District 18
Enrichment Project
The Café Society
Barb Buckley
Enrichment Coordinator
Enrichment Project
The Café Society
To provide an opportunity for students talented in music,writing, art and/or drama to study the evolution of coffee houses and what later became known as a café society.
Students will be expected to research and discuss the history of coffee houses. As a result of their research and discussions, students will choose one of two venues to express themselves through their creation of a “coffee house society.”
1. to study the history of coffee houses
2. to determine the various kinds of coffee houses
3. to reproduce a “coffee house” atmosphere
Choose one or two of the following to prepare for a final presentation.
1. An original composition (instrumental, original lyrics to existing music, original music and lyrics)
2. An original dance
3. an original poem or piece of prose
4. a dramatic monologue about the evolution of coffee houses (eg. Become an historical figure who frequented one of the London “coffee houses”)
5. An art piece that reflects the atmosphere of coffee houses. If you choose to do this, then you must do a monologue to explain why and how your art piece reflects the atmosphere of coffee houses.
6. a dramatic re-enactment to reflect the typical social/political issues of the times
During the Enrichment Program, students must keep up with missed REGULAR class work.
General Information
Location: Fredericton High School room C028
Dates: Monday: February 11, 18, 25, March 10, 17, 31, April 7, 14 (final presentation)
Time: 8:45am to 11:45am
Presentation: 11:45 am – 12:45 pm on April 14th, 2008
Teacher: Miss Audrey Norman ()
Enrichment Coordinator: Barb Buckley
Letter of Permission
Enrichment Project – The Café Society
We give permission to ______________________________________ to participate in the
District 18 Enrichment Project, The Café Society. We understand that this student will be
involved in the project at FREDERICTON HIGH SCHOOL, on the dates of:
Monday, February 11, 18, 25, March 10, 17, 31, April 7, 14 (final presentation).
Teacher: Audrey Norman
Signature of teacher(s):
________________________________________ date: ____________________
________________________________________ date: ____________________
________________________________________ date: ____________________
________________________________________ date: ____________________
Parent Letter of Permission
Enrichment Program – The Café Society
Permission is granted for my child to participate in the District 18 Enrichment Project, The Café Society, to be held on the following dates:
Monday, February 11, 18, 25, March 10, 17, 31, April 7, 14 (final presentation)
The Café Society class will be held at Fredericton High (room C028) from 8:45am to 11:45am. Parents are required to provide transportation (drop off and pick students up).
Please note that APRIL 14 is the presentation date for parents and guests. The Café Society event will be held at
Location: Fredericton High School room C028
Date: Monday, April 14 (final presentation)
Presentation: 11:45 am – 12:45 pm
Teacher: Miss Audrey Norman ()
Enrichment Coordinator: Barb Buckley
-------------------------------------- return bottom portion to teacher --------------------------------
Parent Letter of Permission
Enrichment Program – The Café Society
I give permission to my child _________________________________________ to attend the above Enrichment Program and will provide transportation to and from Fredericton High School, Room C028, 8:45am – 11:45am.
Signature of Parent or Guardian:
________________________________________ date: ____________________
________________________________________ date: ____________________
Print student name: ____________________________________________
Student school: ___________________________________________
Enrichment Project
The Café Society
Student Name: __________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
Telephone home: ________________________________
Date of birth: ________________________________
NB Medicare # ________________________________
Mother (Guardian) Name: ____________________________________________
Work number: __________________________
Father (Guardian) Name: ____________________________________________
Work number: __________________________
In case of emergency please notify:
Name: __________________________________________________
Phone number: __________________________________________________
Family Physician: __________________________________________________
Phone number: __________________________________________________
Allergy Information and Precautions (please include dietary restrictions):
* student to return CONTACT SHEET with Parent Letter of Permission slip