Ottoman Empire


The student will demonstrate knowledge of the status and impact of global trade on regional civilizations of the world after 1500 A.D. (C.E.) by

a)describing the location and development of the Ottoman Empire;

Essential Understandings

The Ottoman Empire emerged as a political and economic power following the conquest of Constantinople.

The Ottomans brought much of Muslim territory in Southwest Asia, the Southeast Europe (Balkan Region) and North Africa under their rule.

Essential Questions

Where was the Ottoman Empire located, and how did it expand?

Essential Knowledge

Original location of the Ottoman Empire

  • Asia Minor

Expansion and extent of the Ottoman Empire

  • Southwest Asia
  • Southeastern Europe, Balkan Peninsula
  • North Africa

Development of the Ottoman Empire

  • Capital at Constantinople renamed Istanbul
  • Islamic religion as a unifying force that accepted other religions
  • Trade in coffee and ceramics

Rise and Expansion

  • In 1453 the ______, nomads from central Asia, captured the ______capital of ______and renamed it ______; Ottoman control continued until the ______century.
  • Ottoman ______success came from their command of ______technology (diffused from China)
  • The Islamic empire quickly expanded as the Ottomans took control of much of the ______and then extended their control to the ______and the ______, creating a multinational empire.
  • By the mid 1500s, the Ottoman Empire was the largest and most powerful empire in ______and the ______.

Suleiman the Lawgiver (Magnificent in the West)

  • A ______of the Ottoman Empire from 1520 to 1566, he expanded the empire into southern Europe and created an efficient centralized ______.
  • ______the Ottoman ______
  • Known as the Lawgiver for improving the ______– laws were based on ______, Islamic law.
  • He was a great ______of the arts and known for his religious ______.

Millet System

  • In the Ottoman Empire, legally protected religious communities of ______-______
  • Millets were permitted to maintain their own traditional religious ______.
  • Major millets were composed of ______, ______, and ______who promised not to undermine the sultan’s authority


  • ______in the Ottoman Empire that trained to protect and serve the sultan
  • Many of the soldiers were young ______boys taken from the Balkan regions and forced into the sultan’s service.
  • They were forced to convert to ______and pledge absolute loyalty to the sultan; in return, they gained great ______and ______.
  • Over time, they sought to gain ______and ______of the government.

Ottoman Empire

Millet System