Student Technology Use Agreement
Rapid City Christian School’smission is to equip children of Christian families with a sound liberal arts education framed within a Biblical understanding of God and His creation, and to help nurture them in an active commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ. One goal of our school is teaching our students to use the twenty-first century technology tools in ethical, appropriate, legal, and God-honoring ways. The use of Internet and other technology at RCCS is a privilege that must be used responsibly. Please carefully read the following agreement. You will need to sign and return the agreement.
I agree that RCCS computers, laptops, and internet will be used for school classes, projects, and internet research only for school assignments. I agree to not give out personal information on the Internet. My username and password given to me by RCCS is only for me to use and should not be shared. I understand my account will be monitored by the school. I am responsible for what is searched and viewed under my username. I understand it is my responsibility to carefully choose search words as I use the internet. RCCShas powerful filters in place but we cannot assure that students will not see unsolicited material. I agree to report to a teacher or staff material seen on the computers that seems inappropriate.
I understand plagiarism is never acceptable. I understand I can use school printers only when a teacher assigns or allows its use. I agree to use laptops, computers, and other technology with great care and keep food and drink away from the devices. I understand damage that I cause to school computers due to my negligence is my responsibility. I understand I am not to change settings on computers without permission such as display backgrounds, icons, etc. Students are not allowed to download software or apps on school computers without permission.
I will follow these guidelines as I use the technology at RCCS and I understand that if I choose not to follow I will be referred to Administration for further consequences.
Please sign and return this agreement to be kept on file at the school.
Parent or Guardian:
I have read and discussed RCCS’s student usage policy with my student and agree to the stated policies. I give my permission for my student to use the school technology in accordance with these policies.
Parent NameParent SignatureDate
I have read and agree to follow the usage policy in this agreement. I understand violating these rules will result in disciplinary action.
Student Name Student SignatureDate