measuring and tracking progress on the outcomes for your new Program, please contact Ms. Bushard at / 916.324.0999.

JJCPA Program Outcome Specifications

County: / Program:
Program Year (Fiscal Year): / Today’s Date:
Template Completed By:
Name: / Phone: / Email:
Outcome Measures And Goals for Mandated Outcomes

Arrest Rate

How will Outcome be measured? (Check One)
As A Percent (percent of juveniles with one or more arrests)
As A Mean (average number of arrests per juvenile)
Other (Describe: )
Reference Group for Outcome (i.e., who will Program Juveniles be compared to?) (Check One)
Historical Group of Juveniles Similar to Those who Participate in the Program
Contemporaneous Group of Juveniles Similar to Those who Participate in the Program
Prior Program Participants (i.e., other juveniles who participated in the Program previously)
Themselves (i.e., a pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
Other (Specify: )

What will the Evaluation Period be for the Program Participants? (Check One)

Some Standard Period of Time from Program Entry (e.g., first 90 days from Program Entry)
Some Standard Period of Time from Program Exit (e.g., first 90 days from Program Exit)
During Time in Program
At Point of Program Exit (commonly used in pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
Other (Specify: )

What will the Evaluation Period be for the Reference Group? (Check One)

Some Standard Period of Time
Some Standard Period of Time priorto Program Entry(often used in pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
During Time in Program
At Point of Program Entry (commonly used in pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
Other (Specify: )
About how many days will the Average Evaluation Period be for the Program Participants?

Will the Average Evaluation Period for the Reference Group be about the same number of days?

Yes No If you checked “No,” indicate average number of days for theReference Group:
Program Goal: Do you expect the Arrest Rate for the Program Juveniles to be higher, lower, or about the same as the Arrest Rate for the Reference Group Juveniles?
Higher Lower About the Same

Outcome Measures And Goals for Mandated Outcomes

Completion of Probation Rate

Check here and proceed to the Next Outcome if none, or almost none, of the Program Participants are Probationers

How will Outcome be measured? (Check One)
As A Percent (among juveniles who are Probationers, percent who complete probation)
Other (Describe: )
Reference Group for Outcome (i.e.,who will Program juveniles be compared to?) (Check One)
Historical Group of Juveniles Similar to Those who Participate in the Program
Contemporaneous Group of Juveniles Similar to Those who Participate in the Program
Prior Program Participants (i.e., other juveniles who participated in the Program previously)
Themselves (i.e., a pre/post comparison of Program Participants) Not Recommended for this Outcome
Other (Specify: )

What will the Evaluation Period be for the Program Participants? (Check One)

Some Standard Period of Time from Program Entry (e.g., first 90 days from Program Entry)
Some Standard Period of Time from Program Exit (e.g., first 90 days from Program Exit)
During Time in Program
At Point of Program Exit (commonly used in pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
Other (Specify: )

What will the Evaluation Period be for the Reference Group? (Check One)

Some Standard Period of Time
Some Standard Period of TimePrior to Program Entry(often used in pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
During Time in Program
At Point of Program Entry (commonly used in pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
Other (Specify: )
About how many days will the average Evaluation Period be for the Program Participants?

Will the average Evaluation Period for the Reference Group be about the same number of days?

Yes No If you checked “No,” indicate average number of days for the Reference Group:
Program Goal: Do you expect the completion of probation rate for the Program juveniles to be higher, lower, or about the same as the completion of probation rate for the Reference Group juveniles?
Higher Lower About the Same

Outcome Measures And Goals for Mandated Outcomes

Incarceration Rate

How will Outcome be measured? (Check One)
As A Percent (percent of juveniles who are incarcerated at least once)
As A Mean (average number of times incarcerated per juvenile)
Other (Describe: )
Reference Group for Outcome (i.e.,who will Program juveniles be compared to?) (Check One)
Historical Group of Juveniles Similar to Those who Participate in the Program
Contemporaneous Group of Juveniles Similar to Those who Participate in the Program
Prior Program Participants (i.e., other juveniles who participated in the Program previously)
Themselves (i.e., a pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
Other (Specify: )

What will the Evaluation Period be for the Program Participants? (Check One)

Some Standard Period of Time from Program Entry (e.g., first 90 days from Program Entry)
Some Standard Period of Time from Program Exit (e.g., first 90 days from Program Exit)
During Time in Program
At Point of Program Exit (commonly used in pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
Other (Specify: )

What will the Evaluation Period be for the Reference Group? (Check One)

Some Standard Period of Time
Some Standard Period of TimePrior to Program Entry(often used in pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
During Time in Program
At Point of Program Entry (commonly used in pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
Other (Specify: )
About how many days will the average Evaluation Period be for the Program Participants?

Will the average Evaluation Period for the Reference Group be about the same number of days?

Yes No If you checked “No,” indicate average number of days for the Reference Group:
Program Goal: Do you expect the incarceration rate for the Program juveniles to be higher, lower, or about the same as the incarceration rate for the Reference Group juveniles?
Higher Lower About the Same

Outcome Measures And Goals for Mandated Outcomes

Probation Violation Rate

Check here and proceed to the Next Outcome if none, or almost none, of the Program Participants are Probationers

How will Outcome be measured? (Check One)
As A Percent (among juveniles who are Probationers, percent who violate probation)
As A Mean (among juveniles who are Probationers, average number of probation violations)
Other (Describe: )
Reference Group for Outcome (i.e.,who will Program juveniles be compared to?) (Check One)
Historical Group of Juveniles Similar to Those who Participate in the Program
Contemporaneous Group of Juveniles Similar to Those who Participate in the Program
Prior Program Participants (i.e., other juveniles who participated in the Program previously)
Themselves (i.e., a pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
Other (Specify: )

What will the Evaluation Period be for the Program Participants? (Check One)

Some Standard Period of Time from Program Entry (e.g., first 90 days from Program Entry)
Some Standard Period of Time from Program Exit (e.g., first 90 days from Program Exit)
During Time in Program
At Point of Program Exit (commonly used in pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
Other (Specify: )

What will the Evaluation Period be for the Reference Group? (Check One)

Some Standard Period of Time
Some Standard Period of TimePrior to Program Entry(often used in pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
During Time in Program
At Point of Program Entry (commonly used in pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
Other (Specify: )
About how many days will the average Evaluation Period be for the Program Participants?

Will the average Evaluation Period for the Reference Group be about the same number of days?

Yes No If you checked “No,” indicate average number of days for the Reference Group:
Program Goal: Do you expect the probation violation rate for the Program juveniles to be higher, lower, or about the same as the probation violation rate for the Reference Group juveniles?
Higher Lower About the Same

Outcome Measures And Goals for Mandated Outcomes

Completion of Restitution Rate

Check here and proceed to the Next Outcome if none, or almost none, of the Program Participants Owe Restitution

How will Outcome be measured? (Check One)
As A Percent (among juveniles with Restitution, percent who complete)
Other (Describe: )
Reference Group for Outcome (i.e.,who will Program juveniles be compared to?) (Check One)
Historical Group of Juveniles Similar to Those who Participate in the Program
Contemporaneous Group of Juveniles Similar to Those who Participate in the Program
Prior Program Participants (i.e., other juveniles who participated in the Program previously)
Themselves (i.e., a pre/post comparison of Program Participants) Not Recommended for this Outcome
Other (Specify: )

What will the Evaluation Period be for the Program Participants? (Check One)

Some Standard Period of Time from Program Entry (e.g., first 90 days from Program Entry)
Some Standard Period of Time from Program Exit (e.g., first 90 days from Program Exit)
During Time in Program
At Point of Program Exit (commonly used in pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
Other (Specify: )

What will the Evaluation Period be for the Reference Group? (Check One)

Some Standard Period of Time
Some Standard Period of TimePrior to Program Entry(often used in pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
During Time in Program
At Point of Program Entry (commonly used in pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
Other (Specify: )
About how many days will the average Evaluation Period be for the Program Participants?

Will the average Evaluation Period for the Reference Group be about the same number of days?

Yes No If you checked “No,” indicate average number of days for the Reference Group:
Program Goal: Do you expect the completion of restitution rate for the Program juveniles to be higher, lower, or about the same as the completion of restitution rate for the Reference Group juveniles?
Higher Lower About the Same

Outcome Measures And Goals for Mandated Outcomes

Rate of Completion of Court-Ordered Community Service

Check here and proceed to the Next Outcome if none, or almost none, of the Program Participants have Court-Ordered Community Service

How will Outcome be measured? (Check One)
As A Percent (among juveniles with Court-Ordered Community Service, percent who complete)
Other (Describe: )
Reference Group for Outcome (i.e.,who will Program juveniles be compared to?) (Check One)
Historical Group of Juveniles Similar to Those who Participate in the Program
Contemporaneous Group of Juveniles Similar to Those who Participate in the Program
Prior Program Participants (i.e., other juveniles who participated in the Program previously)
Themselves (i.e., a pre/post comparison of Program Participants) Not Recommended for this Outcome
Other (Specify: )

What will the Evaluation Period be for the Program Participants? (Check One)

Some Standard Period of Time from Program Entry (e.g., first 90 days from Program Entry)
Some Standard Period of Time from Program Exit (e.g., first 90 days from Program Exit)
During Time in Program
At Point of Program Exit (commonly used in pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
Other (Specify: )

What will the Evaluation Period be for the Reference Group? (Check One)

Some Standard Period of Time
Some Standard Period of TimePrior to Program Entry(often used in pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
During Time in Program
At Point of Program Entry (commonly used in pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
Other (Specify: )
About how many days will the average Evaluation Period be for the Program Participants?

Will the average Evaluation Period for the Reference Group be about the same number of days?

Yes No If you checked “No,” indicate average number of days for the Reference Group:
Program Goal: Do you expect the rate of completion of Court-Ordered Community Service for Program juveniles to be higher, lower, or about the same as the rate of completion of Court-Ordered Community Service for the Reference Group juveniles?
Higher Lower About the Same

Outcome Measures And Goals for Local Outcomes

Local Outcome #1 (Specify):
How will Outcome be measured? (Check One)
As A Percent
As A Mean
Other (Describe: )
Reference Group for Outcome (i.e.,who will Program juveniles be compared to?) (Check One)
Historical Group of Juveniles Similar to Those who Participate in the Program
Contemporaneous Group of Juveniles Similar to Those who Participate in the Program
Prior Program Participants (i.e., other juveniles who participated in the Program previously)
Themselves (i.e., a pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
Other (Specify: )

What will the Evaluation Period be for the Program Participants? (Check One)

Some Standard Period of Time from Program Entry (e.g., first 90 days from Program Entry)
Some Standard Period of Time from Program Exit (e.g., first 90 days from Program Exit)
During Time in Program
At Point of Program Exit (commonly used in pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
Other (Specify: )

What will the Evaluation Period be for the Reference Group? (Check One)

Some Standard Period of Time
Some Standard Period of TimePrior to Program Entry(often used in pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
During Time in Program
At Point of Program Entry (commonly used in pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
Other (Specify: )
About how many days will the average Evaluation Period be for the Program Participants?

Will the average Evaluation Period for the Reference Group be about the same number of days?

Yes No If you checked “No,” indicate average number of days for the Reference Group:
Program Goal: With respect to this Outcome, do you expect the performance of Program juveniles to be superior to that of the Reference Group juveniles? Yes No
If “No," what are your expectations?
Outcome Measures And Goals for Local Outcomes
Local Outcome #2 (Specify):
How will Outcome be measured? (Check One)
As A Percent
As A Mean
Other (Describe: )
Reference Group for Outcome (i.e.,who will Program juveniles be compared to?) (Check One)
Historical Group of Juveniles Similar to Those who Participate in the Program
Contemporaneous Group of Juveniles Similar to Those who Participate in the Program
Prior Program Participants (i.e., other juveniles who participated in the Program previously)
Themselves (i.e., a pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
Other (Specify: )

What will the Evaluation Period be for the Program Participants? (Check One)

Some Standard Period of Time from Program Entry (e.g., first 90 days from Program Entry)
Some Standard Period of Time from Program Exit (e.g., first 90 days from Program Exit)
During Time in Program
At Point of Program Exit (commonly used in pre/post comparison of Program Participants)
Other (Specify: )

What will the Evaluation Period be for the Reference Group? (Check One)