AP Professional Development
Sub-Committee Meeting Minutes
April 14, 2008
Members present: Brian Cole, David Feenstra, Michelle McCloud, Jim Rademaker, Maggie McCrystal and Melvene Tardy
Absent: Sherry Barricklow, Jeff Marcinkowski, MarcQus Wright
Meeting called to order at 8:35 a.m.
Discussion Items
1) Old Business
a) MarcQus/Maggie – “Lost in Diversity”
i) Added to the May 2008 schedule? Scheduled for May 15.
b) Review of Fall 2008 topics with Maggie
i) Maggie has the list of topics for Fall 2008 and still reviewing the topics.
(1) Melvene had a topic suggestion – “Business Etiquette”. It was suggested that the Seidman College of Business (SCB) may have someone on their staff or someone that they’re already connected with in the community that might provide a presentation on this topic. Maggie will touch bases with the SCB to see if there are any contacts already made. Brian will touch bases with one of his contacts to see if they know someone that could present on this topic.
ii) Confirmed dates are as follows:
(1) 9/17/08 – First Gentleman Daniel Mulhern, in LMH.
(2) 9/18/08 – Getting to Know Your GVSU Better (Since this date is so close to the First Gentleman’s presentation, the date will most likely be changed. Dave will work with Beth to get a room reservation and also work with the presenters to see what other date around that time period will work.
c) Institutional Marketing for Promotion of next year – Jim
i) Jennifer Allard was supposed to be at the meeting today, but was unable to attend. Maggie met with a design team member (Nancy Crittenden) to discuss logos and other items. She also met with Dave Poortvliet to discuss distribution mechanisms. They discussed the possibility of automatically generated messages being distributed to members from a list serv environment.
(1) The messaging system could be used to announce upcoming AP events. The list serv will initially consist of anyone that has ever attended an excellence series lecture and signed a sign in sheet. There will be an opt-out message at the end of each notice, in order to allow people the opportunity to choose not to receive the list serv messages.
2) New Business
a) Review of ES Surveys
i) 3/19-3/20 Healing Racism
(1) Presenter was Munirah Mawusi
(2) 15 enrolled, 13 attended
(3) Very positive reviews
ii) 3/21 Allies & Advocates Training
(1) Presenter was MJ Thiel
(2) 13 enrolled, 12 attended
(3) Very positive reviews of the program
b) Other New Business
i) Other topic suggestions
(1) Constructive communication – goes hand in hand with dealing with difficult people.
ii) Dave has everything that he needs for the “Getting to Know Your GVSU Better” session. There will be 5 departments represented. The room reservation, the possible date conflict and making sure that the presenter’s schedules are conducive to another date are the only real issues left with the program.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 am.
The next meeting is scheduled on May 9, 2008 in the Lake Michigan Hall, conference room 116.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle McCloud
April 14th AP Prof Dev Sub-Committee minutes Page 1 of 3