June 6, 2010 – The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
My friends, today is the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ — Corpus Christi. Today we remember that our God made himself food for us so that we may come together in this holy meal as the body of Christ. Today we rejoice in the lavish abundance of our God, who feeds 5,000 people with only five loaves and a couple of fish. There are those who would have us believe that there is never enough. Let us believe in God’s abundance.
Penitential Rite
Lord Jesus, you are the bread of life: Lord, have mercy.
Christ Jesus, you are our food for the journey: Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you feed us so that we may feed others: Lord, have mercy.
Scripture Readings
Gen 14:18-20 Melchizedek the priest brought out bread and wine.
1 Cor 11:23-26 St. Paul gives us the words we use at the consecration.
Luke 9:11b-17 Jesus feeds the 5,000.
Prayers of the Faithful
presiderMy brothers and sisters in Christ, let us bring our needs to God this day, believing that our hungers will be satisfied.
minister Let us pray for all people everywhere: for those who suffer without access to nourishing food, clean water, and effective medicines; and for those who live with too much and long for a more meaningful life of sharing God’s bounty with others … we pray,
Let us pray for the church. For those who hunger for the Eucharist: for thosefaithfulmembers of our community who are not Catholic and who accompany their families to worship; for those who are anxiously waiting for the completion of the annulment process; for all those who long for Communion … we pray,
Let us pray for those who cannot pray: for those who are distracted or restless or living in the darkness of depression; for those who do not know that their longing is a desire for God … we pray,
Let us pray for those who are sick; those who live with chronic pain; those who are lonely; those who are in harm’s way. For those we love and those for whom we are concerned … we pray,
For those who have died … (names). And for those who mourn the passing of a loved one … we pray.
presider Gracious God of abundance, you provide us this beautiful world, loving companions, all that we need to be holy men and women. Give us the grace to see what is available to us and open our hearts and minds to receive your ready and available love. We pray always in Jesus’ name. Amen.
June 13, 2010 – Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
My friends, today’s readings are about forgiveness. The woman in today’s Gospel didn’t take forgiveness for granted. She was relieved and grateful, but that was because she knew she was a sinner. Let us pray today for a strange gift: the grace to know that we are sinners and for the desire for forgiveness.
Penitential Rite
Lord Jesus, you came to call sinners: Lord, have mercy.
Christ Jesus, you came to reveal God’s love: Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you came so that all may seek forgiveness for their sins: Lord, have mercy.
Scripture Readings
2 Sam 12:7-10, 13 David admits his sinfulness and is forgiven.
Gal 2:16, 19-21 I live no longer, but Christ lives in me.
Luke 7:36-8:3 Jesus forgives the sinful woman.
Prayers of the Faithful
presiderMy friends, let us pray to our loving, forgiving, bountiful God for what we need and the needs of our world.
minister For peace among the nations: for tolerance instead of war; for dialogue instead of violence; for forgiveness instead of retribution … we pray,
For the church: for every Christian who hears the Gospel today; for every believer who calls upon the mercy of God today; for every good person who forgives another person today … we pray,
For those who are difficult to forgive: for those who have abused children, for those who are convicted of murder; for those who have stolen from innocent people; for those whose sins have become public and who are easy to condemn … we pray,
For those who have hurt us and for those we have hurt … we pray,
For those who most need our prayers: for those who have no voice; for those who have no resources; for those who are easily forgotten; for those for whom we are concerned and all for whom we have promised to pray … we pray,
For a good summer: for safe travels, for rest and recreation and joyful reunion with family and friends, for bountiful gardens and fertile fields … we pray,
We remember those who have died … (names). And for all who are grieving the loss of someone to dear to them … we pray,
presider Gracious and forgiving God, hear our prayers this day and fill us with your love and grace this week so that we may witness to your love for this world. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
June 20, 2010 – Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Brothers and sisters in Christ, today’s Gospel contains a hard message: if we are to call ourselves disciples of Jesus, we must also accept the cross we are given to carry. Everyone suffers. Everyone struggles with a cross. We Christians unite our sufferings to the cross of Jesus and recognize that we do not bear our burdens alone; that we are called to community, to help each other, to be Christ for each other.
Penitential Rite
Lord Jesus, you were born into this world to show us how to live: Lord, have mercy.
Christ Jesus, you died on the cross so that we might know death without despair: Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you rose to new life that we may also rise and live with you forever: Lord, have mercy.
Scripture Readings
Zech 12:10-11 They shall mourn the one they killed.
Gal 3:26-29Through faith we are children of God.
Luke 9:18-24To follow Jesus you must take up your cross.
Prayers of the Faithful
presiderLet us pray for our church, our world, and all for whom we have promised to pray.
ministerFor the church throughout the world: for believers everywhere who gather in small chapels and village churches and great cathedrals on this day; for all those with whom we are united in prayer … we pray,
For those whose suffering we might forget: for the people of Haiti and Darfur and all those in the path of war; for all who live with alcoholism, drug addiction, depression, anxiety and other conditions that make day-to-day life difficult; for anyone who is lonely, afraid or in pain … we pray,
On this Father’s Day, let us pray for our fathers and stepfathers, godfathers and grandfathers. For all men who serve young people as coaches and teachers, priests and counselors: for strength and tenderness, courage and wisdom, generosity and faithfulness … we pray,
Let us also remember those who miss their fathers today: for those whose fathers have died; for those who never knew their fathers; for those whose relationship with their fathers is strained or unhappy … we pray,
We remember all who have died … (names). For those mourning the loss of their fathers and for fathers mourning the loss of a child … we pray,
presider Creator and loving God, hear the prayers of your people this day. Help us to know that you provide and care for us just as a loving father provides and cares for his children. We pray always in Jesus’ name. Amen.
June 27, 2010 – Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
My friends, today’s Gospel is about answering the call and following Jesus. But not just following him in a grudging, half-hearted way. It’s about answering the call without looking back, following him with our whole hearts. If you came to worship today without enthusiasm; if you came expecting little; if you came wondering why you came, today’s Gospel is for you. Let us pray.
Penitential Rite
Lord Jesus, you call us to follow you: Lord, have mercy.
Christ Jesus, you call us to whole-hearted discipleship: Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you call us to new life and we respond: Lord, have mercy.
Scripture Readings
1 Kings 19:16b, 19-21 Elisha answered the call to follow Elijah.
Gal 5:1, 13-18 We were called for freedom.
Luke 9:51-62 Follow Jesus and do not look back.
Prayers of the Faithful
presiderPart of the call to discipleship is to pray for those who most need our prayers. Let us pray.
minister We pray for the church: for Christians gathered in prayer throughout the world on this day; for believers everywhere who long for peace, work for justice and answer the call to serve others … we pray,
For those who answer the call to preach the word: for pastors and deacons and catechists; for missionaries and those charged with the formation of children; for all who preach by the example of their lives … we pray,
For those who answer the call to heal: for doctors and nurses and therapists; for counselors and confessors; for those who simply abide with those who are struggling with pain or illness … we pray,
For those who answer the call to work for justice: for those who provide food to the hungry, consolation to the prisoner, a voice for those who are not heard … we pray,
For those who answer the call to marriage: for couples just starting out and those who have been married a long time; for those who are raising children and those who create hospitable homes to make others welcome … we pray,
We remember those who have been called from this life … (names). And for all who mourn and those who comfort them … we pray,
presider Good and gracious God, you call us to be your disciples. Help us to hear your voice and answer your call with the best we have to offer. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.