The Religion of Peace Jihad Report
Month of June, 2016
Attacks / 238
Killed / 2055
Injured / 2006
Suicide Blasts / 43
Countries / 33

The Jihad Problem

I received a post from a listener, named Ilene, who typifies someone who had been dipped in propaganda. I want you to hear the symptoms, and then I will speak of my considerations:

Events have a multiplier effect. And when they come in bunches the effect can be overpowering. This is already a sad and demeaning time, even before we heard the ghastly news of Orlando.

Politics is, figuratively speaking, a contact sport. It is a hard business because it is an important business. It matters and it matters even more when the stakes are so very high. But just as class will out at the highest level in sport, when the stakes are the very greatest and everything seems to be on the line, so character reveals itself in politics too. Even, especially, when it really counts.

Personally I blame it all on Trump’s messaging: Vote Leave America, you Muslims, , or else we will be over-run by brown people. Take control. Take back our country. You know what I mean, don’t you: If you want a Turk – or a Syrian – for a neighbour, vote Remain. Simple.Common sense.

.Events have a multiplier effect.

We wouldn’t have to ask quite so many awkward questions if this proves to be just – a relative term – another deranged act perpetrated by a suspect with a long history of domestic abuse and incendiary talk. .

But we know that even lone lunatics don’t live in a bubble. They are influenced by outside events. That’s why, when there is an act of Islamist terrorism, we quite rightly want to know if it was, implicitly or explicitly, encouraged by other actors. We do not believe – at least we should not – in collective guilt or punishment but we do want to know, with reason, whether an individual assassin was inspired by ideology or religion or hate-speech or any of a hundred other possible motivating factors. We do not hold all Muslims accountable for the violence carried out in the name of their prophet but nor can we avoid the ugly, unpalatable, truth that, as far as the perpetrator is concerned, he (it is almost always he) is acting in the service of his view of his religion. He has a cause, no matter how warped it may be. And so we ask who influenced him? We ask, how did it come to this?

But, still. Look. When you encourage rage you cannot then feign surprise when people become enraged. You cannot turn around and say, ‘Mate, you weren’t supposed to take it so seriously. It’s just a game, just a ploy, a strategy for winning votes.’

When you shout about the other (Muslims, Mexicans, Blacks, the Disabled, Liberals, Obama, Clinton) over and over again, you don’t get to be surprised when someone breaks. When you present politics as a matter of life and death, as a question of national survival, don’t be surprised if someone takes you at your word. You didn’t make them do it, no, but you didn’t do much to stop it either.

Sometimes rhetoric has consequences. If you spend days, weeks, months, years telling people they are under threat, that their country has been stolen from them, that they have been betrayed and sold down the river, that their birthright has been pilfered, that their problem is they’re too slow to realize any of this is happening, that their problem is they’re not sufficiently mad as hell, then at some point, in some place, something or someone is going to snap. And then something terrible is going to happen.

We can’t control the weather but, in politics, we can control the climate in which the weather happens. That’s on us, all of us, whatever side of any given argument we happen to be. Today, it feels like we’ve done something terrible to that climate.

Sad doesn’t begin to cover it. This is worse, much worse, than just sad. This is a day of infamy, a day in which we should all feel angry and ashamed. Because if you don’t feel a little ashamed – if you don’t feel sick, right now, wherever you are reading this – then something’s gone wrong with you somewhere.

Orlando was the result of incessant hate speech. . Innocent people have been taken from their friends and families and communities but their death strips something from all of us as well. I cannot recall ever feeling worse about this country and its politics than is the case right now.

Events have a multiplier effect. So do emotions.

Now, let me consider Ilene's post to me. Any time I get a statement from someone to which they have affixed their own causation, I am tempted to resort to semantics to solve it. I guess we all tend to do that in some way. The law of language denotes that we go back to the root cause, and I happen to be highly trained in root cause analysis. First, I have to state the problem. The problem is: INNOCENT PEOPLE ARE BEING KILLED IN THE NAME OF A DEITY. As Ilene is not alone in her position, I think it's important to define some terms that she uses rather loosely in her treatise.

Hate Speech: Any speech that is offensive in the opinion of the recipient.

Politics: The mechanism of religion in government used to convince or coerce an alliance for a vote in favor of the position of the mechanism.

Jihad: A holy war of annihilation against an enemy in which a mythical ascension to heaven for death in battle is the primary reward. In point of fact, if the infantry warrior survives the Jihad, there is a shame that is placed upon him as though he failed to complete the task. Of course, the Imams never go to battle. They drive a soul to such a state of extreme pain that they seek their own death, sealed with the blood of their penultimate victim.

The most common tactic of an Imam, or anyone who might defend the actions of Jihad, is to first tell a short and offensive story. The Imam then sticks the offensive story to his enemy. He may talk about a rocket that falls on a schoolyard and kills a group of innocent children, and he pay even show pictures to go with it. Then, he will stick that event onto his enemy, usually a Jew or an American. The purpose of doing this is to affix causation, as though that was the root cause of the Imam's anger and effort to foment a Jihad against his enemy. It is a very common tactic. Of course, the cause of the rocket attack is not provided by the Imam, because the truth does not serve his evil purpose. In fact, shortly before the schoolyard was attacked, a rocket was launched from the bed of a pickup truck parked in that schoolyard, while the children watched with glee. The rocketeer sped away, leaving the cameras behind to record the deaths of the children. The film would be used to prosecute their enemies. Philosophically, we call this humanism. It has been used by Lucifer since long before this world was formed to deceive the sentient being into a state of rationalization.

Humanism is the assertion that the forces working on the universe at this moment are the same forces that have been there forever. If we watch the process for a short time, we can use that experience to extrapolate backward to find the root cause of our choice. An example might be a graduated cylinder sitting in a kitchen sink under a dripping faucet. The observer can count the drips per minute, measure the amount of water in the graduated cylinder, and extrapolate backward to the moment it was placed under the faucet.Simple enough and admissible in any court of law. However, it does not account for the reality that moments before the observer arrived, the faucet was running, and was shut off, leaving it dripping. This is what is called Catastrophism. The point is that there are sudden and catastrophic events that may be true root causes. These are called special causes. They don't happen very often, and they have no pattern. For instance, the roof leaking onto a pallet of corn flakes during a heavy rain storm is a regular cause. Sometimes we just don’t put the pallet there when it rains to avoid the impact of the cause. A tree limb crashing onto the roof during a rainstorm, opening a hole and dumping water onto the pallet is a special cause.

Now that we have some terms defined, let me address the Imam, whom are calling Ilene. Her root cause analysis is that Donald Trump issues hate speech, which caused a hitherto peaceful and loving Florida man to suddenly take up arms and then continuously slaughter other innocent people until he was killed in battle. This is a typical Luciferian deception that is used by the seed of Cain to justify their mayhem and to accomplish their goals. We must go back in history to find the root cause for this one.

The short version is that sodomy and pedophilia, the sexual abuse of children, have long been initiation rites to the ranks of Lucifer. He tempts men and women with unspeakable power and wealth to take part in his mission of capturing souls away from God. He seals that alliance with a violation of their own sovereignty.In other words. He rapes them repeatedly, until they are broken. If they survive, they will never speak of this to another human being out of shame and self hatred. But, they rationalize. It only hurt for a while, and now they are rich and powerful.

Enter the pedophile and nihilist, Muhammad. He has sex with animals, as most shepherds do. He has sex with children, both boys and girls. And he introduced a new deity named Allah, and empowered a weak and ignorant people to spread this new religion of sex, robbery, and mayhem with the sword. He kills entire cities and sells their children to his friends. It became the perfect pirate's religion. That pebble, which became the multiplier that Ilene was talking about, has murdered more than one billion people just like the ones in Orlando. The Pulse in Orlando was full of love that night. People were dancing, singing, kissing, and smiling with one another. The assassin was in terrible pain and was driven to the point of suicide, but he was promised heaven if he would kill as many innocents as he could before assuming room temperature himself. I, personally, would like to believe he was unpleasantly surprised when he stopped breathing.

For the next 1,400 years good men fought against the forces of the seed of Cain. Emperors, kings, prime ministers, and presidents sent armies to stop their piracy and rape and slavery. Century after century, good men were called up to defend their cities against the hoard of Lucifer. And now, we face them again. Their ancient and unceasing mission to swallow the entire world in dust and vomit is back again. Their Imams are like an army of lawyers, arguing and positioning and making false agreements. They write letters like Ilene with important titles like "International Public Relations," to convince one or two more people to hate Donald Trump, or America, or Israel. If it wasn't them, then it would be the Shiites, or the Sunnis, or the Wahabis. The important thing is to be hating someone. There is no love in this religion. There is only murder, the condoning of murder, or the looking the other way from murder with the outward claim that their hands are clean.

So, when good men rise up and say, "No more," we not being hateful. We are being loving. We are protecting the young and innocent so they never have to hear a rocket over their heads. They never see blood spurting out of a neck onto the sidewalk after a terrifying Sharia judgment. They never know what it is like to be ripped and torn by a lustful Muslim who has been blessed to do so by the Quran. They never see a woman beaten until her teeth fall out and then sacked up, lest her beauty tempt another man. Good men stand up and fight so children won't be bought and sold like blow-up dolls to rich oil moguls.

The reality is that good men and women want to stay in their own yards. They want to have their own, private lives. If they don't want to see something terrible, they change channels or don't buy a ticket. But, when it comes to their dance club or their mall, or their holiday celebration, then they must take action.For evil will have its way and consume the whole earth if good men do nothing. The pain is that the good man, turned soldier, is now scarred himself. He never wanted to kill anyone. He never wanted to command an army or order the attack. He must live with it in his nightmares forever. We all have them.

Since the universe was formed, the righteous have been called from time to time to expel evil from their midst. This is that time. We have forgiven enough. We have turned our cheeks many times. We have been merciful and charitable and peaceful for a long time. Regrettably, now it is time for war.The cause?Islam.Again. We must achieve peace the only way it can be achieved.Victory. It will be hard to fight an enemy whose soldiers are scattered into our neighborhoods, waiting for the moment when they wish to go to heaven. We know what they look like. We know what they sound like. They cannot change their ways. They must speak their faith of death and domination.

We can call on God all day and night, but He will allow the seed of Lucifer to remain and to torment us as long as we keep walking down our current path. What path is that? Well, Western civilization is not without sin. We provide most of the world's wealth for illegal drugs and pornography. We slaughter millions of the unborn every year for profit. We deny access to capital for thousands of small businesses every day, so that the global corporations can protect their empires from competition. Elected officials shamelessly buy votes from people with food or money, while the unelected Agency governments of the world enslave its citizens in hopeless debt for generations to come. As long as we continue to do that, God will send the seed of Lucifer to torment us.

May I be so bold as to say if we stop doing drugs and killing our babies, then the forces of evil will wither and die in the desert breeze without money? If I am wrong, then war is the only path to victory. I will remain the voice in the wilderness, telling America what it must do to retain its God-given rights of liberty and freedom. Everything we do will eventually affect the universe. I choose to do it on purpose.

Incirlik is Being Held Hostage

For eight consecutive days, Turkey has intentionally withheld electrical power and vital supplies from the U.S.-NATO joint installation Incirlik Air Base. No supplies have been flown or driven into the installation since Saturday of last week, food and water are being strictly rationed, and only one week of fuel reserves remain to power their electric generators.

A wife of a Non Commissioned Officer (NCO) trapped in Incirlik Air Base told TRUNEWS correspondent Edward Szall that her husband ate only one meal Saturday at the bases dining facilities, and has since been sustaining himself on junk food and snacks.

“He told me that everyone is getting irritable, lots of amenities being taken away it’s starting to get to people,” the spouse said Tuesday night.

A mother of an airmen sequestered inside Incirlik told TRUNEWS that her son informed her early Wednesday that Turkish police are still blockading the base entrance, and that the electric generators — powering flight operations and the underground bunkers housing B-61 nuclear bombs — would remain on until fuel rations were extinguished. Her son also claimed that Secretary of Defense Ash Carter vetoed a plan to transfer all personnel and equipment from the base after the military coup began Friday night, citing that the move was “too expensive”.

On the July 19th edition of TRUNEWS, host Rick Wiles interviewed Hans Kristensen, the Director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists, regarding the nuclear armaments housed at Incirlik Air Base. During the interview Mr. Kristensen noted the B-61 warheads would take approximately three weeks to transfer from the underground bunkers in the event of an emergency, even with a full military contingency facilitating the move.

Another mother of an airmen on deployment inside Incirlik told TRUNEWS that soldiers have ripped the doors and windows out of the bases dorm rooms to alleviate overheating among personnel — an issue steadily growing as air conditioning has been segmented solely for mission critical buildings. The mother, who wished to be referred to as “GP” to protect her sons identity, said he also told her Wednesday that the base only had fuel reserves for one more week of operations, and that after a week they are going to “shut-off the networks”.