June 18th PBS Planning Meeting Notes
- “Goofy Games” by Kagan
- “More Activities to Teach” by Tom Jackson
- “Large Group Guidance Activities”
- “Silly Sports & Goofy Games” Dr. Spencer Kagan
- “Social Skills Activities” Darlene Mannix
- “Teaching Children to Respect and Care for Others” Joe Wittmer & Mary Ann Clark
- “Tribes” Jeanne Gibbs
A look at what we will do for the First 20 Days of PBS
- Second Steps has 1 lesson/week for the first 20 days
- Ortega’s 5 rules of Respect: self, learning, others, adult expectations & property
oDiscussing making rules with the students that fall under these
- Introduce Ortega’s Behavior Documentation
- Using the district’s first 20 days in each subject to guide instruction on the first 20 days of PBS
- Programs we could use: Tribes and Second Steps (which is the program that the district uses to teach SEL – organized by Castle)
oReal Question is: Do we want to use Tribes AND the Second Steps program that the district is using?
John spoke Sheri Raven (director of SEL) and she suggested we wait to incorporate Tribes until 2013-2014.
oA little difficult to decide on templates prior to going to a training
- Eat with the students the first 20 days of school in the cafeteria (suggestion)
DRAFT SCHEDULE: what is our time commitment for each lesson? Using the second step and other resources we can assign an activity for each day in the first 20 days. Special areas will also use these lessons.
Week 1:
- First few days: PBS expectations
- Routines
- Reflection of what has been working.
- Towards end of the week – look at the first lesson within skills for learning (learning to listen, listening to learn)
- Team building activities (communication, listening,
Week 2:
Scope & Sequence of Second Steps: Each Unit lasts 5 weeks – Each scope has a specific number of lessons (they are each 45 minutes long and should last all year) Q: do we complete each unit before moving on or do we work on all units (one lesson at a time?)
Skills for Learning
Emotion Management
Problem Solving
- We can make the Ortega Stars
- Recreate Ortega’s Behavior Documentation
- Create teacher notes home
- Back to school night packet:
oInclude discussion on adult expectations when meeting with teacher during the back to school day
- Have signs posted reminding adult visitors to check in
- Park Rules Posted
- Security badge entrance out of the 200 wing because of portables – concern about parent entrance
- On Tuesday, June 18th – use a blank calendar and plug in lessons. Work on the primary ones and then in July work on the secondary.
Brainstorming & sharing what we do at the beginning of the year to create community and team build:
- Set a class goal by asking students to make a suggestions and then vote
- Have students write a letter to themselves that they will read at the end of the year
- Ask students to list/discuss expectations they have for you the teacher and for each other
oWith sentence stems
oAsk them how they resolve conflicts at home
- Create a system/discuss a way to resolve conflicts in the class (discuss with Autumn)
oPossibility to create a place in the room where the students can go to give themselves a time out.
- Create student based rewards/consequences
oDo we want to have school wide ones? – a part of the documentation plan
Not sending students out of the classroom (sending the student to another teacher with work?)
oWhen discussing consequences, it will be a guide for the teacher and not for the student. We should have a consistent, school wide method of responding to students(?)
A better idea is to tell the student you are thinking of a consequence that you will tell them about later. Giving the teacher an opportunity to decompress. Sometimes, the consequence is never discussed.
Something that we need to address school wide. So we have consistency.
oRewards: leaving the student expectations as is
Simple things at the end of the week – eating in the classroom
Send them to the administration
Note & Call home
- Introduce planning/self reflective time
- Active Supervision in common areas:
oSentence stems for teachers to say to students
oExpectations that every teacher/adult should follow when working with students
Arrival/Morning Duty/Morning Assembly (Cafeteria & Gym?)
- Be at your designated area no later than 7:30
- Greet students and adults with a smile
- Direct students to appropriate areas
- Actively monitor all classes
- Model good behavior
- Remind students of expectations
- Be consistent in reinforcing students expectations
- If arrive after 7:30, must sign in (We should have signs posted everywhere so a parent knows where they need to go) – create automaticity.
- Greet students and adults with a smile
- Model good behavior (by following Ortega’s 5 rules of suspect?)
- Voices off during any assembly
- Be on time
- Walk in the crosswalks and follow safety patrol directions
- Enter through the designated doors
- Go straight to your designated area and wait for your teacher to pick you up
- Sit in classroom line, facing forward, with backpack close to your side
- Voices off
- Read independently
- Respect speaker (listening, participating, no talking)
- Exit quickly and quietly
Upon Entering the Building Expectations for/Adult Visitors
- Ring bell (office will inquire who it is) & announce who you are & state your purpose for your visit
- Parents should have an appointment (previous arrangement)?
- Check in/Sign in the office for a visitor sticker
- Walk quietly in the hall
- Follow Ortega’s 5 rules for respect: (have posted on office counter)
- Check out/Sign out when leaving
- Remind students of expectations before they begin moving
- Teachers use inside voices
- Be positioned to see all students
- Use non-verbal cues to remind students of expectations
- Use inside voices
- Silent cell phones
- Keep Visitor Sticker Visible
Adult- (100 wing)
- Designate specific times to go as a group
- Send 3 students at a time
- Be consistent in modeling and reinforcing student expectations
- Supervise students
- Use student restrooms only
- Voices off
- Go, flush, wash, dry, dispose, exit
- Monitor students by walking around, watching, and not talking to other adults
- Active involvement with student activities
- Remind students of expectations
- Be consistent in reinforcing student expectations
- Use Ortega’s 5 rules of respect
- Pick up playground equipment only – do not throw rocks
- Stay in the designated areas
- Use the steps to go up the slide; slide down on your bottom
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself
- Line up when signaled to do so
Teacher Expectations
- Remind students of expectations
- Be consistent with reinforcing rules/consequences to support cafeteria staff (follow up the next day by…..
- Occasionally actively monitor
- Occasionally eat with the students
- Administrator presence
Student Expectations ******
- No cross talk
- Respect all adults
Ideas: park on side by cafeteria, make the street one way, on chico,
- Display primetime list outside homeroom classroom & ensure there are explicit directions for substitutes
- Have class lined up at or before 2:45 separating students for bus, prime time, tutoring, etc.
- Release primetime students to Pre-K teachers
- Walk to the front of the school with your class
- Stay outside and actively supervise students until 3:00
- Take remaining students to office at 3:00
- Sit or stand with your teacher
- Ask permission from teacher to get snacks
- Tell your teacher when you are leaving
- Follow directions from safety patrol
- Walk only on sidewalks or cross walks
- Parent involvement:
oHave a family tribes night (once a month?) to celebrate community
oStudents can plan
oWe can create packets for the end of the first 20 days and then do different programs