Judas The Betrayer By Laura Grace
To avoid being the player who ends the game holding the Judas The Betrayer card.
Go to http://sundayschoolsources.com/cards_free.htm and print out 2 of the following cards on cardstock (just the pictures of the disciples). Cut out and laminate or cover with clear contact paper to make them last.
21- John, James, Andrew, Peter
38- Thaddaeus, Philip, Bartholomew, James son of Alphaeus
42- Judas Iscariot, Matthew, Thomas, Simon the Zealot
Ask the children the following questions-
Who went secretly to the chief priests to tell them when it would be safe to arrest Jesus? Judas.
What did they give Judas? 30 silver coins.
How did Judas let the guards know which one was Jesus at the Garden of Gethsemane? Judas kissed Jesus on the cheek.
Who betrayed Jesus? Judas
The Game:
Show the children the “Judas” card and put in the middle of the table for all to see. Put the other Judas card in the deck and shuffle the cards.
Deal the cards around, one at a time, to each player, as far as they will go. They need not come out even. The players all look at their cards and discard any pairs they have (a pair is two cards of the same Bible character, such as two James).
The dealer begins. At your turn you must offer your cards spread face down to the player to your left. That player selects a card from your hand without seeing it, and adds it to her hand. If it makes a pair in her hand she discards the pair. The player who just took a card then offers her hand to the next player to her left, and so on.
If you get rid of all your cards you are safe - the turn passes to the next player and you take no further part. Eventually all the cards will have been discarded except one (Judas The Betrayer) and the holder of this card loses.