Can YOU help?

Each year there are many events run by the PFC that requires the help of PARENT VOLUNTEERS. Some of these events are critical to raising much-needed funds for HiddenValley, while others are fun events that the students look forward to each year. WE CAN’T DO THIS WITHOUT YOUR HELP! Please get involved as a Hidden Valley parent by choosing one or more events to help with...many hands make the load light! Below is a list of the events that require volunteers throughout the year. For a more complete description, please see the back side of this form.

Remember, to volunteer you must be TB tested and fingerprinted. For more info on how to do that, go to


Annual Dinner Auction Book Fair (Fall & Spring)

Reading Room (ongoing)Character Cash Store (ongoing)

Back to School BBQ (September)Science Fair (February)

Halloween Dance (October)Rummage Sale (March/April)

Picture Day (Fall & Spring)Talent Show (April)

Innisbrook Fundraiser (Fall)Red Ribbon Week (October)

See’s Candy Fundraiser (November/December)Parent Volunteer Room (ongoing)

(See reverse side for more information on these opportunities.)

Name:______Home Phone:______

Email:______Cell Phone:______

Student Name(s)/Grade(s)______

Have you already been fingerprinted and TB tested by the Mt.DiabloSchool District? YES NO*

*If not, go to the link noted above and to get the process started. You cannot volunteer on campus, or on fieldtrips, without District clearance.

Any questions?

Feel free to email the PFC Volunteer Coordinator (Janelle Navrat) at

Annual Dinner Auction: Our biggest fundraising event of the year. Lots of volunteers needed for everything from donation solicitation and gift basket arranging to cashiering at the event. Many opportunities to help in big ways and small, and all help is greatly appreciated.

Reading Room: We have a parent-staffed Reading Room to assist students with reading in small groups. Parents can volunteer as little as ½-hour a week. Reading is essential to our children’s education, and this critical program cannot be done without your help.

Back to School BBQ: Volunteers can help with cashiering, food preparation, BBQing, clean-up, etc.

Halloween Dance: Volunteers needed for set up, event supervision, and clean-up.

Picture Day:Volunteers needed to escort children to/from classes, and help with pre-photo grooming.

Innisbrook Fundraiser: Another big fundraiser for our school. Volunteers are needed for order entry, order sorting & filling, etc. It brings in a lot of money, so it’s worth the effort!

See’s Candy Fundraiser: A yummy opportunity to help with packet preparation, order entry, and order distribution.

Book Fairs: Volunteers are needed for set-up, cashiering, and clean-up.It’s through the Book Fair that we are able to have books for students to earn through out Reading Incentive Program.

Character Cash Store: Students earn “Character Cash” for different good deeds, and can spend them periodically on Fridays at lunch when the Character Cash Store is open. Volunteers staff the store.

Science Fair: Volunteers work with the Science Fair Coordinator to help with set-up, judges luncheon, and clean-up.

Rummage Sale:Volunteers help with sorting through and pricing donated items to be sold, set-up of the sale, and selling.

Talent Show:Volunteers help with flyers, auditions, decorations, performance night, etc. A fun event which the kids love and which can’t happen without the help of parents.

Red Ribbon Week: As part of a national program, a volunteer coordinates this week’s activities dedicated to raising awareness of the need to stay drug-free.

Parent Volunteer Room: Just off the A-Pod is the Parent Volunteer Room. This is where our teachers can drop off their clerical work needing to be done (copying, cutting, collating, etc), and return with confidence, knowing that it will be done on the due date. However, this depends on volunteers who come by either regularly, or on a drop-in basis, to provide this help. Gone are the days when each teacher had an aide to help them out. So if you are cleared by the District as a volunteer, PLEASE SPEND SOME TIME IN THE PARENT VOLUNTEER ROOM THIS YEAR.