Attachment 1
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California Department of Education
SBE-002 (REV 06/07/07)
State of California
/Department of Education
Information memorandum
Date: / June 1, 2005TO: /
Members, STATE BOARD of EDucation
FROM: / Sue Stickel, Deputy SuperintendentCurriculum and Instruction Branch
SUBJECT: / Report of the Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission
The Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission regularly updates the State Board of Education on its activities and plans.
Attachment 1: Report of the Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission (3 pages)
History-Social Science Adoption
The Commission successfully conducted the training of the 68 members of the IMAP and the 12 members of CRP on April 5-8, 2005. The training focused on the content of the criteria and how to use the criteria to evaluate instructional materials. At the end of the training, reviewers attended presentations by the 12 publishers who have submitted programs for review. The submissions are listed below:
Publisher, Program Title, Grade Level(s)
- Ballard & Tighe, Explore America, 5, Explore the Ancient World, 6, Explore World History, 7
- Decision Development Corporation, DDC Social Science Series, 4-6
- Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, Glencoe Discovering Our Past, 6-8
- HarcourtSchool Publishers, Reflections: California Series, K-6
- Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Holt California Social Studies: World History, Ancient Civilizations,6, Holt California Social Studies: World History, Medieval to Early Modern Times, 7, Holt California Social Studies: United States History, Independence to 1914, 8
- Houghton Mifflin, Houghton Mifflin History-Social Science, K-6
- Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, California Vistas, K-6
- McDougal Littell, McDougalLittellCaliforniaMiddle School Social Studies Series, 6-8
- OxfordUniversity Press, Oxford History-Social Science Program for California, 5-8
- Pearson Prentice Hall, Prentice Hall Social Studies, 6-8
- Pearson Scott Foresman, Scott Foresman History-Social Science for California, K-5
- Teachers’ Curriculum Institute, History Alive! California Middle Schools Program, 6-8
The Commission will oversee the deliberations on these programs July 11-14 in Sacramento. SBE members are encouraged to attend deliberations and see how the evaluation process works. The Commission will bring its recommendations to the SBE in November.
Reading/Language Arts Framework
In keeping with the principles recently published by the SBE, the Commission will not propose any major changes to the Framework,but will update the existing document by incorporating recent research. On June 16, 2005, the Reading/Language Arts/English Language Development Subject Matter Committee will hold a meeting in Sacramento to plan this year’s activities. The Commission will conduct a field review of the updated draft Framework in 2005 and plans to bring the Framework before the SBE for action in March 2006.
This concludes the Commission’s report for June. As always, we welcome your direction on all matters related to the Commission.
Norma Baker, Chair
Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission
cc: Members, State Board of Education
Jack O’Connell, State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Gavin Payne, Chief Deputy Superintendent
Sue Stickel, Deputy Superintendent, Curriculum and Instruction Branch
Catherine Barkett, Executive Director, State Board of Education
Members, Curriculum Commission
Thomas Adams, Executive Director, Curriculum Commission
California of Department of Education 1430 N Street Sacramento, CA 95814
Revised: 7/25/2008 10:59 AM