
David Cadogan, Cork Institute of Technology

David Cadogan is a lecturer in the Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering at CIT, having previously worked in industry both in Ireland and in the UK. He is currently involved in research in the area of piled foundations.

Fergus Collins, Bowen Construction

Fergus Collins is a Chartered Engineer and a civil engineering graduate of UCC. He is a Director of Bowen Construction. He has extensive experience in piling and geotechnical solutions throughout Ireland particularly in respect to cast in-situ piling in inner city developments.

Mikko Gastager, BAUER Foundations (Irl) Ltd

Mikko Gastager has been involved in business development and execution of complex specialist foundation engineer projects over Europe for the past 8 years. Recent projects which were carried out under his responsibility include the AthloneTown centre and the St. Patrick Street Development in Cork.

Maurice Killeen, PJ Hegarty & Sons

Maurice Killeen has worked on major civil and infrastructural projects for PJ Hegarty & Sons for 15 years. Recent projects include the landmark City Quarter and Elysian Developments, two of the largest basements built to date in the Cork region

Mike Long, UniversityCollegeDublin

Mike Long is a civil engineering graduate of UCC and UCD. He is a lecturer in geotechnics at UCD and a visiting lecturer at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. His research interests are in the characterisation of natural soils and the construction of deep excavations in urban areas. He is presently working on four projects in the Cork area.

Toby Roberts, WJ Groundwater Ltd,UK

Managing Director of specialist dewatering subcontractor, WJ, having worked for the company since it was founded (1983). Responsible for over 800 dewatering schemes in the UK, Ireland and Dubai and co-author of 20 publications on dewatering including CIRIA Report C515 ‘Groundwater Control: design and practice’.

David Hull, Arup Consulting Engineers

David is a Senior Project Engineer based in Cork with over 8 years experience in geotechnical design of foundations and basements including design for the Elysian Development (Cork). He has worked in the commercial, nuclear, defence and tunnelling areas in Ireland and overseas.

Mike White, CainWhite Piling Foundations Ltd

Mike White is the Managing Director for CainWhite Piling & Foundations Ltd and has over 20 years post graduate experience in geotechnical engineering both overseas and in Ireland. He is currently involved a number of deep basement projects both in Ireland and in the UK.


Basement Design Construction

(including Foundation Engineering)

Republic of Ireland Branch
Session 2007-08 /

Rochestown Park Hotel, 9:30 – 5:00, 11th March, 2008

Institution of Structural Engineers (ROI Branch)

Engineers Ireland (Cork Region)

This seminar will be of interest to Consulting, Contracting Engineers, Architects and Quantity Surveyors involved in the development of infill sites and deep basement construction.
Seminar Programme

Morning Session(09.30 – 12.45)

Chaired by Martin P Mannion

Chairman IStructE, Republic of Ireland Branch

Introduction & Overview(09.30 – 9.45)

Fergus Collins, Bowen Construction

Geology; Properties of Gravels; Retaining Systems(09.45 – 10.15)

Mike Long, University College Dublin

Dewatering: Case Studies(10.15 – 10.45)

Toby Roberts, W J Groundwater Ltd., UK

Coffee(10.45 – 11.15)

Basement Design(11.15 – 11.45)

David Hull, Arup Consulting Engineers

Secant & Sheet Piling(11.45 – 12.15)

Mike White, CainWhite Piling Foundation Ltd.

Questions & Discussion(12.15 – 12.45)

Lunch(12.45 – 14.00)

Afternoon Session(14.00 to 17.00)

Chaired by Simon Brewitt

Chairman Engineers Ireland, Cork Region

Planning, Management and Associated Issues(14.00 – 14.15)

Fergus Collins, Bowen Construction

Applications of Recent Research to Pile Design(14.15 – 14.45)

David Cadogan, Cork Institute of Technology

Rotary Piling; Sealing Blankets(14.45 – 15.15)

Mikko Gastager, BAUER Foundations (Irl) Ltd.

Case Studies: Clarion Hotel and Elysian Centre(15.15 – 15.45)

Maurice Killeen, PJ Hegarty & Sons

Coffee (15.45 – 16.15)

Questions, Discussion & Close(16.15 – 17.00)

Note: It is expected that some papers will include references to contaminated ground, soil stabilisation and local authority issues.

Seminar on Basement Design & Construction Registration Form

 Mr Ms Dr ………………

Surname …… …………………… …… …… …… …… ……

First Name ………… …… …… …… …… …… …… ……

Organisation …… ………………………… ……………… …

Address ……………………………………………… ……….

………………………………………… ………………………


Email ……………………………… ……………… …………


Please register me as (please complete one copy per delegate):

ISE/EI membership No………...... / €300 / [ ]
Non-Member / €375 / [ ]
Full-time Student (send copy of card) / €50 / [ ]

Please make cheques payable to:Engineers Ireland (Cork Region), c/o John J Murphy, Department of Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering, Cork Institute of Technology, Rossa Avenue, Bishopstown, Cork. Email:

Further Details:

Phone: 021 4871026

Lunch: please state any special dietary requirements


Continuing Professional Development

This seminar is eligible for credit for member's C.P.D.