Chapters to be read in texts are listed in the assignment column. These are to be completed for the week following. The student is also to read those sections from the New Testament which accompany the readings and the class lectures. Audio lectures can be downloaded (from the class info page on and Sample Texts to study are listed in the assignment column.

The textbooks are designated by the following abbreviations:

Burge, Cohick, and Green, The New Testament in Antiquity = BCGWright, C. Salvation Belongs to Our God = CW

Bruce, F. Israel and the Nations = B Carson, D. and Moo, D. An Introduction to the New Testament = CM

Readings or preparations are listed in the space immediately to the right of each session’s topic.

Date / Class Topic / Assignment for the Following Class
January 18 / Introduction to BI 502
Discuss Text: Matthew 1:1-17
Introduction to the New Testament
The place of the NT in the Bible / BCG, Chapter 1, pp 15-22
BCG, Chapter 3, pp 53-62
BCG, Chapter 27, pp 441-458
CW, Preface and Chapter 1, pp 11-36
Commence primary source readings assignment in the NT (guide for reading NT and journal at webpost nt primary source readings.doc)
B, Chapters 14-15, pp 107-123
Audio Lecture: The NT in Space and Time
January 25 / Text
Q & A: Geographical Setting of the NT
The Life of Jesus & the Gospels
AD 1-40
The Gospel of Mark
Birthday Presents for 2011
ABibliographical Survey of NT Reference Tools / BCG, Chapter 5, pp 107-124
BCG, Chapter 6, pp 125-146
BCG, Chapter 7, pp 147-164
BCG, Chapter 9, pp 179-194
CW, Chapter 2, pp 37-55
Textual Assignment: Mark 1:1-3:6
B, Chapters 16-20, pp 124-158
CM, Chapter 1, pp 23-76
Audio Lecture: Critical Method in the Study of the NT
February 1 / Discuss Text: Mark 1:1-3:6
The Gospel of Mark and the Life of Jesus
Q & A: Critical Methods in the Study of the NT / BCG, Chapter 2, pp 23-52
BCG, Chapter 8, pp 165-178
CW, Chapter 3, pp 56-86
Consider and resolve research paper topic (note the list of possible topics that is available on Populi in the Info page for the class, under “nt survey paper topics.doc”)
B, Chapters 21-22, pp 159-178
CM, Chapter 2, pp 77-133
Audio Lecture: The Intertestamental Era & Hellenistic Age
February 8 / The Genre Gospel
The Gospel of Matthew
Q & A: History of the Intertestamental Era and Hellenistic Age
Choice of research paper topic due
(on 3x5 card to give to professor) / BCG, Chapter 3, pp 62-78
BCG, Chapter 4, pp 79-106
BCG, Chapter 10, pp 195-212
CW, Chapter 4, pp 87-116
B, Chapters 23-24, pp 179-196
Audio Lecture: History of the First Century
February 15 / The Synoptic Question
The Gospel of Luke
Q & A: History of the First Century / BCG, Chapter 11, pp 213-228
CW, Chapter 5, pp 117-137
Post 1: Are you happy with the Canon? Canon Formation
(all grad students responsible to post)
B, Chapter 25, pp 197-204
CM, Chapter 6, pp 225-284
February 22 / The Quest for the Historical Jesus and the Study of His Life
The Gospel of John
Post 1 must be completed. / BCG, Chapter 12, pp 229-248
CW, Chapter 6, pp 138-177
Textual Assignment: Acts 1:12-2:13
March 1 / The History of the Early Church: Acts
Discuss Text: Acts 1:12-2:13
The Genre Historical Narrative
Acts 1-12: Jerusalem and Judea/Samaria / BCG, Chapter 13, 249-266
Prepare for Midterm Exam
(Covers Introductory Materials, Life of Jesus, Gospels)
B, Chapters 26-27, pp 205-219
CM, Chapter 9, pp 354-390
March 8 / Acts 13-28: Paul’s Ministry
Midterm Exam
(Covers introductory materials, life of Jesus, and Gospels) / CW, Chapter 7 and Conclusion, pp 178-195
Textual Assignment: 2 John & 3 John
Post 2: Where did the Gospels come from? The Synoptic Question (all grad students)
CM, Chapter 8, pp 331-353
March 15
(Reschedule!) / The Correspondence of the Early Church: the Epistles
Discuss Text: 2 John & 3 John
The Genre: Epistle
Paul & the Pauline Epistles
Paul: Ministry and Perspectives (Old, New, Newer)
Post 2 must be completed. / BCG, Chapter 14, pp 267-278
BCG, Chapter 15, pp 279-292
Post 3: The Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith: Are they different or the same?
The Quest for the Historical Jesus
March 22 / Spring Break—No class session
March 29 / The 30s and the 40s
The Early Epistles of Paul
Galatians; 1 & 2 Thessalonians
Post 3 must be completed. / BCG, Chapter 16, pp 293-310
BCG, Chapter 17, pp 311-320
Begin the readings about the New Perspective on the apostle Paul (see readings listed below)
CM, Chapter 11, pp 415-455
April 5 / The 50s
The Major Epistles of Paul
1 & 2 Corinthians / BCG, Chapter 18, pp 321-336
Textual assignment: Romans 3:21-31
Complete Research Paper
CM, Chapter 10, pp 391-414
April 12 / Discuss Text: Romans 3:21-31
The Major Epistles of Paul
1 & 2 Corinthians; Romans
Research Paper Due
Schedule Graduate Seminar for Presenting Papers / BCG, Chapter 19, pp 337-348
BCG, Chapter 20, pp 349-362
BCG, Chapter 21, pp 363-374
Post 4: Acts and Letters: Reliability and Genuineness
CM, Chapter 17, pp 554-587
April 19 / The 60s
The Prison Epistles of Paul
Philippians; Colossians; Philemon; Ephesians
The Pastoral Epistles of Paul
1 & 2 Timothy; Titus
Post 4 must be completed. / BCG, Chapter 22, pp 375-384
BCG, Chapter 23, pp 385-396
BCG, Chapter 24, pp 397-410
BCG, Chapter 25, pp 411-424
Complete NT Timeline
CM, Chapter 19, pp 596-618
April 26 / The General Epistles & Hebrews
James; Hebrews; 1 & 2 Peter
The 70s, 80s, & 90s
1, 2, & 3 John; Jude
NT Timeline Due / BCG, Chapter 26, pp 425-440
Textual Assignment: Revelation 14
B, Chapter 28, pp 220-227
CM, Chapter 25, pp 697-725
May 3 / The Future of All Things: The Revelation of John
Discuss Text: Revelation 14
The Genre: Apocalyptic
The Message of the NT and Bible / Prepare for Final Exam
Will cover Acts, Epistles, Revelation
Write Final Integrative Essay and Final Synthetic Essay. (available on class webpage, Info page, under
web nt survey master list of essay questions.doc)
Either on May 10 or a time near the end of the semester / Seminar:
The Apostle Paul: New and Old?
Can I buy into the New Perspective on the apostle Paul?
Your Papers
Presentation of the Results of Research Papers / For this Graduate Seminar session:
  • Organize thoughts about the New Perspective.
  • In addition to the readings in CM about the NPP, you can check out the following:
D. DiSilva, Introduction to the NT, pp 500-501, 506-507, 518-519.
S. Gathercole, “What Did Paul Really Mean?” Christianity Today (August 2007), pp 22-28.
M. Bird, “Justification as Forensic Declaration and Covenant Membership”, Tyndale Bulletin 57 (2006), pp 131-148.
E. Neufeld, “The Gospel in the Gospels,” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 51 (2008), 267-296.
D. Burk, “Is Paul’s Gospel Counterimperial?” Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 51 (2008), pp 309-338.
Paul on the Web:

In addition to the positive summaries, note the article by F. Watson, “Not the New Perspective.”
  • Prepare a one page summary of your research paper for presentation and distribution to the seminar participants.

May 10 / Final Exam: Objective portion
(Covers Acts, Epistles, and Revelation)
(Note: If you have a schedule conflict with the U of I Finals schedule, please talk to the Professor in order to make other arrangements.)
Final Reflective Essay Due
Final Synthetic Essay Due
This is a comprehensive essay exam. It will include the final Integrative Essay, which sums up your knowledge of the entire field of New Testament studies. All students in Urbana Seminary programs (Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Religion, and Certificate of Christian Studies) are responsible to make an additional copy and include it in your Student Portfolio for assessment.
Primary Source Reading Reports Due, along with any accompanying Journal
Textbook Reading Report Due
Turn in any Extra Credit / Make plans to attend graduation.
Make certain you are enrolled for summer classes at Urbana Seminary.
May 11 / Absolute final day to turn in work without an extension
May 19 / Urbana Seminary Graduation (7 PM)