welo August 3rd, 2017
Crew 20….Let The Adventure Begin!
Dear Families of Crew 20,
I hope you all had a safe and wonderful summer!I sure did! My family and I did a lot of camping, swimming and enjoying. I can’t believe the summer is almost over and we are getting ready for the school year! Are you ready?
For those of you who don’t know me, I have been teaching at Charter for 8 years now with this upcoming year being my 3rd year teaching 6th grade. I have an 8th grader and a 5th grader who have attended Charter since preschool- Douglas and Hannah. They are the loves of my life along with my husband, Kristian,who works as the shop supervisor at Durham School Services.
I am very excited and honored to be your child’s 6th grade core teacher, along with Elissa Spencer (language arts), Kamryn Wisner (math), Lindsey Johnson (math), and all of our elective teachers. I teach the ceramic elective, as pottery is one of my passions! I love clay! Electives will begin a couple of weeks into the year. You will hear more about it when the forms for choosing electives go home.
This year, sixth graders will begin their day in MATH!Therefore, they will head to room 32 (portable) the first day of school! I will be there to greet and direct them. After math, they will come to room 20 for Core/Expedition class, then head to room 18 for Language Arts. Lunch begins at 12:20, so I suggest packing a hearty and healthy snack for the morning! The afternoon will consist of Crew, ZYLAR (zip your lips and read!), and project time for the first couple of weeks, then Crew and Electives once Electives begin.
Many of you may know that Crew 20 participated in a service project last year at Brunswick Assisted Living. Students were paired up with a “buddy” and met with them periodically, talking, playing bingo and making art. I am happy to announce that we will be running this same service project this year!! Karen, the activities director at Brunswick Assisted Living, and I have been excited to match up our people and start this magical partnership. This project takes a lot of parent drivers to make it work. Please look out for the sign up geniuses and SIGN UP to drive! Thanks!
I hope to meet you either at our Open Classroom day on Tuesday, August 15th between 2:00 and 3:00pm or at the Whole School Picnic, which is the first Friday of school from 5:00 to 7:00pm on the field here at GVCS!
I will try to give you any upcoming dates as soon as I have them to assure your calendar is current. For now, this is what’s in store:
Upcoming Dates
- August 15th- Open Classroom/Meet The Teacher 2:00-3:00pm
- August 16th- First Day of School (8:15-8:30am Drop- Off/3:00pm Pick Up)
- August 18th- All School Picnic 5:00-7:00pm (bring food, Frisbees, games to back field)
- August 29th- Ropes Course for Crew 20
- Sept. 4th- NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)
- Sept. 7- Back To School Night
- Sept. 12th-14th- Lassen Fieldwork
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or to e-mail me if you have any specific concerns I should know about before school starts. I usually check my e-mail daily, except on weekends. And please….enjoy the final days of this summer break! I will see you, hopefully, on the 15th(Open Classroom). I look forward to seeing your student on, August 16th, the 1st day of school!
Material List
Here is the material’s list for Language Arts/Expedition/Math classes:
- 2- one inch binders
- 3- lined composition books
- 1- pack of highlighters (at least 4 colors)
- 1- spiral bound lined notebook
- 3- plastic pocket folders
- 2 boxes of pencils (the more the merrier)
- 2 three hole punched pencil pouches
- optional for math- a calculator (TI-30x recommended)
Please bring the following the first day:
- a backpack
- a reading book
- a healthy snack and lunch
optional donation items:
glue sticks
antibacterial wipes (yes please!)
small items for student store (cute pencils, sugar free gum, dollar store items, novelty items, etc.)
Cool stickers for awesome work done
Sticky notes
**Your child will not need their materials until Monday, the 21st, so please don’t fret! If you have any issues purchasing materials, please send me an e-mail at: