Minutes of AGM and generalmeeting of St Augustine’s Community Together Residents’ Association (ACT)
held on 27January 2011 in St Augustine’s Hall, Norwich (7.30-9.00 p.m.)
- Welcome:Welcome from the Chair of ACT, the Revd Nicholas Vesey. Apologies had been received from Carol Jones ( Norwich City Council Neighbourhood Manager); David and Heather English and Carol Cooper. The attendance register was circulated; there were 19people in attendance.
a) Chair’s annual report read and accepted.
b) Treasurer’s annual statement of accounts read and accepted.
c) Election of officers: Chair - the Revd Nicholas Vesey; Vice-Chair – Donna Williams; Secretary & Treasurer - StuartMcLaren – all elected unopposed.
The AGM then closed. - Minutes of the last meeting,held on 9 December 2010, were approved.
- Matters arising:
3a) Parking in Sussex Street. Traders had signed a petition to the Joint Highways Committee about loss of parking spaces. The consensus seemed to be that the north side of Sussex Street should available for use by residents with permits as well as customers visiting shops in the area during the day (dual use).
7) The St Augustine’s gyratory:
– The new pedestrian crossing places in Magpie Road at the junction of Esdelle Street were difficult for blind people to use.
– Speed limits were not being kept to.
– Cyclists were riding on the paved areas, as predicted. - Councillors’ reports: Cllr Adrian Holmes reported that the City Council was considering releasing land it owns for building social housing, e.g. land currently occupied by Mr Plastic in Oak Street .
- Community Safety:Nick Hall reported on the West Centre Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel (SNAP) meeting held on 24 January at the Vauxhall Centre. The police said those caught cycling on footpaths or with out lights would receive cautions. Reducing speeding in Westwick Street and St Augustines Street had been made policing priorities, as had the tackling of drug dealing and vandalism is the Magdalen Street and Colegate areas. Nick Hall asked whether there was any interest in forming a local Neighbourhood Watch group. The next West Centre SNAP meeting would be held in St Augustine’s Hall on 10 May.
- AOB.
– There was concern at the number of recycling and general refuse wheelie bins and green boxes being left out on the pavement in Sussex Street all week.
– There was concern at the number of vehicles that were driving over and parking on the new paved area near Wallace Kings.There did not appear to be any signs yet that parking was not permitted here. - Date of next ACT meeting: 14 April 2011.
Public Meeting of St Augustine’s Community Together Residents’ Association (ACT) in
St Augustine’s Hall, Norwich, on Thursday 14 April 2011, starting at 7.30 p.m.
- Welcome, announcements, circulation of attendance register
- Minutes of last meeting (27 January 2011)
- Matters arising
- Leonard Street redevelopment
- Date of next meeting: 14 July 2011.
Don’t forget, West Centre SNAP meeting in St Augustine’s Hall ion Tuesday 10 May, starting at 7.00 p.m.
For more information on St Augustines’ Community Together Residents’ Association and the St Augustine’s area of Norwich, its history, community life and businesses, visit:
We are also on Facebook under the name
“Friends of St Augustine’s Community Together Residents Association”