Back Talk
A Monthly Newsletter by the Chiropractic Health Centre June 2014
586 Oxford St. East. London, Ontario 519-435-1263

Dr. Paul is on Summer Vacationthe week of:

Saturday June 28th to Sunday July 6th

The office will re-open:

Monday July 7th 8:30 – 6:00

Sometimes Those Discs can bePesky!

They may slip, slide, herniate, or rupture, but they have an important job to do!

Often likened to shock absorbers, intervertebral discs act as cushions to keep the vertebrae from rubbing against one another. Made up of a tough outer layer and a gelatin-like center, they are held in place with ligaments.

But what happens when you have a slipped, torn, ruptured or herniated disc (terms for the same condition)? Sometimes cracks develop in the outer disc layer. When this happens, some of the material in the disc center may leak out, press on spinal nerves and cause pain.

The two most common areas for disc herniation are the cervical (neck) and lumbar (lower back) spine. Disc herniation in the lumbar spine is one of the most common causes of lower back pain.

What causes a herniated or ruptured disc?

General wear and tear, traumatic injury to a lumbar disc and chronic improper lifting techniques are common causes. However, it is natural for discs to degenerate with age, so any type of strain or twisting movement can cause a disc to rupture. A genetic predisposition may also exist. They usually resolve on their own but treatment of herniated discs may include exercise, and the application of heat and ice. Many patients in our practice find that chiropractic care can restore disc tissue to its normal shape and size and alleviate the pain that accompanies disc problems.

If your discs become pesky, contact Dr. Paul

The Coconut Oil Craze

Many people are talking about coconut oil…seems it’s all the rage. Why the growing interest in coconut oil? Because it seems there are quite a few health benefits that can be derived from this amazing superfood. It’s funny how a fat that used to be considered unhealthy is now thought to be heart-healthy with other health benefits as well.

Coconut oil can help to:

Increase bone strength

Supply energy to the brain, reducing symptoms

of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

Burn more fat

Improve thyroid function and increase


Fight off viruses, bacteria and other

harmful pathogens

Reduce appetite, which can lead to

weight loss over time

Lower overall cholesterol, while

increasing HDL (good) cholesterol levels

In addition to its internal health-related benefits, coconut oil is also an effective moisturizer for skin and hair. Rich in antioxidant vitamin E, coconut oil protects against hair damage and can be used as sunscreen, blocking out 20% of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. As a moisturizer, coconut oil absorbs quickly and leaves the skin feeling smooth and silky. Coconut oil is so gentle to skin that some folks use it as a shaving lotion and it can even be used on infants!

???……..Have you ever wondered……..???

“Will I need chiropractic care forever?”

After patients get the relief they want, many choose to continue with some type of periodic care. These chiropractic “checkups” can help support the final stages of healing and help detect and resolve new problems before they become serious. How long you go on to receive chiropractic care is always up to you.