November, 2016

TVAS Voting Results:

We are pleased to announce that Toni Averbach and Gary Holley have been re-elected to the TVAS Board. Both of these members provide a valuable asset to the community as well as a tremendous resource to the Board. We once again are thankful for their service to our community.

Annual Meeting:

We had another calm, productive and interactive annual meeting. There was good dialog among those in attendance and the Board. Topics of interest included, introduction of our revised R & R document, the addition of driveway maintenance, understanding what you own, and discussion on financial issues including audits and compensation to officers. If you were not in attendance, please take time to review the minutes from the meeting. There were no motions made from the floor. Any corrections to the annual meeting minutes must be submitted to Darla Robinson before December 31, 2016.

Snow Removal:

As announced at the annual meeting, we have renewed our contract with Jordan Lawn care for snow removal services for 2016-2017. Jordan Lawn care will also provide services to individual unit owners at their expense to have snow removed from driveways and sidewalks, BUT you must sign up for these services by November 30th. Call Darla at Bennett Williams. Enclosed is an attachment that lists the price for snow removal. All residents are reminded to remove their vehicles off the street prior to and during snow storms to allow for curb- to-curb plowing by the contractor. Vehicles left on the street during snow-storms will be fined or towed.

New Owners:

We welcome the following residents to our community: Mr. Johan Dass, Joseph and Maureen Matukonis, Benjamin and Janice Allen, Leo and Karen Mayers.

Budget and Annual Dues:

Recently you were mailed the budget for 2017. There will be no increase in annual dues for 2017 and the discount for pre-payment of dues will remain in effect. Coupon books will be mailed out in December. We continue to acknowledge the efforts of the few volunteers who perform work on behalf of the community and, in so doing, safe us thousands of dollars in maintenance costs. For example, when we call our contractor for a lamp fixture that is out, and if it is a lamp bulb, the cost for the call and the repair is $125.00. Other minor repairs by volunteers to our roads, sign, and grounds, likewise save the community money. When you are outside walking, take a moment and pick up trash or debris when you see it; this helps maintain the cleanliness of the community.


Good news! The Villas is now FHA reapproved!

Website Design:

Roland Carrington has spent many volunteer hours working on our Website. It’s still a work in progress. Significant improvements have been made, and new updates to our documents have been installed. Take a look


The number one issue for the board this year has been unit owners starting outside projects without submitting request and/or receiving approval for the project. Any outside projects around your home need Landscaping or Architectural approval and Board approval before any work can begin. Failure to so will result in a fine. The forms (available on the web page) are to be filled out by the unit owner and submitted to Bennett Williams. This process can take some time; please allow for that when you plan the project. This process is for your protection for the following reasons: the association has given permission for your project on “common elements” and there is a record of documentation for the project, when your home is resold.

Fall clean-up must be completed by the week of Thanksgiving if you plan on doing the work yourself; otherwise, Neiman Ridge Landscaping will perform the service. Please do not dump debris on adjoining properties. We commend all residents who have already taken the initiative to trim bushes /plants in their mulch beds before clean-up has begun by our contractor.

Seasonal Decorations may be displayed between Thanksgiving and January 15th. Please do not cover the lamp post fixture or the sensor as the lamp may catch fire.

Keep pop-up drains located in the front lawn area clear of overgrown grass. This can produce damage to your roof, foundation, or walls.

We need updated contact information for emergency situations. Please make sure Darla has a correct e-mail address or phone number or both. This can be e-mailed to Darla at . Your email addresses or phone numbers will be kept secure and not shared with others.

Generally, trash collection is on Thursday, except on Holiday weeks. Please do not use white plastic trash bags unless, you store the trash in a trash can. Do not place your trash out before the evening of the day before pick-up.

TVAS Board