July 17, 2012
The Calumet County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to Section 59 of the Wisconsin Statutes in an adjourned session at the Calumet County Courthouse, in the City of Chilton, Wisconsin, on Tuesday, July 17, 2012 at 7:00 P.M. to transact any and all business as may properly come before said meeting.
Chair Barribeau called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Beginning Roll Call for New Session:
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Ronald Green is absent
Merlin Gentz is present
Brian Leonhardt is present
Duaine Stillman is present
Matthew Budde is present
Dave La Shay is present
Peter Stier is present
M. Hopfensperger is present
Ed Kleckner is present
Joseph Mueller is present
Bill Barribeau is present
Patrick Laughrin is present
Lyle Ott is present
Donald Glaeser is present
Mary Schwalenberg is present
Tom Laughrin is present
Ralph Prescott is present
Alice Connors is present
Ronald Dietrich is present
James Stecker is present
Kenneth Draheim is present
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Number of Voters PRESENT for Roll Call: 20
Number of Voters ABSENT for Roll Call: 1
Also present were Jay Shambeau, CountyAdministrator, Dawn Klockow, Corporation Counsel, and Beth Hauser, CountyClerk.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.
Moved by Supervisor Draheim and seconded by Supervisor Leonhardt to approve the agenda.
Vote Results for: Approval of Agenda
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Ronald Green is absent
Merlin Gentz voted: Y
Brian Leonhardt voted: Y
Duaine Stillman voted: Y
Matthew Budde voted: Y
Dave La Shay voted: Y
Peter Stier voted: Y
M. Hopfensperger voted: Y
Ed Klecknervoted: Y
Joseph Mueller voted: Y
Bill Barribeau voted: Y
Patrick Laughrin voted: Y
Lyle Ottvoted: Y
Donald Glaeser voted: Y
Mary Schwalenberg voted: Y
Tom Laughrin voted: Y
Ralph Prescott voted: Y
Alice Connors voted: Y
Ronald Dietrich voted: Y
James Stecker voted: Y
Kenneth Draheim voted: Y
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The Agenda was adopted unanimously. (20 Y - 0 N - 1 Absent)
Moved by Supervisor Connors and seconded by Supervisor T. Laughrin to approve the Minutes of the June 19, 2012 County Board Meeting.
Vote Results for: Approve Minutes
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Ronald Green is absent
Merlin Gentz voted: Y
Brian Leonhardt voted: Y
Duaine Stillman voted: Y
Matthew Budde voted: Y
Dave La Shay voted: Y
Peter Stier voted: Y
M. Hopfensperger voted: Y
Ed Klecknervoted: Y
Joseph Mueller voted: Y
Bill Barribeau voted: Y
Patrick Laughrin voted: Y
Lyle Ottvoted: Y
Donald Glaeser voted: Y
Mary Schwalenberg voted: Y
Tom Laughrin voted: Y
Ralph Prescott voted: Y
Alice Connors voted: Y
Ronald Dietrich voted: Y
James Stecker voted: Y
Kenneth Draheim voted: Y
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The Minutes of the June 19, 2012 Meeting were adopted unanimously. (20 Y - 0 N - 1 Absent)
A.Supervisor Ken Draheim presented the Donald Sommers’ Family with a Highway Association Award.
B.Eric Fowle, Director of East Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (ECWRPC) presented Supervisor Alice Connors with a service award.
C.Eric Fowle presented the 2011 Planning Commission’s Annual Report. General discussion followed.
D.Walt Raith, Assistant Director of ECWRPC, presented an update on the Hwy. 41 bypass alternative on the east side of Lake Winnebago, as recently tested in the travel demand model. General discussion followed.
E.Jason Kakatsch, Principal Travel Planner, ECWRPC, presented Highway History and Potential Alternatives Report. General discussion followed.
F.The Board reviewed the Town of Harrison Zoning Map Amendment (Town Ordinance 11-161) on Friendship Drive (Kolosso). General discussion. Moved by Supervisor Draheim and seconded by Supervisor Stillman to approve the Town of Harrison Zoning Map Amendment as presented. General discussion.
Vote Results for: T. Harrison Zoning Map Amendment:
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Ronald Green was Absent
Merlin Gentz voted: Y
Brian Leonhardt voted: Y
Duaine Stillman voted: Y
Matthew Budde voted: Y
Dave La Shay voted: Y
Peter Stier voted: Y
M. Hopfensperger voted: Y
Ed Kleckner voted: Y
Joseph Mueller voted: Y
Bill Barribeau voted: Y
Patrick Laughrin voted: Y
Lyle Ott voted: Y
Donald Glaeser voted: Y
Mary Schwalenberg voted: Y
Tom Laughrin voted: N
Ralph Prescott voted: Y
Alice Connors voted: Y
Ronald Dietrich voted: Y
James Stecker voted: Y
Kenneth Draheim voted: Y
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The Town of Harrison Zoning Map Amendment was adopted. (19 Y - 1 N - 1 Absent)
There were no petitions or communications.
The following citizens addressed the Board:
A.Gary Lemke, Village of Potter
B.Jerry Criter, Town of Brothertown
C.Ed Lorenz, City of Chilton
D.Wayne Fischer, Town of Harrison
E.Tony Mueller, City of Chilton
F.Kathy Lorenz, City of Chilton
G.Don Pagel, City of Chilton
To the Honorable Chair and Board of Supervisors of Calumet County, Wisconsin:
WHEREAS, Calumet County budgeted $12,000 in the 2011 outlay budget for the replace of vehicle mounts for the Sheriff department’s mobile data computers; and
WHEREAS, The purchase for these vehicle mounts was delayed in 2011 as a result of the evaluation of the squad cars to be replaced in 2012; and
WHEREAS, The request to carry these funds forward from the 2011 budget to the 2012 budget was inadvertently omitted.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of Supervisors of Calumet County herein assembled that it hereby authorize the Finance Director to appropriate $12,000 from the 2012 Budget’s Contingent Fund and increase the Sheriff Department Enforcement Outlay account by $12,000 for the purchase of vehicle mounts for the Sheriff’s mobile data computers.
Dated this 17th day of July 2012.
/s/ Alice Connors, Chair
/s/ Brian Leonhardt
/s/ Ralph Prescott
/s/ Tom Laughrin
/s/ Ronald Dietrich
/s/ William Barribeau, County Board Chair
Moved by Supervisor Draheim and seconded by Supervisor Hopfensperger to adopt Resolution 2012-21. General discussion.
Vote Results for adoption of RESOLUTION 2012-21:
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Ronald Green was Absent
Merlin Gentz voted: Y
Brian Leonhardt voted: Y
Duaine Stillman voted: Y
Matthew Budde voted: Y
Dave La Shay voted: Y
Peter Stier voted: Y
M. Hopfensperger voted: Y
Ed Kleckner voted: Y
Joseph Mueller voted: Y
Bill Barribeau voted: Y
Patrick Laughrin voted: Y
Lyle Ott voted: Y
Donald Glaeser voted: Y
Mary Schwalenberg voted: Y
Tom Laughrin voted: Y
Ralph Prescott voted: Y
Alice Connors voted: Y
Ronald Dietrich voted: Y
James Stecker voted: Y
Kenneth Draheim voted: N
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Resolution 2012-21 was adopted. (19 Y - 1 N - 1 Absent)
To the Honorable Chair and Board of Supervisors of Calumet County, Wisconsin:
WHEREAS, The agricultural industry is a vital part of Calumet County's economy, accounting for $1.17 billion in business sales, $253 million to county income, $24 million in taxes, and over 4000 jobs; and
WHEREAS, The Alice in Dairyland program is an excellent way to highlight a county, their agricultural assets, and economy; and
WHEREAS, In 2011 the Resource Management Department submitted an application to host the 2013 Alice in Dairyland Finals, and for the first time in Alice in Dairyland's 65-year history, Calumet County was selected to host the Alice in Dairyland Finals competition; and
WHEREAS, It is important to promote and support Wisconsin's rich agricultural industry and its products and in doing so, Alice in Dairyland is an established trademark for doing just this;and
WHEREAS, CalumetCounty in sponsoring this major agricultural and economic event, commits to budget $5,000 towards the 66th Alice in Dairyland Finals.
NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Calumet County Board of Supervisors herein assembled directs the Resource Management Director to place $5,000 for miscellaneous expenses involved to host the Alice in Dairyland Finals in the 2013 budget.
Dated this 17th day of July 2012.
/s/ Duaine Stillman, Chair
/s/ Ed Kleckner
/s/ Patrick Laughrin
/s/ Ralph Prescott
/s/ William Barribeau, County Board Chair
Moved by Supervisor Connors and seconded by Supervisor Stillman to adopt Resolution 2012-22.
Vote Results for adoption of RESOLUTION 2012-22:
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Ronald Green was Absent
Merlin Gentz voted: Y
Brian Leonhardt voted: Y
Duaine Stillman voted: Y
Matthew Budde voted: N
Dave La Shay voted: Y
Peter Stier voted: Y
M. Hopfensperger voted: Y
Ed Kleckner voted: Y
Joseph Mueller voted: Y
Bill Barribeau voted: Y
Patrick Laughrin voted: Y
Lyle Ott voted: Y
Donald Glaeser voted: Y
Mary Schwalenberg voted: Y
Tom Laughrin voted: Y
Ralph Prescott voted: Y
Alice Connors voted: Y
Ronald Dietrich voted: Y
James Stecker voted: Y
Kenneth Draheim voted: Y
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Resolution 2012-22 was adopted. (19 Y - 1 N - 1 Absent)
To the Honorable Chair and Board of Supervisors of Calumet County, Wisconsin:
WHEREAS, The lakes in northeastern Calumet County, and Long Lake in Manitowoc County, are referred to as the Cal-Man Lakes; and
WHEREAS, The Cal-ManLakes are important resources used by the public for recreation and enjoyment of natural beauty; and
WHEREAS, The Cal-Man Lakes have had significant water quality degradation, fish kills, and harmful algal blooms over the last several years due to significant nutrient loading from the surrounding land uses within the watershed; and
WHEREAS, A project to monitor water quality in streams, lake inlets, and lake outfalls can help determine if and where there is significantly higher nutrient loading and will lead to better understanding of the Cal-Man Lakes; and
WHEREAS, Calumet County understands the importance of partnering with stakeholders and educational institutions to help improve the water quality in the Lakes, and, create a sustainable program whereby interested parties continue to care for the Cal-Man Lakes; and
WHEREAS, CalumetCounty understands the importance of a continuing management program for the Cal-ManLakes and intends to partner with the BrillionHigh School to monitor the water quality and help establish a long term water quality monitoring program within the school curriculum.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT The Calumet County Board of Supervisors request grant funding and assistance available from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources under the Lake Management Planning Grant Program and hereby authorizes the Calumet County Administrator to: (1) act on behalf of Calumet and Manitowoc Counties to submit a grant application for financial aid assistance from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources under the Lake Management Planning Grant Program, for a small scale planning grant not to exceed $3,000 so Calumet County Staff can partner with the Brillion High School to monitor the water quality; (2) sign all necessary documents; (3) take all necessary action to undertake, direct, and complete an approved lake planning grant; and (4) submit reimbursement claims along with necessary supporting documentation within six months of the project completion date.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT The County shall meet the obligations of the planning project including the timely publication of the results and meet the financial obligations under the lake planning grant including a 25% commitment to project costs via funding or through in-kind goods or services.
Dated this 17th day of July 2012.
/s/ Duaine Stillman, Chair
/s/ Ed Kleckner
/s/ Patrick Laughrin
/s/ Ralph Prescott
/s/ William Barribeau, County Board Chair
Moved by Supervisor Draheim and seconded by Supervisor Stecker to adopt Resolution 2012-23. General discussion.
Vote Results for adoption of RESOLUTION 2012-23:
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Ronald Green was Absent
Merlin Gentz voted: Y
Brian Leonhardt voted: Y
Duaine Stillman voted: Y
Matthew Budde voted: Y
Dave La Shay voted: Y
Peter Stier voted: Y
M. Hopfensperger voted: Y
Ed Kleckner voted: Y
Joseph Mueller voted: Y
Bill Barribeau voted: Y
Patrick Laughrin voted: Y
Lyle Ott voted: Y
Donald Glaeser voted: Y
Mary Schwalenberg voted: Y
Tom Laughrin voted: Y
Ralph Prescott voted: Y
Alice Connors voted: Y
Ronald Dietrich voted: Y
James Stecker voted: Y
Kenneth Draheim voted: Y
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Resolution 2012-23 was adopted unanimously. (20 Y - 0 N - 1 Absent)
To the Honorable Chair and Board of Supervisors of Calumet County, Wisconsin:
WHEREAS, CalumetCounty's surface waters are an important resource used by the public for recreation, enjoyment and natural beauty, and
WHEREAS, CalumetCounty recognizes the surface waters contribute significantly to the overall quality of life of residents and visitors, and
WHEREAS, The economic impact of the County's largest water body alone, the Lake Winnebago System, is substantial--amounting to $221.4 million dollars created by angling opportunities in the five county lake region, and
WHEREAS, The money generated by recreational and tournament angling on the Lake Winnebago System both directly and indirectly creates 4,300 jobs in the region, and
WHEREAS, A study and examination of Lake Winnebago and Calumet County's other surface waters will lead to better understanding of the condition of the surface waters and their invasive species and will promote the public health, comfort, convenience, necessity and public welfare, and
WHEREAS, We recognize the need for responsible and holistic long-range planning to better manage the surface waters, their watersheds, and their use, and the control of invasive species therein, and the on-going education needed to protect the surface water resources, and
WHEREAS, CalumetCounty, as an aggressive and concerned entity, has demonstrated it is qualified to carry out the responsibilities of an aquatic invasive species project.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Calumet County Board of Supervisors herein assembled, authorizes the County Administrator, in coordination with the Resource Management Department, to act on behalf of the County to submit an application to the State of Wisconsin for financial aid for aquatic invasive species grant purposes; prepare paperwork and appropriate documents; and take necessary action to undertake, direct, and complete an approved grant.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Calumet County will meet the obligations of the planning project, including the timely publication of the results and meet the financial obligations under this grant, including the prompt payment of 75% commitment to planning project costs (understanding the 25% match can be in the form of donated labor, services, materials or the value of some equipment used). CalumetCounty understands the importance of a continuing aquatic invasive species management program for Lake Winnebago and intends to proceed on that course.
Dated this 17th day of July 2012.
/s/ Duaine Stillman, Chair
/s/ Ed Kleckner
/s/ Patrick Laughrin
/s/ Ralph Prescott
/s/ William Barribeau, County Board Chair
Moved by Supervisor Connors and seconded by Supervisor Stillman to adopt Resolution 2012-24.
Vote Results for adoption of RESOLUTION 2012-24:
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Ronald Green was Absent
Merlin Gentz voted: Y
Brian Leonhardt voted: Y
Duaine Stillman voted: Y
Matthew Budde voted: Y
Dave La Shay voted: Y
Peter Stier voted: Y
M. Hopfensperger voted: Y
Ed Kleckner voted: Y
Joseph Mueller voted: Y
Bill Barribeau voted: Y
Patrick Laughrin voted: Y
Lyle Ott voted: Y
Donald Glaeser voted: Y
Mary Schwalenberg voted: Y
Tom Laughrin voted: Y
Ralph Prescott voted: Y
Alice Connors voted: Y
Ronald Dietrich voted: Y
James Stecker voted: Y
Kenneth Draheim voted: Y
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Resolution 2012-24 was adopted unanimously. 20 Y - 0 N - 1 Absent)
To the Honorable Chair and Board of Supervisors of Calumet County, Wisconsin:
WHEREAS, The Lake Winnebago System is an important resource used by the public for recreation and enjoyment of natural beauty; and
WHEREAS, A comprehensive study and examination of the Lake Winnebago System will lead to better understanding and will promote the public health, comfort, convenience, necessity and public welfare; and
WHEREAS, We recognize the need for responsible and holistic long-range planning to better manage the Lake Winnebago System, its watershed, and its use; and
WHEREAS, We recognize the need to provide information or education on the use of lakes or natural ecosystems, on the quality of water in the lakes, or on the quality of natural lake ecosystems; and,
WHEREAS, We understand that by working together with the adjoining counties around the Lake Winnebago System that together we are qualified to carry out the responsibilities of a Lake Winnebago System planning project; and
WHEREAS, We understand the importance of a continuing management program for the Lake Winnebago System and intend to proceed on that course.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT The Calumet County Board of Supervisors, in cooperation with the Board of Supervisors from Fond du Lac, Outagamie, Waushara and Winnebago Counties authorize the Calumet County Administrator to: (1) act on behalf of Calumet, Fond du Lac, Outagamie, Waushara and Winnebago Counties to submit a grant application for financial aid assistance from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources under the Lake Management Planning Grant Program, for a large scale planning grant(s) and grant waiver(s) not to exceed $100,000; (2) sign all necessary documents; (3) take all necessary action to undertake, direct, and complete an approved lake planning grant; and (4) submit reimbursement claims along with necessary supporting documentation within six months of the project completion date.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT The counties together shall meet the obligations of the planning project including the timely publication of the results and meet the financial obligations under the lake planning grant including a 33% commitment to project costs via funding or through in-kind goods or services.