Act II scene 1

1.  What metaphors are in lines 10 – 34?

2.  List the conspirators that visit Brutus.

Casca, Cassius, Decius, Trebonius, Metellus, Cinna

3.  Who is the last conspirator to join the group? Legarius

4.  What evidence is there that Brutus takes over leadership of the conspiracy?

They do what Brutus suggests each time. (no oath, no Cicero, not killing Antony…)

5.  Who does Cassius want to kill in addition to Caesar? Antony

6.  Why does Brutus say they should only kill Caesar?

So they don’t look like murders…because Antony can do nothing without Caesar…because Antony will be to busy grieving to do anything

7.  Who is Portia? Brutus’ wife

8.  What does Portia mean when she says, “Dwell I but in the suburbs of your good pleasure?” (lines 285 and 286 on page 806 in the teal book)

Am I outside your love/confidence

Act II scene 2

9.  The idiom “stand on ceremony” comes from this scene. What does it mean in the scene and what does it mean now?

Then-believe in rituals and superstition

Now-to be formal

10.  Who is Calphurnia? Why does she not want Caesar to leave home?

Caesar’s wife. She had a dream about his death. She sees the unnatural occurrences as omens. (comets, lions in the street, weather…)

11.  The German word Kaisar and the Russian word czar are derived from the word Caesar. Why do you think this is true? Because Caesar was such a great leader.

12.  Lines 32 – 37 (p. 812 in the teal book) are famous lines. Why do you think they are ones often quoted? The observation strikes a chord in most of us as true and good advice.

13.  What is the metaphor in lines 42 – 48? Do you think this shows arrogance? Caesar is a lion more dangerous than danger. I do.

14.  What has Calphurnia dreamed? That Caesar spews blood and Romans wash their hands in it.

15.  How does Decius interpret the dream? Does this interpretation change Caesar’s mind? As Caesar rejuvenating Rome with his blood. Yes.

Act II scene 3

16.  Who is the sole character in this scene? Artemidorus

17.  Half of what is said is in prose and the other half in iambic pentameter. Why?

Part of it is a letter (prose) and dialogue (Iambic pentameter)

Act II scene 4

18.  Does Portia know of the plan to kill Caesar? Give evidence from the play.

Opinion backed with evidence