Account Manager Interview Form

Date: ______Time: ______

City: ______Center:______

Interviewer’s initials: ______Interview Number: ______


Introduce yourself.

Remember to build rapport. Engage in some small talk before getting into the survey.

  • Ask some questions about his or her day.
  • Comment on objects in his or her office or cube.

Explain what you are doing:

  • You have been hired by ABC Technology Company to look at current training and performance support tools and then recommend changes.

Tell them how much time the interview will take.

Tell them the information will be confidential.

If they ask, we don’t know if we will be able to share results.

You might have to rephrase questions.

On the open-ended questions, you might want to ask probing questions.

Examples of probing questions are:

Could you tell me more about that?

Could you explain that in another way?

Background Questions

  1. When did you begin to work at ABC Technology Company?
  2. When did you begin to work at this center?
  3. When did you begin your current job?
  4. What job did you hold before this one.
  5. List all services the customer service agents (CSA) at the center deal with every day.
  6. List all services the CSAs at the center deal with three times a week.
  7. List all hardcopy tools (job aids) that the CSAs use.
  8. List all online tools (systems and job aids) that the CSAs use.

Support Questions

  1. How do you know when you’ve had a really bad day?
  2. What makes your job harder?
  3. What makes you angry or frustrated on the job?
  4. How do you know when you have had a really good day?
  5. What makes your job easier?
  6. What would help you do a better job if it were available?
  7. What’s the most important knowledge or information you know that helps you do your job?
  8. What’s the most important skill you have that helps you do your job?
  9. If there were one thing you could change about your job, what would it be?
  10. How do you know when a CSA has had a hard time with a customer? Describe a really difficult call.
  11. How do you know when a CSA has done a good job with a customer? Describe a call that’s been handled exceptionally well.
  12. What’s the most important knowledge that helps a CSA do the job?
  13. What’s the most important skill you have that helps you do your job?

Account Manager interview FormPage 1

Interview No: ______