Attachment 29

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SPECIFIC WAIVER REQUEST – Instructional Materials Funding Realignment Program (IMFRP)

IMFRP-1 (Rev. 03-12-08) Month” Rule

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Send Original plus one copy to:

Waiver Office, California Department of Education Faxed originals will not be accepted!

1430 N Street, Suite 5602

Sacramento, CA95814

1 / 9 / 6 / 5 / 0 / 4 / 5
Local educational agency:
SulphurSpringsUnionSchool District / Phone contact and recipient of approval/denial notice:
Dr. Kathy Wright / Contact person’s e-mail address:

Address: (City) (State) (ZIP)
27000 Weyerhaeuser Way Santa Clarita CA 91351 / Phone (and extension, if necessary):
(661 ) 252-5131 x 220
Fax number: (661 ) 252-6847
Period of request: (month/day/year)
From: 7-- 2009 To: 7-1-2010
Reading/Language Arts
From: 7-1-2010 To 6-30-2011 / Local board approval date: (Required)
January 14, 2009 / Date of Public Hearing: (Required)
January 14, 2009


  1. Authority for the waiver: Specific code section: EC 60422(c)(1) through (3)
Section 60422(c) The State Board of Education may grant the school district additional time to meet the purchasing requirements of subdivision (a) if the governing board of the school district demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the state board, that all of the following criteria apply to the district:
(1)The school district has implemented a well designed, standards-aligned basic instructional materials program.
(2)The school district, at the time of its request for additional time pursuant to this subdivision, has sufficient textbooks or basic instructional materials for use by each pupil.
(3)The school district has adopted a plan for the purchase of standards-aligned instructional
materials in accordance with subdivision (a) but the plan indicated an alternative date for compliance that is declared in the request for additional time.
  1. Education Code Section to be waived: EC 60422(a) “24 month” rule for IMFRP adoptions
Curriculum Area: Mathematics and Reading/Language Arts Grade Levels: K - 6 Alternative Date for Compliance: Mathematics_ 2010-2011; Reading/Language Arts- 2011-2012
  1. Collective bargaining unit information.
Does the district have any employee bargaining units? No X Yes If yes, please complete required information below:
Bargaining units) consulted on date(s): December 3, 2008
Name of bargaining unit and name of representative(s) consulted:
SulphurSpringsSchool District Teachers Association- Patty Fitzpatrick, President
The position(s) of the bargaining unit(s): Neutral X Support Oppose (Please specify why)
Comments (if appropriate):



IMFRP -1 (Rev. 03-12-08)

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  1. Education Code or California Code of Regulations section to be waived.
EC 60422. (a) A local governing board shall use funding received pursuant to this chapter to ensure that each pupil is provided with a standards-aligned textbook or basic instructional materials, as adopted by the State Board of Education subsequent to the adoption of content standards pursuant to Section 60605 for kindergarten and grades 1 to 8, inclusive, or as adopted by the local governing board pursuant to Sections 60400 and 60411, for grades 9 to 12, inclusive. Pupils shall be provided with standards-aligned textbooks or basic instructional materials by the beginning of the first school term that commences no later than 24 months after those materials were adopted by the State Board of Education.
  1. Desired outcome/rationale. Give a general description of what adoption you want to postpone and the reason:
SulphurSpringsUnionSchool District requests that the State Board of Education grant the district more time to purchase standards-aligned programs and materials in Mathematics and Reading/Language Arts. The district is addressing possible reductions and/or reassignment of teachers related to the uncertainty of the state budget, the significant reductions that will need to be made due to the budget crisis and is seeking to stabilize current funding sources. The district requires additional time to complete its adoption process and provide the necessary professional development to ensure the programs are successfully implemented.
Also complete Attachment A
Is this waiver associated with an “apportionment related" audit penalty? (per EC 41344) X No Yes
(If yes, please attach explanation or copy of audit finding)
Has there been a Coordinated Compliance Review finding on this issue? X No Yes
(If yes, please attach explanation or copy of CCR finding)
District or CountyCertificationI hereby certify that the information provided on this application is correct and complete.
Signature of Superintendent or Designee: / Title:
Dr. Robert Nolet
Superintendent / Date:
January 15, 2009

Signature of SELPA Director (only if a Special Education Waiver)

/ Date:


Staff Name (type or print): / Staff Signature: / Date:
Unit Manager (type or print): / Unit Manager Signature: / Date:
Division Director (type or print): / Division Director Signature: / Date:
Deputy (type or print): / Deputy Signature: / Date:



IMFRP -1 (Rev. 04-21-08)

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Attachment A:Desired Outcome/Rationale for Waiver

I. Responses to the Statutory Criteria for Waiver Approval:

EC 60422(c) The State Board of Education may grant the school district additional timeto meet the purchasing requirements of subdivision (a) if the governing board of the school district demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the state board, that all of the following criteria apply to the district:

1. The school district has implemented a well-designed, standards-aligned basic instructional materials program.

Mathematics: All nine of the Sulphur Springs Schools have implemented standards-based Macmillan McGraw Hill Mathematics (2001-02) and have supported the program with additional in-services from the publisher. District staff have received special training and have provided additional staff development in mathematics based on the adoption of the MacMillan McGraw Hill Math program.

Reading/Language Arts: All of the nine schools in the Sulphur Springs School District have implemented standards-based Houghton Mifflin Reading/Language Arts, (2003-04) and teachers in all grade levels have been offered or received training through the publisher and through AB466 Reading/Language Arts professional development with a state-approved provider. On-site experts have provided additional training and support during the implementation of this Reading/Language Arts adoption.

The district has adopted and implemented standards-based, state-approved instructional programs for History/Social Science (2006-08) and Science (2007-09).

2. The school district, at the time of its request for additional time pursuant to this subdivision, has sufficient textbooks or basic instructional materials for use by each pupil.

In September 2008, every school site principal certified that his/her students have sufficient textbooks or basic instructional materials in all core curricular areas for all students. The Sulphur Springs School District Board of Trustees approved the certification on September 24, 2008 at its regularly scheduled board meeting with a public hearing before action was taken. The resolution (R #08-27) is attached.

3. The school district has adopted a plan for the purchase of standards-aligned instructional materials in accordance with subdivision (a) but that plan indicated an alternative date for compliance that is declared in the request for additional time.)

The standards-based Science adoption costs were approximately $485,000. Ongoing consumable math materials for grades K-2 are approximately $106,000 and for reading/language arts the consumable replacement costs are approximately $55,000. Current IMFRP funding is $69.41 per pupil with a district allocation of $348,000 from state lottery funds for purchasing of textbooks the 2008-2009 school year. It is anticipated that Mathematics adoption costs will be close to $600,000 and the Reading/Language Arts over $1,000,000 excluding the cost for additional professional development beyond what is offered by the publisher. An additional year will ensure adequate funding. The timeline and costs for implementation are as follows:

Mathematics: Begin the purchase of materials in Spring 2010 in order to provide professional development and ensure that teacher materials are in place. Complete the purchase of all mathematics materials in the summer of 2010 in order to ensure complete implementation in Fall 2010. Continue professional development through the publisher and on-site/district experts in 2010-2011.

Reading/Language Arts: Begin piloting materials in 2009-2010 school year. Recommend a program to the Board of Trustees in the summer of 2010. Begin the purchase of materials in spring 2011 in order to provide professional development and ensure that all teacher materials are in place for implementation in Fall 2011. Continue professional development through the publisher and on-site/district experts in the 2011-2012 school year

II. Assessment Information: STAR and local assessments in the particular subject matter

Subject / STAR 2006
% Proficient/Advanced / STAR 2007
% Proficient/Advanced / STAR 2008
% Proficient/Advanced
Mathematics / 63.2% / 59.8% / 61.4%
Language Arts / 55.2% / 53.2% / 54.8%

The district scores exceed the county and state proficient and advanced levels and has no schools in Program Improvement or in the lowest deciles. The district has an API score of 815.

All schools have been recognized as California Distinguished Schools except for our newest school, which opened its doors in August 2008. One of our schools has been recognized as a national Blue Ribbon School. Most recently one of our schools was honored as a California Business for EducationExcellenceHonorRollSchool for 2008. One of our Title One schools was also recognized as a Title I Achieving School for two years in a row.

III Summary Rationale: Request for an Alternative Date of Compliance for EC 60422(a)

The Alternative Date of Compliance for ED 60422(a) will provide a more thorough, thoughtful implementation of Mathematics and Reading/Language Arts adoptions. The district will have more time to realize the impact of the funding changes. The required professional development will occur in a timely manner, thus ensuring a successful implementation for both programs.