Complex SentencesSentence Combining

Four Types of Sentences /Compound-Complex Sentences


GrammarStandards- Unit 2


Mastery / Non-Mastery
1.Complex Sentences
2. Sentence Combining
3.Four Types of Sentences / Compound-Complex Sentences

GrammarStandards- Unit 2


Mastery / Non-Mastery
1.Complex Sentences
2. Sentence Combining
3.Four Types of Sentences / Compound-Complex Sentences


You’vealready learned thataclause has asubject and averb.There are twokinds of clauses:

1. An independent clause2.Adependent clause

DependentClause:Adependent clause has asubject and averb.However,it has NOcompletethought.It needsan independent clause.Therefore,it is dependent on theindependent clause.

Example:After Tylercalled his friend.. .Subject = TylerVerb = Called

Independent Clause:An independent clause has asubject,verb, and acompletethought.

It is asentence.

Example: He met himat the park.

SimpleSentence:Asimplesentence onlyhas asubject and acompletepredicate.

Examples:Thedogbarked./Thebig, hairydogwith sharpteeth barkedat the mailman.

ComplexSentence:Adependent clauseneedsan independent clause.When you put thetwotogether,you have acomplexsentence.

Examples:When the mailman arrived,the dogbarked.

Dependent clauseIndependent Clause

SubordinateConjunctions:Subordinateconjunctionsconnectadependent clausewith an

independent clause.Hereare someexamples:


Directions:Write “Dependent Clause” underthedependent clause and “Independent Clause” undertheindependent clause.Circle thesubordinateconjunction.

1.Themailmanwouldn’tdeliver our mail after my dog bithim intheleg.

Independent ClauseDependentClause

2.Sarahcould have done betteron the assignment,although shedid receiveanA.

3.Becauseshedidn’t say,“Mothermay I?” she had tostart over.

4.Beforemy momwouldlet me spendthe night, she had totalkto Jamie’smom.

5.If youstudyforthetest,youwilldomuch better.

6.Once the play started,we were notallowed totalk.

7.We won’t beable to play unlessthe rain stops bynoon.

8.Rex practicedhis guitaruntil he could play thesong perfectly.

9.Whenever I think about my thirdgradeteacher,I have awarmfeelinginside.

10.Weplayed gameswhilethe adults sat and talked.


Directions: Write “Dependent Clause”underthedependent clauseand “IndependentClause”undertheindependent clause.Circle thesubordinateconjunction.

1.Themailmanwouldn’tdeliver our mail after my dog bithim intheleg.

Independent ClauseDependentClause

2.Becausewe were all sotired,we decided togo home early.

3.Unlesswe do allofourhomework,we won’t beable to play.

4.My dog waitedat thedoorforus untilwe got home.

5.Althoughnoneof us wantedtoleave, we had to behomebefore midnight.

6.If Charlie doesn’t stopteasingthatdog, thedog is goingto bitehim.

7.We took pictureswhilethemonkeys swungfromthetrees.

8.Whenevermy sistergets introuble,my dadmakes her weedthegarden.

9.Once schoolstarts,you need a pass toget into yourclass.

10.Beforeyou accusesomeone of stealingyour pencil,make sureit isn’t just lost.

11.I had togotothedentist becausemy back toothstartedto hurt.

12.After I finishedmy project,I asked my dadtocheckit formistakes.

13.If I hadhit the ball fivemorefeet, it would havebeen a homerun.

14.We could not gotothemovies untilmy baby sisterwokeupfrom hernap.

15.Aliceplayed the piano while Maryplayedher flute.

Extension: Use eachsubordinateconjunctionbelow inacomplexsentence.Skip lines. Whenfinished,write“Independent Clause” undertheindependent clausesand“Dependent Clause”below thedependent clauses.


Directions: Write adependent clausethatturnsthesimplesentenceinto acomplexsentence.Use thesubordinateconjunctionsintheextensionbelow forideas.

1.Whilewesangattheconcert, parentsrecordedtheshowwiththeirvideocameras.


, we will be goingtocamp.

3. , Dad changed the flat tire.

4.The police searched every house______

5.I like toeatcottoncandy.

6.______, youcangotothemovies on Saturday.

7.______, everyone stopped what they were doing.



10. , thegirlsdid each other’shair.

11. , we’ll have totaketwocars.

12. , we sangcampsongsfor hours.




Extension: Your dog has escapedand wantsto playhideand seek.It’s yourjobtotrack himdown.Write a oneparagraph story about your attemptstocatch him. Useat leastthree( 3 ) complexsentences.Use thesubordinateconjunctionsbelow forideas.

afterasbecausebeforeifoncesincesounlesswhenwheneverwherever whether while

Directions: Write adependent clausethatturnsthesimplesentenceinto acomplexsentence.

1.Whilewesangattheconcert, parentsrecordedtheshowwiththeirvideocameras.

2. ,I frozelike astatue.

3. , the officerwalkedinto the roomandasked, “Who’sinchargehere?”



6., the boysbegan chuckingsnowballseverywhere.

7. , thecaptainhad towashthedeck of the boat.



10. , Frank wonderedwhy noone was here.

11. , theteacherwrotetheirhomeworkon the board.

12. , a bearbroke into our tent andateour food.




Extension: Think of ataskthatcan be explainedeasily.For example,youcanexplainhow tomake a peanutbutterand jelly sandwich.

Write a oneparagraph explanationofhow todothattask.Useat leastthree( 3 ) complexsentences.Use thesubordinateconjunctionsbelow forideas.

afterasbecausebeforeifoncesincesounlesswhenwhenever wherever whether while

Being able tocombinesentencescan help youwritemoresmoothly.Many timesyoucansaythingsin one sentence betterthanyoucansaythemintwo.Theseworksheetswillhelp you practicesentencecombining.Pay close attentiontothe new sentencescreatedsoyoucanstartmaking longer, smoothersentences.

Sentence Combining Tricks

1.Sharing Important Words2.MakingPhrases3. Join Sentences

Sometimes youcaneliminateneedlesssentences by takingkey wordsfrom othersentences andputting theminto one sentence.Look at thesamples below:

TwoSentences:The milk spoiled.It was two weeks old.

Combined Sentence:The two week old milk spoiled.

Several Sentences:Thewaterwas cold.Thewaterwasdirty. Thewaterwaspolluted.

Combined Sentence: Thewaterwas cold, dirty,andpolluted.

Directions: On aseparatesheet ofpaper,rewritethefollowingsentencesinto one smoothsentence.You will need toshareimportantwordstocombinethesesentences.Remember, theremay be many waystocombineeach of thesesentences.

1.The high school band gaveaconcert.It lasted for anhour.

2.Mombought me ashirt.Next, she bought me someshoes.She bought me pants.

3.I receivedaletter frommy friend Ashley. It wasthree pages long.

4.We waitedfor Paul. We waitedfor Peter.We waitedfor Mary.

5.Ginamade acakefor her dad’s birthday. Thecakewaschocolatewithsprinkles.

6.We founda puppy wanderingthestreets.It wassmallwith black spots.

7.ThisweekinclassI wrotea poem. Also, I wroteasong.Then,I wroteastory.

8.My catcanclimbatree.She canclimbafence.She canclimbanythingelseshewants.

9.He wasupset abouthis toy.It was broken.

10.When youdrawaclown,be suretogiveit afunny nose.Also, giveit a big mouth.Thengiveit wideeyes.

Sentence Combining Tricks

1.SharingImportant Words2.MakingPhrases3. Join Sentences

Appositives:Sometimes we use an entiresentencedescribing something,whenwe could havejust useda phrase in another sentence. Example:

TwoSentences:Mr.Jonesis mycoach. He taught me howto bunt a baseball.

Combined Sentence with Appositive:Mr.Jones,mycoach, taught me howto bunt a baseball.

Phrases:Sometimes we cantakea phrase from another sentence and use it tocombinetwosentences.

Several Sentences:Henry went to getsome paper. He wentdown the hall.

Combined Sentence:Henry wentdown the hallto getsome paper.

Directions: On aseparatesheet ofpaper,rewritethefollowingsentencesinto one smoothsentence.You will need totake phrases from one sentence andadd themtotheother sentence.Remember, theremay be many waystocombineeach of thesesentences.

1.Franciscois my neighbor. We walktoschooltogethereveryday.

2.Kylethrewthe ball. It wentinto the bushes.

3.Timscoredtwenty points in our gamelast week.Timis our captain.

4.Thestudentsenjoyedsigningeach others’yearbooks.Theysignedthemunderthetree.

5.TheBattlingButterflieswonthechampionship.They are my sister’ssoftballteam.

6.We drove all thewayto Flagstaff.Werode in ourChevyVenture.

7.Chuck carriedthe box totheclass.It wasfilledwith readingbooks.

8.Our choirsang “FriendsForever”at graduation.“FriendsForever” wasselected bystudentcouncil.

9.All thegirlsintheclassgave Antonio avalentinelast February.He’s the nicestboy intheclass.

10.Mom wenttotalkto ourneighbor. She lives across thestreet.

11.Mr.Derker is my piano teacher.Hehasbeen teachingme forthreeyears.

12.Moniquewrotea poem.It was aboutpandas.

Sentence Combining Tricks

1.SharingImportant Words2.MakingPhrases3.Join SentencesCompoundSentences:

When there are twosentencesthatshareasimilarthought,youcancombinethemintoacompoundsentence.Acommais placedat theend of thefirstsentence and acoordinateconjunctionis usedtoconnectthetwosentences.

TwoSentences:Weare havinga party. All of myfriends are invited.

Compound Sentence:Weare havinga party,andall of myfriends are invited.


Sometimes twosentencescanshareacompletethought.Youhavealready learned thatcomplexsentences have adependent clause andan independent clause.Insomecases,youcantakeaclausefrom one sentence and make it thedependent clausein another sentence.

TwoSentences: Dadis goingto take us to get pizza.We’re goingafter he drivesMomto the airport.

Complex Sentence:After Dad drives Momto the airport, he’sgoingto take us to getpizza.

Directions: On aseparatesheet ofpaper,rewritethefollowingsentencesinto one smoothsentence.You will need tomake compoundor complexsentences.Remember,theremay be many waystocombineeach of thesesentences.

1.We wantedtosee themovie.It wassold out.

2.Tonywon anaward. He wasthefastest runnerintheschool.

3.Ashley won anaward. She receivedit last Wednesday.

4.Thechoirpracticedfora halfanhour.They practicedbefore going on stage.

5.Mom did her groceryshopping.At thesametime,we played videogames.

6.Tomorrowwe might gotothe beach. We might also gotothe park.

7.Our footballcaptainringsthevictory bell. Heringsit wheneverwe winagame.

8.The bellrang. Everyoneracedoutof theclassrooms.

9.We moved tothefront row.Wehad tomove sowe couldsee better.

10.I had a hamburger fordinner.I had ice-creamfordessert.

11.I gota radio formy birthday. I wanteda bike.

12.I had togo back tomy house.I forgotmy lunch.

Sentence Combining Tricks

1.Sharing Important Words2.MakingPhrases3.Join Sentences

Directions:On aseparatesheet ofpaper,rewritethefollowingsentencesinto one smoothsentence.Remember, theremay be many waystocombineeach of thesesentences.

1.The baby learned how tocrawl.She wasfivemonths old.

2.I helpMrs. Snodgrass after school.She wasmy fourthgradeteacher.

3.My dadwent on a businesstrip.He went across thecountry.

4.I bought a hotdog. I ate it underatree.

5.Wehad totakeashower.Thenwe couldgointhe pool.

6.We wentinto the park. We went across thefield.We went onto theswings.

7.The UnitedStates haspeople from almost everycountry.It’s the best countryintheworld.

8.Mr. Simoncorrectedourpapers.At thesametimewe drew our illustrations.

9.Amy wonthelottery. It wasworthamilliondollars.

10.Michaelcollectedfiftywormsfor our fishingtrip.He gotthemfrom ourback yard.

11.I scoredtwenty points yesterday.We lost anyway.

12.Rex barkedat themailman.Next, hebarkedatourneighbor. Finally,hebarkedat me.

13.Our coachis takingus tothe battingcages.Hisname is Mr.Henderson.

14.We cutdown our tree.Now thereis more room to play.

15.The policeofficergaveatickettothedriver. Theticketwasforspeeding.

16.Our classsangasong at the assembly. It was aboutAmerica.

17.We cansavetwentydollars.Wehave tosignupfor ballet lessons today.

18.BeforeI couldeatI had towashmy hands.ThenI had toset thetable.Finally, I hadtomake thelemonade.

19.Number Blasterwill help me withmy math.It is a new computerprogram.

20.We cango on the Ferriswheel.We cango on the Merry-go-round.

Sentence Combining Tricks

1.Sharing Important Words2.MakingPhrases3.Join Sentences

Directions:On aseparatesheet ofpaper,rewritethefollowingsentencesinto one smoothsentence.Remember, theremay be many waystocombineeach of thesesentences.

1.Wehadpizza fordinner.It was pepperoni.

2.Shirley is thecaptainofour cheerteam.She createdseveral new cheersforus.

3.Wehad tosearchfor our lost ball.It rolledinto the bushes.

4.We made chocolatecakefortheclass.It melted inthecar.

5.Mikeawona newbicycle. She soldmorecookiesthan anyone.

6.The barber washedmy hair.Then he cutit. Finally,he styledit.

7.Peanut waseaten by Slim. Peanut wasmy mouse and Slim is my snake.

8.Mybaby sistercries.She does thatwhenevermy momleaves the house.

9.The boyrodehisbike withouthis trainingwheels.He wasfiveyears old.

10.I wentswimming at the beach.I stayedinthewaterfor anhour.

11.I had to hide my new gamefrommy brother. It had to be inaverysafe place.

12.Thefiremanconnectedthe hose. Next, he dragged it tothe house.Then, he turnedonthewater.

13.We’re goingtothemovies.We’ll go after I mow thelawn.

14.You can playon theswings.You canskate around the park.

15.We jumped into thewater and jumped rightbackout.Thewaterwascold.

16.Mrs. Trigsis my math teacher.She explainsfractionsverywell.

17.Wehad togoto another storetofindthevideo.Thestorewas all theway across town.

18.Thedoctor tookmy temperature.He checkedmy throat.He gaveme somemedicine.

19.Our classwill have a pizzaparty.Weallneed todo ourhomeworkforamonth.

20.Thefirstforty peoplereceivedfree posters. The peoplehad to be wearingred.

Beforeyoulearnthefourthtype of sentence,thecompound-complexsentence,let’s reviewthethree othertypes of sentences:

1.SimpleSentence:Asentencewith only asubject and a predicate.

Examples: Thedogbarked.ORThebig, mean dogbarkedferociouslyat the catinthe tree.

2.CompoundSentence:Asentencewithtwoindependent clausesjoined by acoordinateconjunction.Example: Thedogbarked,andthe cat ranaway.

3.ComplexSentence:Asentencewith an independent clause and adependent clause.Example:When the dogbarked, the cat ranaway.


Acompound-complexsentenceis exactlywhatits name states.It is acompoundsentence.Oneor bothof theindependent clauseswill have adependent clause.Thismakes thesentencecomplexas well.


CompoundSentence:Thedog barked,and thecat ranaway.

Add the dependent clause:“ Whenhe sawthecat”

Thedog barked when he sawthecat, and thecat ranaway.

Add the dependent clause:“ untilshewassafe.”

Thedog barked when he sawthecat, and thecat ranaway untilshewassafe.

Directions: Turnthecompoundsentences below into compound-complexsentences byadding thedependent clausesin parentheses.

Example:Dependent Clauses: ( Until I feel better ) ( Whenever I’m sick)My mommakes chickensoup, and my dad reads tome.

WheneverI’msickmymom makes chicken soup,and my dadreads to me until I feel better.

1.Dependent Clause:( as soon as we arrived )We wenttothegame, but it startedto rain.

2.Dependent Clauses: ( whilethe parents made punch) ( once the party started)Themusic wasloud, and everyonedanced.

3.Dependent Clauses: ( whenthestudentstooktheirseats) ( whichwasin room 304)Theclassstarted, and theteacherbegan toteach.

4.Dependent Clause:( if theweatheris bad )We’ll gocamping,or we might stayina hotel.

5.Dependent Clauses: ( becausehehad togotoameeting ) ( whenclassstarted)Thestudentswere ready,but theteacherwaslate.

6.Dependent Clauses: ( when hisparents came home )( sowe could have morefun)The party ended, and we wenttoTom’s house.

7.Dependent Clause:( untilthe people left thetheater)Weboughtour tickets, but we couldn’tgoin.

8.Dependent Clause:( thatwent over thecenterfieldfence)Hehit a homerun,and theDodgers wonthegame.

9.Dependent Clauses: ( whileI domy work)( whenI get home )You can play inthe park,or youcangoswimming.

10.Dependent Clauses: ( soshe’d bereadytowin) ( whenshe arrivedat thefield)Thegirl putonher cleats, and shewarmedupfortwentyminutes.

Directions: Write adependent clausethatturnsthecompoundsentenceinto acompound-complexsentence. Use thesubordinateconjunctionsintheextensionbelow forideas.

1. Whilemymom baked thecake shewhistledasong, and I hummedalong.

2.We wenttothestore, and my dad bought me abike .

3.Thecatwilldrinkthemilk, or it willdrinkthemilk .

4.thecarswillwarmuptheirengines,and theywillraceoff thestartingline.

5.Thegirlssatinthegrass, and theytoldstories


6.thesnakecame outof the hole,but it wasn’table toeat.

7.The bandplayed asong, and crowdwentcrazy.

8.wehad tocalltosaywe’d be late, butnoonewas home.

9.You cansingasolo, or youcansingwiththechoir .

10.Amy cleansthe board,and sheemptiesthetrash .

Extension:Write three( 3 ) compoundsentences.Next, turntheminto compound-complexsentences byadding dependent clauses.Use thesubordinateconjunctionsbelowforideas.

afterasbecausebeforeifoncesincesounlesswhenwhenever wherever whether while

Directions: Write adependent clausethatturnsthecompoundsentenceinto acompound-complexsentence.

1.I gotothegolfcourse, and I help carrythebags .

2.My catjumps on my bed, and shelicksmy ear .

3.We wanted ourpicture taken, but we were outof film.

4.thekidscome runningoutof the house,andtheyscreamlike wild animals.

5.she hadher choicetotakegymnasticslessons, orshecould play soccer.

6.Themagician needed avolunteer, and I raisedmy hand .

7.We countedthe pennies, and they rolledthem .

8.Jimand Sarahweregoingtositinthegrass, butit wastoocrowded.

9.We can’tgotothemovies, and we’ll have totakemy sister .

10.You canwashthecars, or youcandrythem off .

Directions: Thesentences beloware eithersimple,complex,compoundor compound-complexsentences.

Read thesentencethencircletheletter below thatdescribes thesentence.

1.Whenthe workisfinished,we’regoingtogoout forpizza.

A. Simple SentenceB.Complex SentenceC. Compound SentenceD. Compound-complexSentence

2.We werehungry,butdinnerwasn’treadyyet.

A. Simple SentenceB.Complex SentenceC. Compound SentenceD. Compound-complexSentence

3.The puppyjumpsinto my lapwheneverhewantsto play, and licks my face.

A. Simple SentenceB.Complex SentenceC. Compound SentenceD. Compound-complexSentence

4.The birdswereplayingin our pool.

A. Simple SentenceB.Complex SentenceC. Compound SentenceD. Compound-complexSentence

5.Ken mowedthe lawn, andJeff washedthecar.

A. Simple SentenceB.Complex SentenceC. Compound SentenceD. Compound-complexSentence

6.The beautifuldancerwalked across thestagetoaccept the flowersfrom the director.

A. Simple SentenceB.Complex SentenceC. Compound SentenceD. Compound-complexSentence

7.We havefunwhenevermy cousinscomeover, buttheywon’tvisitusuntilthey sell theirhouse.

A. Simple SentenceB.Complex SentenceC. Compound SentenceD. Compound-complexSentence

8.We had tostopswimmingbecauseit startedtorain.

A. Simple SentenceB.Complex SentenceC. Compound SentenceD. Compound-complexSentence

9.There is a bigbox ofold baby clothes in the back ofthecloset.

A. Simple SentenceB.Complex SentenceC. Compound SentenceD. Compound-complexSentence

10.The boysplayedwhile thegirls painted, andeveryone had a goodtime.

A.Simple SentenceB.Complex SentenceC. Compound SentenceD. Compound-complexSentence

Extension: Write two( 2 ) simplesentences,two( 2 ) complexsentences,two( 2 ) compoundsentences and two( 2 ) compound-complexsentences about thingsthat happenduringthe holidays. Below are somesubordinateconjunctionsto help.

afterasbecausebeforeifoncesincesounlesswhenwhenever wherever whether while


Doyou noticeanything funny about thissentence?

Running down the street,I watched my dog.

According tothissentence,whois runningdown thestreet?Was I runningdown thestreet or wasthedog?The phrase “Runningdown thestreet”describes ( modifies ) theworddog. However,becauseof thewayit wasused,the readeris unsure about whois beingdescribed.

Thesentence needs to berewritten:

I watched my dogas he randown the street.

Directions: On aseparatesheet ofpaper,rewritethefollowingsentencessothattheyarenot confusing.

1.Singing intheshower,I heard my dad.

2.My teacheris atall,skinnymanwithamustache weighingonlyonehundredand fiftypounds.

3.Walking toschool,thesky looked like it wasgoingto rain.

4.When throwingafit, Momputs my baby sisterin time-out.

5.The bird we sawsuddenlyflew away.

6.Our dog has a pink tongueand alongtailwho barks alot.

7.Flying thekite,thetreesgotintheway.

8.Whenhe sucks his thumb,my dadknowsit’s timeto put my babybrother to bed.

9.The ice-creamshemade quicklymelted inthesun.

10.Riding my bike, the police car passedby me.

11.When they need to bepunished,theteachersmake thestudentsstay after school.

12.Ordering thefood,thewaiterasked if I wantedfries.

Directions: On aseparatesheet ofpaper,rewritethefollowingsentencessothattheyarenot confusing.

1.Climbing tothetop of themountain,thelights of thecityshined brightly.

2.Walking thedog, thecatstartedafight.

3.Whenhungry, a hamburger will beperfectfordinner.

4.The boat that hit theiceberg slowlysankinto thesea.

5.Copying down the homework,theteacherremindedthemtostudyfortheirtest.

6.Thedancer waswearinga beautifulcostumehavingpracticedall week.

7.Thevolcanoexplodedviolentlyshootinglavainto the air.

8.Eatingpopcorn, themoneys I watchedwerefunny.

9.Paying forthetickets,themoney fell off thecounter.

10.Thechildthe parent disciplined stubbornlystormedinto hisbedroom.

11.He wasafunnyclownwearinga bignose tellingsillyjokes.

12.Picking weeds,severalwormscrawledtothetop of thesoil.

13.Whenangry, thedoctor toldme to punch a pillow.

14.Talking on the phone, my mom neededto ask aquestion.

15.Thestudentdressed beautifullysangthesong.

I.Simple and CompleteSubjects and Predicates

Useany literature book tofindexamplesof theitems below:

A. Copyany sentencethatis ten( 10 ) words or longer.

1.Thesimplesubject of thesentenceis

2.The predicateis



II.Phrasesand Clauses

A.Findthree phrases:




B.Find threedependent clauses:








III.Typesof Sentences

A.Findacompoundsentence.Copy it below:

B.Find acomplexsentence.Copy it below:

C.Find an imperative.Copy it below: