
Kelly J. Morales

Department of Crop and Soil Science

0005 ALS

Office Phone 541 737-3420

A. Education and Employment


2001 Ph.D. Dept. of Plant and Soil Sciences, Oklahoma State University,

Evaluating Differences in Soil Appearance from Field to

Photographs to Aid in Developing Soil Profile Photography Guidelines

1997 M.S. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences, Oklahoma State University,

A Practical Approach to Grouping Soils by Key Soil Properties

1995 B.S. Dept. of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Massachusetts

Relevant Employment

2012-present Instructor, Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences, Oregon State University.

2015-present Lab Technician (unofficial title), Dept. of Crop and Soil Science,

Oregon State University

2004-2006 Consultant, Self-employed

2004-2005 Scorer, Pearson Educational

2001-2003 Soil Scientist, USDA-NRCS, Santa Fe, NM

B. Teaching, Advising, and Other Assignments

My teaching philosophy focuses on accommodation. I am very aware that many students carry a great deal of out of school responsibilities. It is my job to do everything I can to workaround the challengesto enable the student to reach his/her goals. The overall goal is that students comeaway from the course with more knowledge and awareness than what they came into the course with, and have a positive experience in the process. Any way I can aid a student to reach that objective enhances the student experience, promotes Ecampus and OSU, increases the likelihood that the student will remain at OSU for their academic career, and facilitates the progression of each student in his/her own life journey. I adhere to the course material and expect everyone to complete the material…but the road theytake to get there may be more individual to that student. This approach benefitsOSU because if these students have a positive experience, then we will see themagain which means retention numbers increase and the positive reviews spread. The student benefits from thelearning that they acquire, even within the midst of whatever turmoil is taking place in their lives. The student also benefits from the knowledge that some ecampus classes are keeping up more with the times than others. I’ve had students tell me that they have taken several online course that were not a good experience, and that CSS 205 is the best experience they have ever had. So, I believe that reflects on both the material, and the Instructor.

1. a. Instructional Summary

i.Credit Courses Currently Teaching

Course / Title / Enrollment / Term / Year
CSS 205 / Soil Science / 102 / Winter / 2018
CSS 205 / Soil Science / 60 / Fall / 2017
CSS 205 / Soil Science / 52 / Summer / 2017
CSS 205 / Soil Science / 129 / Spring / 2017
CSS 205 / Soil Science / 108 / Winter / 2017
CSS 205 / Soil Science / 63 / Fall / 2016
CSS 205 / Soil Science / 73 / Summer / 2016
(ecampus) CSS 205 / Soil Science / 60-80 / Spring / 2016

ii.Credit Courses Taught Previously

Course / Title / Enrollment / Term / Year
(ecampus) CSS 205 / Soil Science / 60-80 / Winter / 2016
(ecampus) CSS 205 / Soil Science / 40-60 / Fall / 2015
CSS 205 / Soil Science / 47 / Summer / 2015
SOIL 599 / Digital Soil Mapping / 6-9 / Spring / 2015
SOIL 466/566 / Soil Morphology and Classification / 50-80 / Spring / 2015
SOIL 466/566 / Soil Morphology and Classification / 35 / Spring / 2014
SOIL 445 / Environmental Soil Chemistry / 20 / Winter / 2014

ii. Other Assignments

Course / Title / Enrollment / Term / Year / My Role
SOIL 535 / Soil Physics / 16 / Fall / 2014 / Laboratory aid
SOIL 536 / Vadose Zone
Hydrology / 14 / Fall / 2014 / Laboratory aid

1. b. Non-Credit Course and Workshops - N/A

1. c. Curriculum Development - N/A

1. d. Graduate and Undergraduate Students- N/A

1. e. Team and Collaborative Efforts - N/A

1. f. International Teaching - N/A

2. Student and Participant Evaluations

i.Credit Courses * (See separate attachment of full SET data for Ecampus classes)

Course / Title / Enrollment / Term / Year / SET
Median / SET
CSS 205 / Soil Science / 102 / Winter / 2018 / Not yet avail / Not yet avail
CSS 205 / Soil Science / 60 / Fall / 2017 / 4.7 / 5.3
CSS 205 / Soil Science / 62 / Summer / 2017 / 5.2-5.7 / 5.4
CSS 205 / Soil Science / 129 / Spring / 2017 / 5.2-5.3 / 5.2
CSS 205 / Soil Science / 108 / Winter / 2017 / 4.9-5.4 / 5.2
CSS 205 / Soil Science / 63 / Fall / 2016 / 4.6 / 5.2
CSS 205 / Soil Science / 73 / Summer / 2016 / 5.4-5.9 / 5.6
(ecampus) CSS 205 / Soil Science / 60-80 / Spring / 2016 / n/a / n/a
(ecampus) CSS 205 / Soil Science / 60-80 / Winter / 2016 / 5.2 / 5.0
(ecampus) CSS 205 / Soil Science / 40-60 / Fall / 2015 / 5.2 / 5.2
CSS 205 / Soil Science / 47 / Summer / 2015 / 5.0 / 5.5
SOIL 599 / Digital Soil Mapping / 6-9 / Spring / 2015 / not available / Not
SOIL 466/566 / Soil Morphology and Classification / 30-50 / Spring / 2015 / 3.9-5.8 / 4.7
SOIL 466/566 / Soil Morphology and Classification / 35 / Spring / 2014 / 4.9 / 5.0
SOIL 445 / Environmental Soil Chemistry / 20 / Winter / 2014 / 4.1 / 5.3

ii. Other Assignments

Course / Title / Enrollment / Term / Year / My Role / SET
Instructor Median / SET
Department Median
SOIL 535 / Soil Physics / 16 / Fall / 2014 / Laboratory aid / n/a / n/a
SOIL 536 / Vadose Zone / 14 / Fall / 2014 / Laboratory aid / n/a / n/a

3. Peer Teaching Evaluations

May 28, 2016 – Reviewed by Jennifer Parke – See attachment

4. Advising – N/A

5. Other Assignments – Besides teaching ecampus CSS 205, I also run the small basement prep. lab, creating/purchasing supplies for, and setting up/breaking down labs for the on-campus SOIL 205, the on-campus equivalent to the ecampus version I teach.

C. Scholarship and Creative Activity

1. Refereed Journal

a. Ponte, K.J. and B.J. Carter. 1999. Evaluating and improving soil judging contests as

atraining tool based on a selected proficiency level. J.Nat.Resour.LifeSci.Educ. 29:8-

14(2000); (Electronically published @

b. Ponte, K.J. and B.J. Carter. 1999. Sorting soils by key soil properties to meet users’

needs. Soil Survey Horizons, 40:1:7-20.

2. Official Unpublished Work and Short Columns/Articles

a. Carter, B.J., P.A. Ward III, D. Alemayehu, E. Jigoulina, and K. Ponte. 2000 (May).

Identification of Dispersive soils in Oklahoma by physiochemical and clay mineral

properties, Parts I and II. Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Item 97-11.

3. Miscellaneous Publications

a. Hohvs Publications, 2006. (Self-Published Book) Saving Money for Your Child’s (or

Anyone’s) Future Without Making a Dent in the Family Budget.

b. Morales, Kelly. 2012. A Day on the Bay. Rogue River Echoes Anthology (2012).

c. Ponte, Kelly. 2002-2004. Contributed to the quarterly column for the New Mexico

Vine and Wine Society’s newsletter “Grapevine”.

4.Abstracts and Presentations

a. Ponte, K.J. and B.J. Carter. 2000. Evaluating apparent differences in soil appearance

for field to photographs to aid in developing soil profile photography standards.

Minneapolis. Agronomy Abstracts, p. 217.

b. Ponte, K.J. and B.J. Carter. 1999. Soil profile photography standards. Salt Lake

City. Agronomy Abstracts. p. 272.

D. Service

1. University

● Ecampus Committee-Department of Crop and Soil Sciences

● Emergency Preparedness Committee-Department of Crop and Soil Sciences

E. Awards – N/A

F. Professional Development

●Nov. 15-17, 2017-Attend. Online Learning Consortium

●Sept. 7-8, 2017- Attend.ILRC Sum. Sym. on Teaching and Learning

●July 20, 2017 – AED Equipment Training

●June 22, 2017 – Attend. Oregon Mentoring Sym.

●May 31, 2017-Attend. Faculty Forum-Experiential Learning

●April 26, 2017 – Em. Preparedness Training

●March 6, 2017 – CAS workshop –Communicating Science, etc.

●Sept. 8-9, 2016 – ILRC Colloquium

●April 13, 2016-2016 – Attend. the Ecampus Faculty Forum

●Dec. 19, 2015- Participated in the “New Instructor Training” - Canvas

●Nov. 20, 2015 – Participated in the “1st Faculty Symposium and Centennial

Dialogue on Inclusive Excellence”

●Oct. 28, 2015 – Attend. “Enhance Your Teaching and Training with Blended Learning Center for Teaching and Learning-hybrid teaching”

●Oct. 21, 2015-Attend. “Transformative Learning-Fall Symposium- sponsored byCenter for Teaching and Learning”

●Oct. 9, 2015 11:45-3pm - Participated in the “CAS New Teaching Faculty


●Sept. 15, 2015 - Participated in the “Workshop-30 Minutes with Canvas- Quizzes”

●2015 Miscellaneous Canvas and ecampus webinars and workshops (not kept track of).

●2014 Miscellaneous Canvas webinars and workshops (not kept track of).

●Also see Digital Measures