Juteram’s November Journal

Ada orang” (Is anyone there?) “Ada” (Yes) Where have you come from? Group reply “we just came from visiting your manena.” Yogalo said, “Do you have any stories to tell me of your people?” Yes, I will like to tell you of a time when I was very young” Ashlyn responded. (The story was told and then…) Deryck makes a request “Yesterday you mentioned about your bagula, Can you tell us more about that?” Yogalo “The bagula I work in here is my manena bagula.” “I plant in the bagula… mostly babai in the middle, with some…”

That’s just what happened with us at the Missionary Training Centre as we continue to study all that’s involved in planting a church in a remote people group. This particular class is called CLA Practicum (CLA meaning Culture & Language Acquisition), and this part of it is called “visiting the Dobu village”.

Another really interesting class that followed was Practical Skills. In fact it was the best learning experience that I’ve had this semester. During this time we learnt many things including mapping out a course using just a compass and map with the location co-ordinates. That was fun! After arriving at our location, we proceeded to set up camp for the night. This was to be a three night camp. Adieta & I learnt how to make a tent using some wood poles and ropes to build a pair of A-frame then place a tarpaulin over it. There were 17 persons plus 6 children in our group. On our first night we had a wonderful opportunity to learn how to find the North star. This exercise was particularly interesting as our instructor pointed out some important things to look for to help you find the North Star and how to use it to navigate in the night.

Being able to find where you are in the middle of nowhere and knowing how to make a fire from scratch, is just some of the things that may be needed for survival one day as we plan to be working among native people in remote places around the world, hoping to someday bring them the greatest news ever told to a dying world! Please continue to join us in prayer for these many people groups in our day who have not yet heard.

Things to give thanks to God

As Adieta and I wrap up things here in Missouri we have much to thank the LORD for. Our hearts are filled with gratitude as we look back and see how the Lord has guided, protected, and supplied all our needs. He has caused us to be successful in our training and has opened a door for us to service Him in Colombia! Much of this would not have been possible without your continued prayer and financial support for which we are both grateful to the Lord for and pray His continued blessing on your lives as we partner together for His glory.

Things to pray about:

·  Please pray for continued health and strength to finish well at the Missionary Training Centre in Missouri.

·  Please also prayer for a much needed $1,000.00 US dollars to finish paying out our bill for the last semester of training before we graduate on December 20th, 2013.

(As I close off this newsletter it is certain that He has leaded us thus far and please don’t feel pressured in any way to give to this cause at this time if circumstances don’t allow. For just as before He will continue to be faithful to the end.)

In case you are still wondering what that conversation was all about in the Dobu village here is the rest of the explanation:

A “bagula” means garden

A “manena” means wife

“ babai” means sweet-potato

We were doing a study to understand how these people live in the Dobu village in Papua New Guinea.

Hope you all enjoy the Celebrations of our Saviour’s Birth and have a wonderful New Year!!!

(Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends in America)

Love always in Christ,

Deryck & Adieta Juteram

Deryck & Adieta Juteram

134 Main Drive

Roach, MO 65787

