JUAN MIRÓ, FAIA LEED AP | David Bruton, Jr. Centennial Professor in Urban Studies
Associate Dean
Director Studio Mexico
School of Architecture
University of Texas at Austin
1991Post-Professional Masters Degree in Architecture,
School of Architecture, Yale University.
1987Professional Degree in Architecture,
Universidad Politécnica, Escuela Superior de Arquitectura,Madrid, Spain.
TEACHING Experience
2014–Present Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs, School of Architecture, University
of Texas at Austin.
2010–Present Professor, School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin.
2003–2010Associate Professor, School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin.
Summer 2009Visiting Professor, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan.
1997–2003Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin.
Spring 1997Visiting Lecturer, School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin.
Award for Outstanding Educational Contributions in Honor of Edward Romieniec, FAIA. Texas
Society of Architects, 2015.
Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Texas System, Spring 2015.
Elected to the Academy of Distinguished Teachers, University of Texas at Austin, Spring 2013.
Named a Professor of Excellence, University of Texas at Austin, 2012.
Distinguished Professor Award, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, 2011.
Named Harwell Hamilton Harris Fellow, University of Texas at Austin, 2011-12.
SOA Faculty Scholarship Award, University of Texas at Austin, 2011.
Outstanding Teacher Award (Studio), University of Texas at Austin, 2010.
ACSA New Faculty Teaching Award, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture. 2000.
Texas Excellence Teaching Award, University of Texas at Austin, 1999.
Nominated, US Artist Fellowship,United States Artists, 2014
Elevated to College of Fellows, American Institute of Architects (FAIA), 2011.
AD100: Top 100 International Architects & Designers, Architectural Digest, 2010.
Silver Medal, Texas Tech University, Tau Sigma Delta Honor Society in Architecture and Allied
Austin Under 40 Award, Austin, Texas, 2004.
Nominated, Friar Centennial Award.
Nominated. Piper Award.
Fulbright-MEC Scholarship, 1989–91.
The William Edward Parsons Memorial Medal, Yale University, 1991.
“Ciudad Paisaje vs. Ciudad Compacta: Diálogos España-EEUU-México.” Cartel Conferencia, Universidad de Monterrey, Mexico. February 8, 2018
“Museo Felix Candela: Propuestas para una nueva vida de la Antigua Bolsa Mexicana de Valores.” La Estela de Félix Candela a 20 Años de Su Muerte, UNAM, Mexico City. December 8, 2017
“Circuit of the Americas.” TxA 77th Annual Convention, Austin. November 11, 2017.
“AISD Performing Arts Center.”TxA 77th Annual Convention, Austin. November 11,
“Sketching.” TxA 77th Annual Convention, Austin. November 9, 2017.
“Ciudad Paisaje: Retos y Oportunidades.” XXVI Jornadas de Arquitectura y Diseño. Museo Semilla, Chihuahua, México. October 5, 2017.
“Integración y Otras Responsabilidades de los Arquitectos.” Tecnológico de Monterrey, México. August 16, 2017.
“Casa Ithualli.” Tecnológico de Monterrey, México. August 14, 2017.
“Tour of Formula 1 Track.” AIA Committee on Design Spring Conference. February 26, 2017.
“Desarrolo e Innovación Urbana.” AS/COA Latin American Cities Conference (Panelist). Club Industrial, Monterrey. September 12, 2016.
“Strategies on the Landscape City: Reimagining the American Metropolis Beyond Density.” ACSA International Conference, Santiago. July 1, 2016.
“Building the Future: The new era of higher education innovation and development.” Real Estate Conference and Panel Discussion (Panelist). JW Marriot, Austin. May 4, 2016.
“Are Dense Cities Really Better?” UT Forum, University of Texas at Austin. April 8, 2016.
“Construyendo Ideas:Reflexiones en torno al trabajo de Miró Rivera Architects.”Universidad
Marista de Mérida, México. February 10, 2016.
“The Comeback of the Great American City.” PRI Ambassador Council, Driftwood, Texas.
November 13, 2015.
“Vertical House.” TxA 75th Annual Convention, Dallas. November 6-7, 2015.
“Texas Architects Honor Awards Panel Discussion.” TxA 75th Annual Convention (Panelist), Dallas. November 5, 2015.
“Fast Track at the Circuit of the Americas.” AIA Indianapolis, Indiana. May 7, 2015.
“Tour of the AISD Performing Arts Center.” AIA Austin, Texas. April 21, 2015.
“Mexico City: Entre Geometría y Geografía.” Book Release & Roundtable (Panelist). Club de
Industriales, Mexico City. April 16, 2015.
“Construyendo Ideas:Reflexiones en torno al trabajo de Miró Rivera Architects.”
Universidad de Navarra, Spain. February 20, 2015.
“Building Ideas: Reflections on Practicing and Teaching Architecture.” UT Forum, University of
Texas at Austin. October 17, 2014.
“Building Ideas: Reflections on the work of Miró Rivera Architects,” with Miguel Rivera.
Celebrate Architecture, AIA Louisiana. March 21, 2014.
“Circuit of the Americas,” with Miguel Rivera. Celebrate Architecture, AIA Louisiana. March 21,
“Presentación Guía Candela,” Centro Cultural España, México City. February 14, 2014.
“Naturaleza y Ciudad:Reflexiones en torno al trabajo de Miró Rivera Architects.”
Universidad Iberoamericana. Mexico City. February 14, 2014.
“Construyendo Ideas:Reflexiones en torno al trabajo de Miró Rivera Architects.”
Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City. February 12, 2014.
“The Grand Plaza at the Circuit of the Americas,” with Miguel Rivera. Texas Society of Architects 74th Annual Convention, Austin, Texas. November 8, 2013.
“Circuit of the Americas.” UT NOVA, University of Texas at Austin. October 23, 2013.
“Construyendo Ideas.” Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City Campus. October 4, 2013.
“Westridge Residence,” with Miguel Rivera. Energy XChange Symposium, Austin, Texas.
October 3, 2013.
“The Grand Plaza at the Circuit of the Americas,” with Miguel Rivera. American Society of Landscape Architects, Austin, Texas. May 2, 2013.
“Building the Ideal City: Representations of the City of Teotihuacan in its Iconography.” Michael Coe Symposium, Art History Society of California State University, Los Angeles. April 12-13, 2013.
“Reflections on Recent Work.” AIA Indianapolis / AIA Fort Wayne Chapter hosted by Ball State
University, Muncie, Indiana. March 14, 2013.
“Arquitectura y Paisaje: Obra reciente de Miró Rivera Architects.” Escuela Técnica Superior de
Arquitectura, Valladolid, Spain. February 15, 2013.
“Tour of the Circuit of the Americas,” with Miguel Rivera. Texas Society of Architects, Austin, Texas. October 21, 2012.
“Design in Austin: It’s About Quality of Life.” Texas Society of Architects Convention, Austin, Texas. October 18, 2012.
“Miró Rivera Architects.” with Miguel Rivera.Taller Nuevas Materias en la Arquitectura Contemporanea, Málaga, Spain. September 28, 2012.
“A Tale of Two Cities: Austin and the Maya.” The NEW Mexico: Third AULA Latin American Architecture Symposium, Albuquerque. September 15, 2012.
“Integration, Integrity & Other Responsibilities of Being and Architect,” University of Texas at Austin. August 31, 2012.
“Current Trends in Architecture.” UT SAGE Architecture Seminar, University of Texas at Austin. February 27, 2012.
“Candela’s Legacy – Architect or Engineer.” Felix Candela: A Symposium, Columbia University, New York, February 11, 2012.
“Landscape City: Nature and the Regeneration of American Cities.” Mayor’s Institute on City Design Southwest Regional Session, Houston, Texas. February 3, 2012.
“Conjecture & Refutation: Reflections on the Design Process.” Design III Lecture Series, University
of Texas at Austin, September 19, 2011.
"Building with Nature | Building in Nature," University of Arkansas. March 28, 2011.
"Construir con la Naturaleza / Construir en la Naturaleza." Territorios 21, IV Foro Internacional de
Urbanismo, Logroño, Spain. November 4, 2010.
"Many Mexicos: Architecture and Identity After Independence," University of Texas at Austin.
October 20, 2010.
“Integration, Integrity, and Other Responsibilities of Being an Architect.” University of Texas at
Austin, October 8, 2010.
"Construir en la Naturaleza, construir con la Naturaleza," NATURAL, 3rd Congreso Internacional
de Arquitectura, Querétaro, Mexico. September 23, 2010.
"Construir en la Naturaleza, construir con la Naturaleza," MADRID 100% Arquitectura, Casa
dell'Architettura di Roma. July 8, 2010.
"Building with Nature | Building in Nature," Spanish Architects Abroad, Instituto Cervantes, Berlin.
June 15, 2010.
"Arquitectura y Naturaleza / Arquitectura e Historia: trabajo reciente de Miró Rivera Architects,"
Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico. February 22, 2010.
"Building in/with Nature - Building in/with History." AIA San Antonio Design Awards. November 3,
“Ciudad, Naturaleza e Historia.” Colegio de Arquitectos de Valencia, Spain. June 30, 2009.
“Building, Nature, and the Relevance of History: Reflections on Recent Work.” Department of Architecture, School of Science and Technology, Meiji University, Japan. June 9, 2009.
“Building, Nature, and the Relevance of History: Reflections on Recent Work.” College of Architecture, Texas Tech University. April 17, 2009.
“Building, Nature, and the Relevance of History: Reflections on Recent Work”, with Miguel Rivera. School of Architecture and Planning, SUNY Buffalo. April 15, 2009.
“Building, Nature, and the Relevance of History: Reflections on Recent Work”, with Miguel Rivera. Dallas Architecture Forum. January 22, 2009.
“Nature, Domesticity and the Public Realm”, with Miguel Rivera. Louisiana State University School of Architecture. November 11, 2008.
“Waterscapes”, with Miguel Rivera. School of Architecture Technical University, Munich. July 2, 2008.
“Entendiendo el Entorno: Obras y Proyectos”, School of Architecture, Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City. February 2008.
“Responsible Architecture”, with Miguel Rivera. The University of Florida Architecture Lecture Series – Fall. School of Architecture: College of Design, Construction and Planning, The University of Florida. November 5, 2007.
“Responsible Architecture”, with Miguel Rivera. Architecture at the Umlauf Lecture Series, The Umlauf Sculpture Garden, Austin, Texas. October 11, 2007.
“Teotihuacan: Past, Present and Future: A Sacred City’s Universal Value and Some Ideas for its Protection”, with Ilan Vit. International Conference for Sustainable Urbanism, College of Architecture at Texas A&M University. April 2007.
“Constructing Austin”, panelist with Kevin Alter and Larry Speck, School of Architecture, University of Houston. February 2007.
“Back to Basics”, Emerging Architecture Series 2007 at the RIBA, London. February 2007.
“Reclaiming the Post-Industrial Landscape of Mexico City: A Blueprint for Collaborative Studios between Architecture and Landscape Architecture Students”, with Lynn Osgood. ACSA Central Regional Conference, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. October 2006.
“Sustainability or the Art of Common Sense.” at the Center Lunch Forum, University of Texas at Austin. September 2006.
“Sustainable Development and the Preservation of Cultural Heritage: The Case of the Valley of Teotihuacan.” Sustainability in the Americas Conference. University of Texas at Austin. September 2006.
“Thinker, Builder, Artist and Citizen: The Different “Hats” of Responsible Architects.” Design III Forum, School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin. August 2006.
“Mexican Identity in Architecture.” Fulbright Program, LLILAS, University of Texas at Austin. June 2006.
"Teotihuacan: Ayer, Hoy y Mañana” (“Teotihuacan: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow"). Keynote lecture at the II Seminario Internacional de Conservación del Patrimonio (II International Conference on Conservation of Heritage).Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Merida, México. April 2006.
"La Ciudad como Objeto de Culto: Representaciones de la Forma Urbana en la Iconografía Teotihuacana." (The City as an Object of Worship: Representations of the Urban Form in the Iconography of Teotihuacan”). Paper presented at the IV Mesa Redonda de Teotihuacan. San Juan de Teotihuacan, México. November 2005.
“Thoughts on Architecture, Architectural Education and Sustainability.” Vertical Studio Lecture
Series, School of Architecture, University of Texas, Austin. November, 2005.
"Arquitectura Responsable.” with partner Miguel Rivera. Escuela de Arquitectura, Universidad de
Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico. October 2005.
“Recent Work.” LecTOUR, AIAS Lecture Series, School of Architecture, University of Texas at Austin. October, 2005.
“Developing Partnerships between Architects and Engineers.” Panelist. The Fabric Structures 2005 Conference, San Antonio, Texas. October 2005.
"The Search for Identity in Mexican Architecture." Antiquity and Continuity conference at University of Texas at Austin. June 2005.
“Responsible Architecture: Miró Rivera Architects Recent Work.” With Miguel Rivera, AIA. School of Architecture, University of Tennessee at Knoxville. April 2005.
“Arquitectura Responsable.” School of Architecture, Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City. February 2005.
“La Ciudad como Objeto de Culto en Teotihuacan.” Universidad Villarica, Veracruz, Mexico. March 2004.
“La Ciudad como Objeto de Culto en Teotihuacan.” UNAM, Mexico City. February 2004
“Why Architecture Matters.” Tuesday Club, Austin. November 2003.
“Proyectos Recientes.” Universidad Villarica, Veracruz, Mexico. March 2003.
“Sustainable Design and Development in the Americas.” Panelist. University of Texas Center for Sustainable Development. University of Texas at Austin. January 2003.
“Residential Trends in Texas.” Panelist. Texas Society of Architects Annual Convention. Fort Worth, Texas. November 2003.
“Mexicanidad in Modern Mexican Architecture.” Institute of Latin Americas Studies, University of Texas at Austin. November 2002.
“On Plazas, Mirrors, and Memorials.” Center for American Architecture and Design, University of Texas at Austin. October 2002.
“The Lake Austin Boat Dock.” Panelist. Texas Society of Architects Annual Convention, Austin, Texas. October 2002.
“Obras y Proyectos.” Facultad de Arquitectura, UNAM, Mexico City. February 2002.
“Teotihuacan: About the City.” California State University at Los Angeles. April 2001.
“Current Work.” College of Architecture, Texas A&M University. April 2001.
“The Deck House.” Panelist. Texas Society of Architects Annual Convention. San Antonio. November 2000.
“A Rural House in Texas.” ACSA Regional Meeting, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. September 2000.
Design Award Program Symposium, Juror and Panelist. AIA New York Chapter. September 2000.
“Recent Work.” University of Texas at Austin. October 2000.
“Mexican Architecture.” University of Texas at Austin. February, 1999.
“Obras y Proyectos.” School of Architecture, Universidad Politecnica,Madrid, Spain. May 1998.
“Peruvian Architecture.” University of Texas at Austin. February, 1998.
Summer Research Assignment Grant, University of Texas at Austin, 1998. $10,000 for ongoing research on Teotihuacan.
The Graham Foundation for the Fine Arts, Chicago, 1992–93. Awarded a $5,000 matching grant for the project “From the Igloo to the Pyramid: Architecture and Urbanism of the Native American.”
“From the Igloo to the Pyramid: Architecture and Urbanism of the Native Americas”, Yale Art Gallery, November 1991. Curator of the exhibition and editor of the catalog, with Yong Bum Cho.
Juan Miró and Fernando Lara. “Let’s build global consensus for reconnecting with nature.” Austin-
American Statesman. October 18, 2017.
Juan Miró and Junfeng Jiao. “Is the ‘Uberization’ of public transportation the future for Texas
cities?” Texas Tribune. September 21, 2017.
Juan Miró. “Plans for Muny, tract can’t ignore urgent UT interests.” Austin-American Statesman.
April 28, 2017.
Juan Miró. “Muny’s fate must be considered with UT’s interest in mind.” Texas Tribune. April 27,
Juan Miró. “The Problem with the Declaration of Independence.” Texas Tribune. July 4, 2016.
Juan Miró. Back Cover Review, Shaping Terrain: City Building in Latin America. Gainesville:
University Press of Florida. 2016.
Juan Miró. “The Central Role of Nature in Shaping the Built Environment of the Americas.” Platform
– The University of Texas at Austin. Fall 2015.
Juan Miró. “Making Complex Systems Visible: ‘Between Geometry and Geography’ Carefully
Uncovers the Layers of Mexico City.” ArchDaily. January 8, 2015.
Juan Miró and Jose Luis de las Rivas Sanz. “Landscape City: Nature and Urban Regeneration in
American Cities.” Bitácora. Mexico. July/November 2014.
Juan Miró. “Miró: Brackenridge Tract is a great opportunity for UT, Austin.” Austin American-Statesman. March 14, 2014.
Juan Miró. “Let’s guide Austin’s growth to preserve landscape, offer compact alternative.” Austin-American Statesman. June 16, 2011.
Juan Miró. “Construyendo con la naturaleza y en la naturaleza.” In Spanish Architects Abroad: Rafael Moneo, Victor López Cotelo, Enrique Sobejano, Juan Miró, Iñaki Ábalos talk about their work. Berlin Studio e.V., Instituto Cervantes Berlin and jovis Verlag GmbH, April 2011.
Juan Miró. "Teotihuacan: En busca del dialogo perfecto entre ciudad y naturaleza (Teotihuacan: Searching for the Perfect Dialog Between City and Nature).”In Ciudades. 14, Valladolid, Spain, in press, 2009.
Juan Miró. “Charles Gwathmey.” Texas Architect. September/October 2009
Juan Miró. “Teotihuacan: Ayer, Hoy y Mañana (Teotihuacan: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow).”In Permanencias del territorio, de los asentamientos y la arquitectura antiguos en las ciudades contemporáneas. Proceedings from the II International Conference on Conservation of Heritage. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mérida, México, 2006.
Juan Miró. “Overrated/Underrated.” Plan, Ireland, April 2007.
Juan Miró. "Bridging the Gap: Reclaiming Structural Thinking in the Design Process of Architects"
Platform – The University of Texas at Austin. Fall 2006.
Juan Miró. "La Ciudad como Objeto de Culto: Representaciones de la Forma Urbana en la Iconografía Teotihuacana”. In Teotihuacan: más allá de la ciudad. Proceedings from the IV Mesa Redonda Teotihuacana. INAH, México (in press).
Juan Miró. "Light architecture: Building in sensitive sites". Fabric Architecture. July/August 2005.
Juan Miró. "Teotihuacan: la ciudad ideal construida”.Bitácora. Mexico. April/June, 2005.
Juan Miró and Ilan Vit. "Hacia un Plan Integral de Protección y Desarrollo para el Valle de Teotihuacan" (Towards an Integral Plan of Protection and Development for the Valley of Teotihuacan). Bitácora. Mexico. April - June 2005.
Juan Miró. "Between Mexicanidad and Modernity: Contemporary Mexican Architecture." Texas Architect. November/December 2003.
Winners and Jurors 2003, Architectural Record. May 2003.
Juan Miró. “Lake Austin Boat Dock.” Texas Architect. September/October 2002.
Juan Miró. “New Urbanism: 140 Years Ago.” Texas Architect. March/April 2002.
Juan Miró. “Organic: The Crowell House by John Watson.” Tribeza. September/October 2001.
Juan Miró, Stephanie Mallis, Andrée Putnam. “Interior Architecture Awards.” Oculus. December 2000.
Miró Rivera Architects, Partner. Austin, Texas. 2000–present
Juan Miró Architects, Principal. Austin, Texas. 1997–2000
Gwathmey Siegel & Associates Architects,Project Architect. New York City. 1991–1997
Santiago Calatrava. Madrid, Spain. 1989.
Fernando Higueras, Antonio Miró, Félix Candela. Madrid, Spain. 1988-89.
Dietl- Miró- Ordonez, Partner. Madrid, Spain. 1986-89.
2017 Austin Green Awards (Milagro Springs Retreat). Austin Green Awards.
2017 Honorable Mention (Chinmaya Mission Austin). The American Architecture Prize.
2017 Honorable Mention (Vertical House). The American Architecture Prize.
2017 Second Place (Yarauvi). Amarillo Museum of Art, Biennial 600: Architecture.
2017 Judges’ Commendation (Vertical House). Barbara Cappochin Biennial International Prize
for Architecture.
2017 4-Star Rating (Milagro Springs Retreat). Austin Energy Green Building.
2017 LEED Gold Ceritification (AISD Performing Arts Center). US Green Building Council.
2016 Austin Green Award (AISD Performing Arts Center). Austin Green Awards.
2016 Austin Green Award (LifeWorks). Austin Green Awards.
2016 Firm of the Year Award (Miró Rivera Architects). Texas Society of Architects.
2016 Faith & Form Award: Religious Architecture, New Facilities (Chinmaya Mission Austin).
Faith & Form Magazine | Interfaith Forum on Religion, Art, and Architecture.
2016 Award of Merit (Chinmaya Mission Austin). Illuminating Engineering Society of North
2016 Architizer A+ Special Mention (Chinmaya Mission Austin). Architizer.
2016IDEAS² National Award (Vertical House). American Institute of Steel Construction.
2015 Design Award (Chinmaya Mission Austin). Texas Society of Architects.
2015 Design Award (Vertical House). Texas Society of Architects.
2015 Design Award (Circuit of the Americas). Texas Society of Architects.
2015 Design Award (Chinmaya Mission Austin).American Institute of Architects – Austin.
2015 IDEAS² Merit Award (Observation Tower). American Institute of Steel Construction.
2014 Honor Award (Vertical House, Austin).American Institute of Architects – Austin.
2014 Citation of Honor Award (Formula1 Grand Stand).American Institute of Architects – Austin.
2013 Award for Distinction, Private Development, Winner (Formula 1). Urban Land Institute,
2013 Best New Major Concert Venue(Austin360 Amphitheater). Pollstar.
2013 Community Project of the Year (LifeWorks). Texas Renewal Energy Industries Association.
2013 Place by Design AwardsFinalist (Town Lake Trail Restroom). SXSW Eco, Austin.
2013 Merit Award (F1 Tower).AIA Austin.
2013 Design Award (Lifeworks). Texas Society of Architects.
2013 Commercial Real Estate Awards, Overall Winner (Circuit of the Americas). Austin Business Journal.
2013 5-Star Rating (LifeWorks). Austin Energy Green Building.
2012 5-Star Rating (West Ridge Residence). Austin Energy Green Building.
2012 Student Architecture Award (LifeWorks). SOA University of Texas at Austin.
2012 Critics Pick: Architecture and Lodging (Formula 1 Grandstand).The Austin Chronicle.
2012Community StewardshipAward Finalist (LifeWorks). Envision Central