Dear Sir/ Ma’am,

Sub: Details of unclaimed Dividend(s) and transfer of shares to DEMAT Account of the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority

Ref: Folio No. / DP ID - Client ID No. :…………………..

This is to inform you that pursuant to Section 124 of the Companies Act, 2013 (Act) read with the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 (Rules), as amended from time to time, we are required to transfer the unclaimed dividend(s) within the statutory time period as provided under the Act to Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) Authority (Authority).

Unclaimed final dividend for the year 2010-11 and interim dividend for the year 2011-12 pertaining to members who have not encashed the said dividends is due for transfer to Authority during the financial year 2018-19. Shares, if any, pertaining to these dividend accounts which have remained unclaimed for seven (7) consecutive years or more will be transferred to the Authority along with the aforesaid Final and Interim dividend.

As per our records, the following dividends commencing from final dividend for the year 2010-11 onwards remains unclaimed as of March 31, 2018:

Sl. No. / Particulars / Date of declaration of Dividend / Amount (Rs.)
Final dividend for the year 2010-11 / 22-07-2011
Interim dividend for the year 2011-12 / 24-10-2011
Final dividend for the year 2011-12 / 23-07-2012
Interim dividend for the year 2012-13 / 25-10-2012
Final dividend for the year 2012-13 / 18-07-2013
Interim dividend for the year 2013-14 / 28-10-2013
Special dividend for the year 2013-14 / 20-01-2014
3rd interim dividend for the year 2013-14 / 25-04-2014
Final dividend for the year 2013-14 / 22-09-2014
Special dividend for the year 2014-15 / 29-09-2014
Interim dividend for the year 2014-15 / 19-01-2015
Final dividend for the year 2014-15 / 14-09-2015
Interim dividend for the year 2015-16 / 19-10-2015
2nd interim & special dividend for the year 2015-16 / 17-03-2016
Interim dividend for the year 2016-17 / 27-10-2016
Final dividend for the year 2016-17 / 18-07-2017
Interim dividend for the year 2017-18 / 16-10-2017
Total unclaimed dividend Amount

We request you to kindly verify your records and if the above mentioned unclaimed dividend(s)have not yet been encashed, please claim the same by making an application immediatelyin the attached form duly completed “in all respects and signed by all the holders and two (2) witnesses”along with a copy of self-attested valid Identity Proof (which has your photograph and / or signature like PAN Card / Passport / Driving License / Aadhaar Card, etc.) and send it to our Registrar & Share Transfer Agent (RTA) in original, so as to reach them on or before July 15, 2018 to enable them to verify and transfer the dividend to your bank account / reissue DD(s) after checking with the Bank(s) for non-payment.In case of any discrepancies or if the documents are inadequate/incomplete, the request is liable to be rejected.

Members whose shares are liable to be transferred to the Authority and holding shares in:

(a)Physical Forms may note that the Company would be issuing duplicate share certificate(s) in lieu of the original share certificate(s) held by them for the purpose of transfer of shares to the Authority as per the Rules and upon such issue, the original share certificate(s) which are registered in their name shall stand automatically cancelled and be deemed non-negotiable.

(b)Dematerialized Formmay note that the Company shall inform the depository by way of corporate action for transfer of shares in favour of the Authority.

Members may further note that the details of holders whose dividend(s) and shares are liable to be transferred to the Authority as uploaded in the Company’s website ( under the head “Investors” should be regarded and deemed adequate notice in respect of transfer of unclaimed dividend(s) and shares to the Authority pursuant to the Rules.No claim shall lie against the Company in respect of unclaimed dividends and shares transferred to IEPF pursuant to the said IEPF Rules.

After transfer of the aforesaid unclaimed dividend(s) and shares by the Company, you may still claim refund of unclaimed dividend(s) and shares from the Authority by making an application to the Authority in the prescribed Form. The IEPF Rules and application form for claiming refund are available on the website of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA)at

For any queries on the above matter, please contact our RTA, Karvy Computershare Private Limited, (Unit: Sasken Technologies Limited), Karvy Selenium, Tower B, Plot 31-32, Gachibowli, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Hyderabad – 500 032, Toll Free No.: 1800-4258-998, E-mail : .

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully

For Sasken Technologies Limited

S. Prasad

Associate Vice President & Company Secretary

Encl: aa

This is a system generated letter and does not require signature.



Karvy Computershare Private Limited


Karvy Selenium, Tower B, Plot 31-32,

Gachibowli, Financial District, Nanakramguda,

Hyderabad – 500 032

Dear Sir / Madam,

This is to confirm that I / We have lost / misplaced / not received dividend(s) / not encashed dividend(s) of Sasken Technologies Limited (Company) (formerly known as Sasken Communication Technologies Limited), as detailed below:

Sl. No. / Folio No. /
DP ID & Client ID No. / Particulars / Amount (Rs.)
Final dividend for the year 2010-11
Interim dividend for the year 2011-12
Final dividend for the year 2011-12
Interim dividend for the year 2012-13
Final dividend for the year 2012-13
Interim dividend for the year 2013-14
Special dividend for the year 2013-14
3rd interim dividend for the year 2013-14
Final dividend for the year 2013-14
Special dividend for the year 2014-15
Interim dividend for the year 2014-15
Final dividend for the year 2014-15
Interim dividend for the year 2015-16
2nd interim & special dividend for the year 2015-16
Interim dividend for the year 2016-17
Final dividend for the year 2016-17
Interim dividend for the year 2017-18
Total unclaimed dividend (Rs.)

I / We hereby request you to please transfer the aforesaid dividend proceeds to my / our Bank Account as mentioned below / send a DD to the address mentioned below in lieu of the aforesaid unclaimed dividend(s).

  1. Bank Account details (For electronic credit of unpaid dividend(s) and payment of future dividend(s))

Name of the 1st named holder
(as appearing in your cheque book)
Name of the Bank & Branch address
Account Number (as appearing in your cheque book)
Account Type
(Savings / Current / Cash Credit)
9 Digit MICR Number
(as appearing on the MICR cheque issued by the bank)
11 Digit IFSC Code


  1. Address for sending DD



I / We hereby agree to indemnify the Company in the manner hereinafter stated:

I / We have not charged, pledged, created any sort of encumbrance or otherwise dealt in so as to create any adverse claim upon the aforesaid dividend(s).

Now it is hereby agreed that in consideration of the Company transferring the dividend proceeds to my Bank Account / issuing a DD, I hereby covenant at all times hereafter and from time to time save, defend and keep indemnified the Company from and against costs, suits, legal proceedings, accounts, claims, demands, losses, charges, expenses and liabilities of whatsoever nature which the Company may sustain or incur by reason of such re-issue of dividend(s) and also from and against any action which may be brought against the Company by any one claiming the interest accrued thereon and from and against all damages, costs, charges, expenses which the Company may incur in respect thereof otherwise in relation to the premises.

It is hereby further agreed that I / We hereby undertake to return to the Company such original DD(s) / dividend warrant(s) as and when found or received for cancellation.

In witnesses whereof, I / We hereto have set and subscribed my respective hands at ______(Place) on ______(Date).

Signature :
Date :
Name :
Address : / Joint Holder 1 (if any)
Signature :
Date :
Name :
Address : / Joint Holder 2 (if any)
Signature :
Date :
Name :
Address :
Witness 1
Signature :
Date :
Name :
Address : / Witness 2
Signature :
Date :
Name :
Address :


  1. For the undertaking to be considered complete, please ensure the name, address and bank details of first (1st) holder and joint holder(s), as applicable, are filled correctly and it is duly signed by all the holders and two (2) witnesses.
  2. If the dividend is in excess of Rs.500/-, then please execute this Form on a Non-Judicial stamp paper of Rs.20/- or frank the Form for the same amount and have it notarized by a Notary Public under his / her official seal.